Forum Discussion

MizoreYukii's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

♪ Muse Cycle 3 ♪ - Winner Announced!

Welcome back music lovers to Muse Cycle 3!

This cycle we are doing a nature theme, where each title of the song matches something in nature, which includes elements, weather, planets, animals, etc. And even though the title matches nature, the song lyrics might not, so your photos will still have a variety of themes in the end. Other than that, the competition runs as normal. If you're new continue reading to understand how the competition works!

In this competition you will be making photos based on your interpretations of songs, or in other words, what they mean to or inspire in you. Your images can be about the entire meaning of the song, just the feeling (as some will lack singing), just snippets of the lyrics, or any hidden messages you hear. The photos you make must tell the story/idea you were thinking of when making it. This means if you think the song is discussing loss of a mother, your photo should be able to show that with how you made it. You can, however, add an explanation when you submit your photos to help, but the explanation is only meant to help avoid confusion and your photo should still get the main idea across. Also, the majority of the rounds are free-reign with no specific requirements so your imagination can run wild, and there are also no examples in this comp since it is all about listening and imagining. For each assignment I will link to the song and lyrics, and I will try my best to avoid music videos as I want you guys to make edits based on what you think, not what the video is showing (even if some videos have nothing to do with the song).

These songs I choose will either be straightforward or confusing, it just depends on what I choose and how you see things. The genres can range from pop, Vocaloid, rap, jazz, rock, Celtic, fantasy, 90’s, classical, epic, swing, or even techno, anything really, so having a wide taste and appreciation for music will be a good thing. Also, the songs I choose will not be hardcore (so no hardcore rap, screamo, or hardcore metal, etc.), or inappropriate (though some may imply or have a word or two), so that everyone can enjoy the competition, and for future cycles I may do specific eras/genres. Also, please keep in mind that some songs may be sad or even refer to things, like guns, or cheating. I will do my absolute best to give you guys a wide variety of genres, though there are some songs that I’ve been dying to see be interpreted, so some genres may appear more than once, it just depends!

I hope you enjoy this competition, and who knows, maybe you’ll find a new artist you like. ;)

(If you would like to suggest songs, or specific genres/eras for future cycles, please message me!)

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  • Prizes for each competition may differ, but the Final 3 (or more) will always receive a banner/signature for memories and to display their win/placement. Roles will also be given on Discord.
  • Public voting will never be used to determine the winner of a competition.
  • All Sims games can compete, Sims 2, 3, or 4!
  • All editing/competing levels and styles are welcome! Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, No CC, Maxis Match, Alpha, Cartoonish, Realism, etc.
  • Feedback is given in every competition to help you improve, unless otherwise stated. Judges can skip feedback if it causes anxiety/stress or they are busy atm, otherwise feedback will be provided. Contestants can opt out of feedback as well, but this is for the entire competition and not per round. You may change your mind later.
  • Remember that we do not permanently alter the genetics in competitions. Hair color/style is the only exception, everything else is temporary.
  • Sims/models must be of your own creation, unless you have permission from a creator to use theirs. Sims/models may be re-used or new.
  • NO use of human or art body parts, or art abuse, in any competition (aka photoskinning, face/bodyplastering, or simmerizing, etc.). High quality stock/Google hair, objects/accessories, and clothes are fine in the appropriate competition. If you do clothes manipulate them onto the Sims body, not the other way around.
  • NO copying. Each entry should be unique but accidents are normal, even in DM only comps. If you are hesitant to post publicly DM your entries to me, but I promise that copying results in punishment and you have nothing to worry about.
  • NO cheating. This includes having other people edit for you. No one should ever do that for you in any competition, regardless of the excuse or host saying otherwise. These are competitions, meaning you are competing with your talents and creativity, not someone else’s.
  • NO re-using renders/images from previous competitions.
  • Full redo’s/resubmissions are not allowed. One time edits (lighting, shadows, crops, text, etc.) are allowed. Inform me when you do so I can update everything.
  • Extensions need to be asked for at least 8+ hours in advance. Extensions last for 1 day unless you absolutely need more time.
  • Late submissions are accepted if you submit before the judges get back to me, otherwise you will either be eliminated or receive the lowest rank, depending on the competition.
  • If you are traveling/going on vacation, please inform me so I can send you the assignments before you leave. Do not talk about, or send, the assignments you received to other contestants.
  • Please do not drop if you score badly (or in general unless it is a good reason) because you won’t improve by doing that. Each competition offers different challenges that help you grow and quitting early stumps growth. Use the feedback and resources to improve yourself, and don’t get disheartened if you do score badly. Trust me, we've all been there before.
  • If you have questions or concerns, message me!

    Competition Info

    • The model in the application you submit is a sim to represent your presence (it does not have to be a simself). You can use different sims for each assignment. Any gender, any size, Teen-Elder. No supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi/etc. sims, and no berry sims.
    • Max of 1 submission/photo per person due to several reasons (mostly because of how judging works).
    • There is no roleplaying or storytelling required in this comp, unless you choose to do so. Explanations for your photos, when submitting, are recommended and may be required depending on the song chosen (such as songs lacking lyrics).
    • The explanations you provide should not be the main way you express your idea. This means that your picture should be able to tell majority of the story without the explanation. The explanation is only meant to clarify and explain why you did what you did.
    • A wide range of music with different themes may be chosen. Please keep this in mind when signing up as we do not want drops just because one or two songs made you uncomfortable for whatever reason.
    • Please do not complain about a song or artist for any reason. We are here to enjoy and interpret music only, not debate or criticize. Feel free to express positive thoughts though.
    • Do not watch the official videos from the artists/companies until after the round, because I want you to interpret the song from your own thoughts, not the videos. Most videos don’t match the song anyways, but the point still stands.
    • CC is allowed and recommended, but not required.
    • Editing is optional, but recommended. You are allowed to draw for this comp.
    • High quality Google/stock clothing, hair and accessories are fine. Remember, no human or artwork body parts, manipulate the clothes onto the sim, etc.
    • Assignments will be 7 days long, or more, depending on the song. New rounds will be posted as soon as scoring starts, or once majority turn in.
    • This is a cumulative competition with no eliminations, and there will only be 10 rounds for this competition. Final Top 5 receive winning signatures and everyone else gets a participant signature.
    • Please see the Scoring section (forum) and/or #results channel (Discord) for information on judging/ranking, rank value, and tips.

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    Checked In

    Assignment Submitted

    Giveaway Details
    (This giveaway is not affiliated with EA.)

    Entering Muse Cycle 3 is required to enter the giveaway, but please avoid dropping at all costs. If you are arriving late and reading this, you are allowed to join after we start, but you'll miss out on the round tickets you missed (Up to Round/Assignment 3, after that signups are closed permanently). Based on the poll results (45% vs 55%), people would prefer a raffle system so we will be going with that. I know raffles are new to competitions so please bear with me as we test this.


    • By entering you automatically receive 1 ticket/entry into the competition.
    • Every round you submit your assignment is 1 ticket/entry (11 total by end of competition by just joining and submitting).
    • At the end of the competition I will post a question with the finale round. Answering is optional. Submitting an answer is 1 ticket/entry, and being correct is another (1) ticket/entry.

    If you do all of the above that is a total of 13 tickets/entries for the raffle.

    I was originally going to add more like for Top 3, first place, etc., but we'll keep this simple and more fair by only offering the above. After the giveaway and competition please feel free to post opinions/suggestions on the process, etc.

    If you win you have a budget of $40 USD. This is enough for 1 Expansion Pack, or mix and match between Stuff and Game Packs. So that means you can choose 2 Game Packs (20+20), a Game and 2 Stuff packs (20+10+10), or 4 Stuff Packs (10+10+10+10). If you win and don't use all the allotted money, I'll choose a second person through a second raffle, with the same tickets, to receive the rest of it. You may choose any pack, including ROM and the upcoming EP at the end of the year that we still know nothing about, but please keep in mind that you have to wait for that EP since it obviously hasn't released yet. If you are Sims 3 you may buy anything up to $40 as well, AND you have the choice of stuff from the Sims 3 store up to 3001 points (I have these leftover from winning a Sims Survivor comp long ago, lol). I don't believe there is anything I can do for Sims 2.

    You can choose PC/Mac, or Xbox/PS4 for those who play on both.

    If you do not win please do not be upset. The main purpose of Muse is to have fun of course, not just for the giveaway! I may run more in the future, we'll see. Also, please do not attack me or the person who wins. I doubt that will happen, but putting it here regardless.

    And very obviously, please do not cheat for first place (even though it doesn't effect the raffle) or on the question.
    (Names are in order from left to right.)
    MissNad19 @KildareFaerlynn @themelonic @MizoreYukii @Jendowoz0612 Lunalaxy basicallybex

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