Forum Discussion
K Gen-Knitting in Komorebi
- Teen+ Skill-Knitting
- Teen+ Aspirations- Lord/Lady of the Knits, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
- Careers- Make money selling knitted wares.
- Reside In-Yukimatsu
- Visit-Karaoke Bar
- Other Gameplay- Join Knights of the Hedge. Attend Knight Night at a Bar. Throw a Kava party. Own a Kotatsu table, a Keepsake box, a Kiddie pool and a Key Board. Have Keyholder status with someone.
Now that he’s a young adult, Kahi realizes his dream of moving to Yukimatsu.
He now has a Kotatsu table and a Keepsake box.To celebrate his independence, he asks Nanami to go out for Karaoke. They have a great time in spite of their lack of singing skills and, by the end of the evening, he works up the courage to tell her about his feelings. It turns out she feels the same way too. He continues to work on his Knitting and developing his Plopsy storefront. Soon he masters the Knitting skill and is successful enough to ask Nanami to elope with him. Giving her a Knitting lesson completes the Lord of the Knits aspiration.
Kahi can finally use his Great Kisser trait.Kahi’s high school friend Wolfgang is the leader of the chess club Knights of the Hedge, and he convinces Kahi to join.
The Knights go out for Knight Night at the Shrieking Llama.Kahi and Nanami welcome a baby girl, Luna. Jiyan is excited to be a grandfather. Luna has the following objectives she can work on in her early years:
- Child-Join League of Adventures.
- Final Traits- Loves Outdoors, Lazy, Loner, Loyal
- Likes-Latin music, Latin Pop, Lullabies, Yellow, Luxe decor
- Dislikes-Orange
- Teen+ Skills- Logic
- Teen+ Aspirations- Leader of the Pack
- Careers- Lifeguard
- Aspiration Rewards- Insta-Large, Insta-Lean
Over time, Kahi adds to their Yukimatsu home, until it’s a four-sided home with an atrium in the middle, where the kids can play even if they’re snowbound. Since he and Nanami have grown close with his friend Yuki from the chess club, Kahi has decided to give her a key to their house, so she can play chess in the atrium.
A Kiddy Pool in the Courtyard.Now that Luna is a child, she has the Loves the Outdoors trait. She joins the League of Adventures club, which revolves around playing outside in the park. She is learning some of her likes, such as Latin Music and Lullabies.
Luna wears yellow in her outfits, but she dislikes the color Orange.As a teen, Luna decides she loves Luxe interior design and redecorates her bedroom. She’s also self-conscious about how she looks in her uniform, so she drinks an Insta-Lean potion.
Her experience playing chess with the League of Adventures has lead Luna to take an interest in joining the Knights of the Hedge, which helps her build Logic skill. Because she is Loyal, she is determined to stick by her chess club friends through thick and thin, even when Mimsy rudely criticizes their strategy. She doesn’t like the way Wolfgang is running things, though.
Although Kahi can’t stand the Piano, their younger daughter Lakita, who just started elementary school, is eager to learn it. He buys a Keyboard for the play room … and stays well away from it.
Nothing helps him forget the existence of Pianos (and Pipe Organs, and Pop music) like a walk in the forest. You won’t catch Lakita going on any walks, though. As a teenager, she’s developed the Lazy trait. She prefers a relaxing chat with her grandfather, Jiyan, who recently moved in with them.
A mindful walk in Senbamachi helps Kahi complete Mt. Komorebi Sightseer.Luna has talked all of the club members over to her side and she’s confident that she can take over the club. She invites Wolfgang over for a private chat in the study. “You’re running this operation into the ground! It’s time you stepped aside.” He admitted defeat.
Luna completes Leader of the Pack by taking over Knights of the Hedge.Kahi celebrated Luna’s new reign as leader by throwing a Kava party for the club on the beach at Lani St. Taz, the last of Kahi's objectives.
Luna loves the sunny climate and crystal-clear waters of Lani St. Taz.Luna and her friend (technically her half-uncle, but we won’t get into that) Odin were exploring Moonwood Mill when Luna got lost and ended up near Greg’s trailer. She told him off when he wouldn’t let her use his trailer toilet. Not the best decision.
Greg gave Luna a bite on the arm.
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