Forum Discussion
L Gen Part 2-Lycan Lampoon
Luna still has a few objectives left: serve Lemonade, throw a Lampoon party, woohoo in a pile of Leaves, and be killed by Lightening.
M Gen is here and has the following objectives that they can work on in their early years:
- Toddler-Movement skill
- Child- Mental and Motor skills
- Teen-Mediator trait
- Final Traits- Music Lover, Materialistic, Mean, Maker
- Likes-Media Production, Mischief, Mixology, Metal music, Mission, Mid-Century, Modern decor
- Dislikes-Nectar making, New Age music, NuDisco
- Teen+ Skills- Mischief, Mixology, Media Production, Medium
- Teen+ Aspirations- Chief of Mischief, Musical Genius, Mansion Baron.
- Careers- Manual Laborer
- Aspiration Rewards-Moodlet solver, Morning Sim, Marketable, Mermadic Kelp, Money Tree
- Collections-Moonwood Relics, Metals, Microscope prints, MySim trophies, Magical artifacts,
Thank you LaunchSneezes for creating Jordan Carlson, Luna's handsome mate. Not long after they moved to Llama Lagoon, the twins are born. Luna invites friends and family over to meet little Melody and Makoto. Melody is a full werewolf like her mother, but Makoto is a dormant wolf. The gathering ended up being kind of chaotic, but some Lemonade helped cool things down (a little).
With her werewolf intimidation tactics, Luna develops an atrocious reputation. She invites her frenemy Lexie out to the beach bar in Sulani for a Lampoon party. Jiyan’s ghost takes part as the main comedian, but then Luna steps in to share some of Lexie’s embarrassing moments. Lexie is unamused by all the jokes at her expense.
Lexie is the one in the pink top looking unamusedAs a toddler, Melody is always on the move and she masters the Movement skill with some help from Jordan, while Makoto is asleep. Not long after mastering Movement, she ages up to child. She is now a Music Lover, and is particular fond of brutally dancing to Metal music, but she can’t stand New Age or NuDisco.
Fall arrives and that means raking the leaves. Luna and Jordan take a moment to woohoo in one pile across the street. When Halloween rolls around, Melody dresses up and plays tricks on Makoto.
Melody loves Mischief.Luna and Jordan have both been teaching Melody. Jordan is concerned that Melody’s werewolf tendencies will cause her to have a lot of conflict later on. He’s been teaching her how to say sorry, so that she can have better conflict resolution. He’s also been teaching her Mental skills. Since his career in botany has been a success, he converted the old garage into a home lab. He set up a chemistry set for Melody in the lab, so she could conduct her own experiments. In time, she masters the Mental skill. Luna has been using her expertise as a life guard to teach Melody swimming, which helps her master the Motor skill.
As a teen, Melody is told she can move out of the nursery into the old guest suite. Because she now has the Materialistic trait, she gives the space an expensive makeover in a combination of her favorite styles: Mid-Century, Modern and Mission. She sets up a music editing station on her bedroom balcony and has a lot of fun experimenting with Media Production. She hopes to shop for more home improvements and become a Mansion Baron.
Between the aspiration points she earned as a child, and the points she earned for the first few levels of the Mansion Baron aspiration, Melody was able to buy the Marketable and Morning Person traits from the reward store. She can use these to help her generate more profit selling cocktails. She discovers that she likes Mixology, although she wouldn’t want to have to make Nectar from scratch. If she works at it, she might become a Master Mixologist when she grows up.
Melody wants to learn more about werewolf culture, so she digs in Moonwood Mill for relics. While digging, she also starts discovering metals and MySims. She hopes to complete all three collections. Jordan put a microscope in the lab, and Melody has discovered she can use it to create decorative prints.
Melody still needs more money to realize her dream of becoming a mansion baron. She gets a weekend job in Manual Labor. She develops her gardening skills and advances to the top of the career as a back hoe operator.
Unfortunately, Luna does not live to see the girls graduate high school. She went out to the concession stand during a thunderstorm and was killed by lightening.
Melody deals with her grief through retail therapy, adding so many expensive things to the house, that she becomes a Mansion Baron. Now she’ll get a rebate on anything she buys. Makoto appreciates the bedroom Melody designed for her.
Before graduating and leaving home, Melody completes the Moonwood Relic and Microscope Print collections, giving her historic Moonwood pot lid and her favorite microscope print pride of place next to grandma Izabella’s heirlooms.
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