Forum Discussion
M Gen-the Mischievous Mixologist
- Teen-Mediator trait
- Final Traits-Maker
- Teen+ Skills- Mischief, Mixology, Media Production, Medium
- Teen+ Aspirations- Chief of Mischief, Master Mixologist, Musical Genius, Master Maker
- Careers- Marine Biologist (Conservationist)
- Aspiration Rewards-Moodlet solver, Mermadic Kelp, Money Tree
- Collections- Metals, MySim trophies, Magical artifacts
- Reside In- Mua Pel’am, Moonwood Mill
- Lot Traits and Challenges-Mean Vibe
- Visit-Museum, Magic Realm
- Other Gameplay- Become a Merperson. Moonbathe. Live in a Microhome in one of your residential locations. Participate in a Mud fight. Watch movies. Own a Mural, a Meditation stool, a Massage chair, a Mystical Moonlight charging grid, a Mini-Fridge and a Make-Up chair. After all other objectives are complete, die of Mortification, Meteorite, Murphy Bed or be eaten by the Mother Plant.
As a young adult, Melody moves out to a Microhome in Mua Pelam with a Mural on one of the walls, and a Mini-fridge in the kitchenette. She puts a Meditation stool out so she can meditate on the beach. The home has a Mean Vibe. Even though she now has the Mediator trait and should be Mediating the forums, she often trolls the forums instead. She thinks she might become a Chief of Mischief someday.
Because she has the Nightwolf temperament, juggling her culinary career with her need for sleep can be challenging. She makes herself a necklace out of Amethyst and uses a Mystical charging grid to give the necklace the power to help her sleep better.
She now has the Maker trait and feels glum if she goes too long without crafting anything, so she set up a candle station outside of her house. As she completes levels of the Chief of Mischief, Master Maker and Master Mixologist aspirations, she earns enough points to purchase a Money Tree. It’s a nice spot for Moonbathing.
Being promoted to mixologist was her dream, but it makes managing her fury that much harder. A Moodlet Solver helps, but she can’t just buy a Moodlet Solver every day. In a moment of frustration she quits her job. She’s met some conservationists working on the island and decides to join their ranks. She even takes some of her fellow conservationists out to the bistro. Serving them drinks from the extra bar completes the Master Mixologist aspiration. Her co-worker Fui Fui doesn’t seem impressed, but that’s just his default facial expression.
In looking for metals and MySims, Melody visited the potions shop in the Magic Realm. While there she became fascinated by the wares in the other shops and decided to collect all of them. Since the Grim Reaper event was started, she invited over Devin and Demarcus, two of her new spellcaster friends, to commune with the dead and develop their Medium skills.
When she reached the branching point of the conservationist career she decided to specialize in Marine Biology. Her study of the ocean life around Mua Pelam leads to a fascination with mermaids. She eats Mermadic Kelp after fixing herself a Wolf-be-Gone potion and becomes a creature of the sea.
Melody has mastered the Mischief skill and has purchased a voodoo doll. She uses a doll of her spellcaster friend Devin to put Devin in a flirty mood, completing the Chief of Mischief aspiration. She also masters the Medium skill to summon Bonehilda for some help around the house.
Melody has reached the top of the Marine Biologist career. She and Devin decide to have a baby, whom they name Nagami. Nagami is a spellcaster like Devin.
After visiting the modern art Museum in Oasis Springs for interior design inspiration, they decide to buy a modern house in Moonwood Mill. Although, in some ways, Moonwood Mill is as remote as Mua Pelam, Melody has strong support system there from her time as a werewolf.
Courtesy of simmer 02_Siria
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