Generation 2 Heir: Eric Uglacy. The middle child of three only slightly-ugly children, I chose Eric to be heir before I began writing the story because of his nose and mouth, figuring that they held potential for later generations. Indeed they have, as Generation 3's Ivana and all of the Generation 4 kids seem to have inherited one or both features. Eric proved just good looking enough to encourage all of the women (and men) (and Simself of me!) everywhere to fall in love with him, what with his Serial Romantic aspiration.
In addition to being a prolific womanizer, Eric was a devoted family man who had five children with his wife Clementa (neé Clement Frost). There's a line I wrote in one of the chapters where he said, "I'm of the opinion that virility is a virtue" and, well, though completely ridiculous, really sums up Eric. He was also as prolific in his life as a 5-star celebrity. A master actor, he starred in a variety of films across genres, although my favorite role of his was "Captain Sigma" a la "Captain America." Yes, Eric could be Chris Evans.
Fun fact: Eric inspired love and devotion across all species - Lots of the men in town, be they humans, aliens, or vampires, mimicked his lackadaisical outfit. This includes Vlad the vampire, his own sons, and like 80 random townies. Grim Reaper was a huge fan too, word has it.
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