Bare Your Fangs! Vampire Pictures, Stories and Gameplay Advice Please
Hi all, I am working on a storyline in my game that will ultimately involve a neighborhood based on rival covens of vampires, so I was wondering if anyone out there, has pictures of your vamps, stories about vampire stuff or advice or ideas on vampire play in general. I'd love to hear and see what you've got. Thanks!
To start here are some pictures from my first coven: This is my Circle of Love Coven as a Group
And the members are: Don Lothario (Not a vampire, but an integral part of the group) Jaiden Lansing (Head vampire in the coven) Caleb Vatore (vampire) Silas Vaughn (vampire) And Christian Webber (newest member and vampire)
From time to time I'll update with new Covens or new members who may join the covens. Please feel welcome to show us your vampires and tell us all about them too!
@squirrelwithacup I would like to say that I didn’t peak, …but I can’t. :confounded: I checked out the spoiler page about five seconds after I finished reading your post. :bawling: (I seriously have so little self-control :flushed:). Are these guys up on the gallery?
Not that I can get them right now anyway, I’ve been trying half the night to download from the gallery and everyone’s galleries are coming up without any entries. I have just shut down my game, hoping that a restart will jump start my gallery, but you never know. This happens with my gallery about once or twice a week. Luckily it does seem to start working again at some point. Of course, I am rambling.
I guess what I’m asking is if they are up on the gallery and if so what’s your ID. If you don’t want to post the ID, you could PM me with it.
"squirrelwithacup;c-16708962" wrote:
@kirivian @NyteRose Man, I agree that Caleb is hot, but you guys are thirstier than vampires! :joy:
Actually, I am feeling a little parched, now that you mention it.
About Mathilde's skin. I would have to check to be certain, but I am pretty sure I used S-club’s basis overlay (not sure which version) for the alien form and S-clubs shiny skintone (female only) for the disguise version. I'll check when I get the game reloaded. Which brings me to:
@MaggieMarley I am thrilled that you like her. I am working on Alek next. Actually the disguise version is the chimaera here. What I did was I put her in CAS from my library, then merged a second copy of her in. Then I worked independently on both copies – leaving one with the skin tone she was born with and the other with a skin tone that isn’t an overlay – so it’s painted. Both versions have vampire forms as options – left untouched for the time being. I will get to them before I take her into the game to see how she plays, and at that point it will only be the purple skin OR the disguise skin and the vampire skin. Although I like the disguise enough that I may just use the same CC for the vampire form of the purple version. I’d be okay with that. As you know I don’t change features or make (if I can help it) big changes to existing features. She is a product of a little push and pull and a lot of CC. She’s your baby! I am glad you like her. And finally, I am so far from bored – more like I was frustrated until you helped me out there. I love doing makeovers! :) The Hair is Wings OS0514
And thanks for the compliments, but I am as much impressed with your work, after all, you created her.
SPending most of the day today adding a basement to the mid-century bungalow... At the moment having the usual problem with a huge room I don't know what to do with...
"kirivian;c-16709375" wrote: @squirrelwithacup I would like to say that I didn’t peak, …but I can’t. :confounded: I checked out the spoiler page about five seconds after I finished reading your post. :bawling: (I seriously have so little self-control :flushed:). Are these guys up on the gallery?
Not that I can get them right now anyway, I’ve been trying half the night to download from the gallery and everyone’s galleries are coming up without any entries. I have just shut down my game, hoping that a restart will jump start my gallery, but you never know. This happens with my gallery about once or twice a week. Luckily it does seem to start working again at some point. Of course, I am rambling.
I guess what I’m asking is if they are up on the gallery and if so what’s your ID. If you don’t want to post the ID, you could PM me with it.
"squirrelwithacup;c-16708962" wrote:
@kirivian @NyteRose Man, I agree that Caleb is hot, but you guys are thirstier than vampires! :joy:
Actually, I am feeling a little parched, now that you mention it.
About Mathilde's skin. I would have to check to be certain, but I am pretty sure I used S-club’s basis overlay (not sure which version) for the alien form and S-clubs shiny skintone (female only) for the disguise version. I'll check when I get the game reloaded. Which brings me to:
@MaggieMarley I am thrilled that you like her. I am working on Alek next. Actually the disguise version is the chimaera here. What I did was I put her in CAS from my library, then merged a second copy of her in. Then I worked independently on both copies – leaving one with the skin tone she was born with and the other with a skin tone that isn’t an overlay – so it’s painted. Both versions have vampire forms as options – left untouched for the time being. I will get to them before I take her into the game to see how she plays, and at that point it will only be the purple skin OR the disguise skin and the vampire skin. Although I like the disguise enough that I may just use the same CC for the vampire form of the purple version. I’d be okay with that. As you know I don’t change features or make (if I can help it) big changes to existing features. She is a product of a little push and pull and a lot of CC. She’s your baby! I am glad you like her. And finally, I am so far from bored – more like I was frustrated until you helped me out there. I love doing makeovers! :) The Hair is Wings OS0514
And thanks for the compliments, but I am as much impressed with your work, after all, you created her.
@kirivian I don't think anyone has been able to resist my spoiler page! :D Unfortunately no, I don't have my sims on the gallery. They're pretty much my babies and kind of personal to me in a way, if that makes sense? However, I'm going to PM you a little something. Hope you don't mind.
You credit me with too much! I can’t claim to have created her. I didn’t even create her parents. I did create her great great grandmother, but there’s not much of her in Mathilde! I just “bred” and raised the intervening generations haha.
@MaggieMarley LOL That's kind of like telling your dog breeder that they can't take credit for that "Best In Show" champion. There is no way I could ever reproduce her either by modifying an NPC or through selective breeding. Own it, she's yours. and I thank you many times over for letting me play with her (and the others).
"squirrelwithacup;c-16709509" wrote: I don't think anyone has been able to resist my spoiler page! :D Unfortunately no, I don't have my sims on the gallery. They're pretty much my babies and kind of personal to me in a way, if that makes sense? However, I'm going to PM you a little something. Hope you don't mind.
@squirrelwithacup I totally get that, I have a few that I am pretty attached to myself. There's a thread called "The Sim You Can't Let Go" over in the creative forum where I posted one of them - specifically my current avatar. I am terrible at linking threads, so I reposted it here for any of you that are interested.
"kirivian;c-16663172" wrote: My current avatar. His name is Endymion Stratus. He is one of the founding sims in my very first Sims 4 neighborhood and I still play him regularly. This is a medley of his growth since he first appeared in my first neighborhood up until his most recent makeover.
And this is what he looks like now in my current neighborhood (same neighborhood - years later :) )
He's actually married to the first person he met in the neighborhood, y'all would know him as Travis Scott, but I put him in CAS along with his housemates and made them over and renamed them, so in this game his name is Jeremy Stratus. And...because I really can't resist Endymion ever and he and Jeremy as a couple ever. Here are a few gratuitous shots of them together:
@Beardedgeek I have a problem with that feeling of where do I start with basements too. It's nice to have all that space, but as soon as I get it, I'm like, what do I do with it? It'll come to you. It always does for me. I know you aren't planning on kids for this family in the very near future, but I always find I need pretty large rooms for playrooms for my little simmies. I also will sometimes do a zen room and add a hot-tub, or a ballroom with one of the larger grand pianos, or a music room with a dance floor and dj booth. There's a lot of stuff that needs a lot of space when I think about it. (argg - now I gotta go do a makeover on the "old salt house" for Kissed by Cain). They might need a motorcycle showroom.
@MaggieMarley I just realized I never answered your question about Silas' dad. He doesn't have one - in Chatswin. I had Sylvie in my library and wanted to put her in the game, but I didn't know where she would fit in, so I put her in the Frostridge save. There she met and got impregnated by an NPC called (drum roll) Advik Gupta. He doesn't look like an Advik or a Gupta, but he is involved romantically with one of my Frostridge vampires (Avery Fairbanks), so he and Sylvie had no future (it was the one and only time I experimented with MCCC's story progression). So I took Sylvie out of Frostridge right after Silas was born (it may have been right after he became a toddler - I can't remember for certain, but I age babies to toddlers within 3 days anyway) and put her in Chatswin because I didn't want the baby (now Silas) to be in Frostridge mid-generation. All of my other gen2 kids in Frostridge were teens by then- ready to become young adults.
Advik remains in Frostridge and I have added him to my game there, but Sylvie is now in Chatswin where she met and became involved with Lilith, who moved in with her when Silas was still a child and helped to raise him. When he was growing up, they spent a lot of time with Circle of Love (family/training club) so the vampires there were very close to Silas from the beginning. I wasn't really surprised when Silas kept getting whims to ask Jaiden and Caleb to turn him. Eventually, Don took an active interest in Silas (right after he became a YA) and so Jaiden had the green light to turn him and did.
For those who are interested this is Advik Gupta, Silas' biological father - who will probably be turned by Talos Whiteoak when I finally get back to Frostridge (I've been obsessed with Chatswin and neglectful of my other saves since just before Seasons came out), Talos Whiteoak - who is the head vampire in my Frostridge coven and Avery Fairbanks who is Advik's vampire lover in the Frostridge coven.
@kirivian Thanks so much for the welcome, and compliments on my story. I’m usually reluctant to join in on threads like this, especially with adding my own stories (I’m a completely plum writer). I will try to come back with updates, although I have some goings on IRL that will make it difficult to get playing time in the next 2 weeks. I do however love reading all of yours, and will try to pop in at least to keep myself in the loop. I absolutely love what you’re able to do with your Sims, you have a real talent with CAS!
"MaggieMarley;c-16708745" wrote: @Kita5399 Caleb and Morgan would make a cute couple... I kinda feel like the poor guy deserves a bit of compensation! I’m sure Vlad will get used to father hood :D Wolfgang makes a good vampire! So are Aurelia and Lilith involved now? Would make for some drama.
To be honest I’m sort of letting the game decide a lot for me right now. Upon loading up Vlads lot I discovered the game (or MCCC) gave Lilith and Aurelia a romance bar, and given Aurelia’s history I decided to go for it. Aurelia just wants to be the center of attention and control everyone, plus the affair with Lilith is just another dig at Caleb. Anastasia visits her mother a lot and I think I may have her run off to join them once she’s a teen. I’m not sure what I’ll do with Morgan yet, but she’s basically stalking Caleb, so I’ll probably give them some type of relationship. There are so many directions I can go with this, but for now I’m just totally winging it. Oh and @MaggieMarley I love your alien vampires, I’ve never played with aliens but I just might have to try it out now. :)
"squirrelwithacup;c-16709509" wrote: I don't think anyone has been able to resist my spoiler page! :D Unfortunately no, I don't have my sims on the gallery. They're pretty much my babies and kind of personal to me in a way, if that makes sense? However, I'm going to PM you a little something. Hope you don't mind.
@squirrelwithacup I totally get that, I have a few that I am pretty attached to myself. There's a thread called "The Sim You Can't Let Go" over in the creative forum where I posted one of them - specifically my current avatar. I am terrible at linking threads, so I reposted it here for any of you that are interested.
"kirivian;c-16663172" wrote: My current avatar. His name is Endymion Stratus. He is one of the founding sims in my very first Sims 4 neighborhood and I still play him regularly. This is a medley of his growth since he first appeared in my first neighborhood up until his most recent makeover.
And this is what he looks like now in my current neighborhood (same neighborhood - years later :) )
He's actually married to the first person he met in the neighborhood, y'all would know him as Travis Scott, but I put him in CAS along with his housemates and made them over and renamed them, so in this game his name is Jeremy Stratus. And...because I really can't resist Endymion ever and he and Jeremy as a couple ever. Here are a few gratuitous shots of them together:
@kirivian Endymion is very handsome! Then again, I haven't seen any sim of yours that isn't a total knockout. You have great eye candy. :blush:
Onyx and Amelia are very special to me. I could never let them go. So is Orion, who you also probably saw on my spoiler thread. :p There's just something about Sims that make them so easy to get attached to. There's also something that makes some Sims so easy to hate with a burning passion, but I'll pretend I don't have any Sims I'd like to get a visit from Grim. :)
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