So it's time to continue from where I left off...and boy are these next vampires a doozy! Today I'm sharing the old Morningstar Clan, who were supposedly the titular main characters of that story thread I never made, "Haus of the Morning Star". The Morningstars are a very old vampire clan, dating from as far back as the early 1400's if not earlier, and once had significant power and influence in the Holy Roman Empire in their time, being in all kinds of nobility and marrying into large and powerful dynasties, operating from their original home in Windenburg. The Morningstars (Morgenstern in their native German) were not originally vampires, instead they were once vampire hunters in service to the Church. Once a threat to vampirekind, the clan was attacked by an elite vampire squad (unsurprisingly sent by the League under Vlad) and turned, to which Count Vlad welcomed them into their society with open arms. Why? Because they've chosen to embrace becoming vampires instead, rather than continue to fight the inevitable. Most Morningstars are named after celestial objects, especially stars.
While some of them are the most evil, cruel, and wicked vampires imaginable, some do not follow this path and that leads to conflict among members of their own clan. There is not one point in their existence where they weren't in conflict with anyone, and to this day they've maintained a family feud with the non-vampiric Frost Clan (to which I'll have to share some other day, although they're not vampires per se, the Morningstars and the Frosts ironically go hand-in-hand story-wise and I cannot fathom separating the two). Regardless, they've maintained their power in Europe for hundreds of years, until the HRE was defeated at the hands of Napoleon, they moved from Windenburg to the Forgotten Hollow, in the darkest corners of Eastern Europe. Ever since then their influence began to wane, with the decrease in imperialism, the power of nobility, and European modernism, and after Lady Lorien took over half of the Morningstar's remaining vampiric influence left, they truly are a shell of their former selves. However, their very name alone still strikes, fear, respect, power, influence, and sometimes even adoration. They continue to maintain vampiric influence in some parts of Germany, Poland, various portions of Eastern Europe and Russia (Vlad controls most of that along with some old Soviet states and the Balkans), southern Finland, and Scandinavia. Now to introduce you to its prospective members:
Lord Xavius Morningstar is the patriarch of the family and its oldest living member. Back in the day, he was one of the Prince-Electors of the HRE and ruled Windenburg before the HRE's collapse and their departure to FH and afterwards the Von Windenburgs were given control of their lands. Lord Xavius tends to lord over his clan with a firm grasp, believing in very traditionalist values. In fact, he's one of the most wicked, evil, and radical of all vampires, and even makes Vlad cringe. He despises mortals and takes every opportunity to make them miserable, has no desire for the living other than food. On top of that, he's highly prejudiced, and has even been an ardent supporter of a certain German political party that rose to power in the 1930's, you know, that one... Of course, to make things even more interesting, he's one of the longest-standing Councillors in the League (yay! another councillor!) He is at extreme odds with Lady Lorien and is making the initiative to take some of their clan's power back from her, if he has to drag the whole family and the League with him...
Arcturus Morningstar (named after the 4th brightest star in the night sky) is Lord Xavius' only son and the heir apparent to his legacy. Although he is not in the same vein of evil as his father, he's more of the heartbreaker, pull-on-your-heartstrings kind of evil, you know? He's also Caleb's second boyfriend (Xavius naturally disapproves of their relationship), but it's not always a happy one. Although they do love each other, Arcturus isn't one to share and is verbally abusive to Caleb often on. This of course instead prompted Caleb to seek other partners behind his back, but Caleb still can't help being in love with him; Lilith so far has only observed their relationship from afar and is not happy with how Arcturus treats her brother, but won't act against him...for now. However, Lilith and Sara both hate him already, seeing as in my main save Arcturus currently lives with the Vatores while in other saves he stays living in the family home (perhaps he may be a bit sexist too). Ironically my observations with his relationship with Caleb made him a bit LESS evil than I made him originally. Luckily, he doesn't go out much so Caleb's naughty behaviour hasn't been caught by him yet! lol
Antares Morningstar (named after the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius) is the son of Arcturus through an arranged marriage from long ago. Although a teen, he's shown an increasing interest in the sciences and has become the 'mad scientist' type of evil, always willing to push the limits of science to horrifying levels, though currently he's interested in Archaeology and of course Aliens. He can be a particularly moody vampire and constantly questions grampa Xavius' antiquated values, yet hasn't done anything to change it. He also questions the League itself, its existence, its authority, legitimacy, and relevance to the modern world, yet continues to remain loyal to at least his father, though they're really not talking very much atm.
Rigel Morningstar (named after the brightest star in the constellation of Orion) is Lord Xavius' younger brother and therefore Arcturus' uncle; back in the day, he was the Arch-Mage of Windenburg, dabbling in the magick artes, as well as alchemy. Now as a vampire, that is all in his past now (unless we have a future Magic pack that allows vampires to also practice Witches' magic) and just wants to live a quiet life. Rigel has a separate branch of the family of his own, comprising the Ubranox branch of the Morningstar clan (latin for Nightshadow). Honestly though, it may become more than just a client branch. Ever the laid-back individual, he finds his older brother's temperament aggravating at times, and dislikes it when he thinks he can boss him around when he's available. That's why he would rather prefer living as far away from him as possible (possibly to SimNation or even the Far East somewhere) and away from family problems and vampire politics in general. You can tell he's the more friendly and approachable member of the family, and is deeply thinking about changing his name to Umbranox because he finds the Morningstar name to be annoying, and is trying to bring along his children with him, though that could prove to be a bit difficult.
Carina Morningstar (named after the southern hemisphere constellation) is the eldest daughter of Rigel, Xavius' niece, and Arcturus' cousin. Although most of the other members don't find any real interest in the family legacy, she most certainly does, and is a mooch to her uncle to try and relinquish the title of heir from his son to her instead; lusting for power as typical of a Morningstar. It is mainly because of her nature that the two cousins despise each other. Married into a Hungarian noble family ages ago, her life spent in the old Kingdom of Hungary is presumed to be the inspiration behind Elizabeth Bathory's crimes against young women; some say they may have even been one and the same, as she also goes by the title of "Blood Countess" as well. Whatever the circumstances, she does hate children, especially little girls.
Sirius Morningstar (named after the brightest star in the night sky) is the youngest son of Rigel and Carina's brother. He's the party animal of the family, and also just as much a total loser on top of that. A quirky bookworm by day, and a sparkly vampire raver by night! Most of the rest of the clan disregard him as a true part of the family, but that's okay by him, because he really doesn't care about most of the family either! In many ways, he's just like his father, and even prefers to go by the Umbranox name as well (or Nightshadow, the cooler-sounding version). Both father and son are working to try and branch off from the main clan entirely, although convincing his sister will prove to be tough, if highly improbable, but they still do have one other prospect that could join them in their cause...
Venus Morningstar is ironically the daughter of Carina, Sirius' niece, and Rigel's granddaughter. For a woman who hates little girls, Carina unfortunately gave birth to one, the product of her consummation of her marriage to the Hungarian lord! Now Venus, sweet little girl that she is, is far different than all the others; she doesn't want to hide in the shadows like the rest of her family, and wants to shine as bright as the namesake of which she was given with! She wants to make friends with others, meet mortal kids her age, and wants no part in family feuds and conflicts, nor any of the workings of vampire society, even if she doesn't fully understand it all yet. Ever the potential for changing the entire direction of the family for future generations, her life as she grows up into a more mature woman may drastically change her family's dynamic - for better or worse...
So that's it! That sums up the Morningstar clan! I'll get to sharing the Frost clan some other time, but I did type this all in a rush to get this posted for you all, so excuse any grammar errors! Also if you were asking, yes they are shared onto the Gallery (but it's gonna be down for awhile so...) Tell me what you think of the family!