I suspect the original poster was just spitballing ideas if there was an eventual refresh / update to the pack.
And I'd love to see every one of those suggestions, especially the force powers related stuff and make "Force User" an occult character, and a few others things such as factoring in the like and dislike system to elements of the pack.
As for all the people saying the pack should be deleted and people should be fired over it, really?? You really think someone should be fired over it because you (and others) didn't like it, @RifftraxRules? GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! Some of us have no interest in seeing werewolves in the game but wouldn't demand people get fired if they were put into the game. For that matter, some of us hate the way aliens and mermaids were implemented into the game but don't demand people get fired or packs be removed over it. Again... GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!
Some of us love the pack, especially the build items in it.
Is it my favorite game pack? No. And it never will be with some of the other options available.
However, I do love the pack. And when the topic came up in survey about packs back at the beginning of 2020, I remembering mention that something should be done with Star Wars (though had more of a stuff pack in mind when I mentioned it).
And I honestly would not mind seeing more destination theme packs, even ones that tie into licensed properties.