Forum Discussion

ByondTime89's avatar
10 years ago

Briarcliff Asylum

Over the course of, I'd say about 3 days, I tried my best to recreate American Horror Story's Briarcliff Manor Asylum from season two. Of course, I had to take quite a few creative liberties when building most of the rooms, since I didn't have much to go in terms of reference pictures. However, I think it came out pretty good, and I'm pretty proud of it. Let me know what you think! The lot is also up in the gallery for download so you can check it out for yourselves, ID ByondTime89 Here comes the picture spam, sorry in advanced, but Enjoy! ^_^

In total, the manor has about 17 bedrooms, 4 community bathrooms for the patients, 4 staff bathrooms attached to their bedrooms, a massive common room, a large kitchen with a dining area and 4 offices for the important staff members. I've kept the middle areas relatively blank so that you'd have room to add more things or rooms should you choose to do so. If you alter my build I'd LOVE to see what you've done~ So do let me know! :D Anyway, on with the spam!

The Front is pretty close to pictures I found of it:

From the second floor looking down at the Mother Theresa statue (kinda, haha):

Security Office:

Don't touch the record player, in the common room, you'll get punished!:

Kitchen prep area:

Dining room with separate tables for patients and staff:

Bloodyface- I mean Dr. Thredson, the psychiatrist's, office:

Dr. Ardon's Office, complete with dissection table D: :

Sister Jude's Office, with her cabinet of assorted whips! >_< :

And now the creative liberties really take over with the bedrooms:

Dr. Arthur Ardon's room. Plants all over because he was doing gene splicing experiments on them, and I got the impression that he just liked gardening:

Guest/Dr. Thredson's room at the asylum. I know he had a house but this was for his stay at the manor:

Sister Mary Eunice's Room. I chose reds and blacks because (spoiler) She was pretty much possessed throughout the whole series, so I found the colors kinda fitting:

Sister Jude's Room. I chose a mostly soft, white, palette because, although she wasn't without her sins and flaws, I felt that she stayed true to her faith in the face of evil.

And on the third floor is the patient's ward with: 5 Female rooms

5 Male rooms:

And 2 rooms for holding that perhaps might've been used for exorcisms at one point. Or even punishment, so again I used red:

Sorry for the picture spam! But I hope you liked it! ^_^ Let me know what you thought~
  • Your Briarcliff Manor Asylum looks great! :) It looks great how you have done the exterior of it! You have reflected in simform the inspiration building very well! It looks great how you have done the roofing and how you have placed the windows in the build! The textures of both the exterior and interior walls look great! Great layout and furnishing of the interior of the asylum. It sounds great that it has seventeen bedrooms in the home! The colours and textures that you have used through the build create an atmosphere that suits the place that you are doing a simform of. The security office is great. The noticeboard on the wall is a great touch there and it looks great how you have placed the chairs there for sims to sit and talk to the person who is sitting behind the desk. Great layout of the common room. It looks great how you have placed the seating there. Very nice design of and furnishing of the kitchen! It looks great how you have placed the counters there! The island row of stove and sink counters looks great! The teapot and mugs rack are nice kitchen touches on the counters in the rooms. It looks great how you have set up the tables and chairs in the dining room for the sims to enjoy sitting and eating their meals at. The wooden texture of the tables and chairs suits well the theme of the build. It lis great how you have furnished the bedroooms and used colours that you felt reflected the people who slept there.
    It is a great simform version of the Manor.
  • Love love love!!!!
    Asylum is my fav series (so far) of AMH. You've done a great job creating Briarcliff.
  • "luvtitanic;13001231" wrote:
    Very creative! Your version of Briarcliff is so true to the original it's scary!

    Thanks so much! I'm glad you think so! That's really what I was hoping for! Especially since, when I first got the idea for the build and then started looking for references, there was pretty much nothing to go by. So I thought I was getting in way over my head! But as I was going through the manor, room by room, I just tried to envision what I remembered it felt like both for myself (seeing it) and for the characters. There's a lot more I wanted to add, especially for Dr. Ardon, with that secret tunnel where he transported the bodies to the woods to be eaten, but sadly no basements :(
  • @rosemow

    Thank you very much! I love your detailed response and I'm glad you liked it! I hope I did the eerie and horrifying place enough justice! I know some of the bedrooms for the staff are little more extravagant looking then I remember them to be, but at one point I kinda just went off of my impression of the character and I thought each room might represent them, rather than what the bedroom actually looked like. Otherwise I'd have a manor full of sparse and dark rooms! XD

    Could be a great manor for those doing the Asylum challenge too~
  • "Green_Girly100;13001593" wrote:
    Love love love!!!!
    Asylum is my fav series (so far) of AMH. You've done a great job creating Briarcliff.

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it! :) It was one of my favorite seasons as well
  • > @luvtitanic said:
    > Very creative! Your version of Briarcliff is so true to the original it's scary!

  • HeHe! I haven't watched American horror story but this is true to a psychiatric asylum. Good job!
  • "superbibi11;13002473" wrote:
    I don't know the tv series but you did a very good job.
    This is really scary !

    That's what I was going for! :D Thank you~

    @jiriki42 , @Anarayne , @superbibi11 , @yanti68

    Thank you all very much~ ^_^ Also, Happy Turkeyday!
  • EA_David's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin
    Hi, I think you're out of luck here as the thread has been quiet for quite a while. We'll close it as a necropost, please run over the rules here:

    Thank you, and I hope you can find the content you're looking for.