Forum Discussion

Rennegadez's avatar
New Hotshot
5 years ago

CAS Overhauls for the sims

CAS overhaul
• asymmetrical face slider
• Fat deposit of Weight distribution in body type so when in get bigger that are certain area on where the sim will gain weight depending on what type of weight distribution they have in mode (so you don’t have use slide to make round belly because when they are it doesn’t make sense and look disproportionate) you can select all or one, to as many as you want depending on the types available e.g weight distribution mode types: chest gain, belly gain, butt gain, thigh gain, hip gain, love handles gain. So two bigger Sims will have different body type one a have a full pop belly when big while the other doesn’t
• Vitiligo
• Heterochromia eyes
• Stretch marks
• Prosthetic
• Body hair
• Bag accessories category
• Coats/jackets separate from top overcoat category
• Walking-stick / Cane in accessories
• More relationships types in household relationships menu: grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, relative, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend, guardian (for adopting parents which makes their child’s kid still their grandchild) ( I don’t like the fact that adopted children have no relation between guardian parents)
• In the custom gender settings, there should be a surrogacy option where you can pick if sim can’t give birth but can do it through surrogacy or though biology the baby isn’t you can be insemination. Option being insemination pregnancy, surrogacy pregnancy, neither
• surrogacy inseminate 2nd tag will be added if they are a parent through being inseminated or through surrogacy.
• Gender preference in the custom gender settings
• Add story mode to pre-existing Sims
• An optional condition section (not be include as a trait) which can include: Asthmatic, partially blind, blind, deaf, arthritis, absent limb, Weak mobility
• More number amount of ‘traits’ and trait types
• Traits needed: shy, naive, nonchalant, bossy, pushover, blunt
• Trait added for cats and dogs: pet lover, pet hater
• Skin tone colour spectrum with warm, cool, neutral undertones slider. So skin-tones have two sliders (skin-tones need to be fix)
• Create own preset face
• All male & female noses, mouths, eyes unisex for both genders
• More hair swatches or hair colour wheel
• Ombré hair colour separate and for all hair (or colour wheel hair paint for hair)
• Being able to have separate/different hair colour for every outfit category and every outfit
• Being able to change facial for different outfit categories
• Baby hairs category (base game)
• Eyelash category
• Contour subcategory in makeup
• Hair accessories category
• Tattoo layering
• 3 posture types with each walk-style: good posture, normal posture, bad posture so when sim become elderly will depend walking stick/cane.
• Up to 10 Sims in a household and pets be separate number count.
• (Preteens maybe🤞)
• Column slider can have up to 5. At least 3
• Colour swatches be in a separate column or spawn on of category column like with choosing hair colour
• Have 2 types of CAS background mirror background and normal

:) (IMHO)

1 Reply

  • "S1MSLYS1S__QARD;d-979266" wrote:
    CAS overhaul
    • asymmetrical face slider
    • Fat deposit of Weight distribution in body type so when in get bigger that are certain area on where the sim will gain weight depending on what type of weight distribution they have in mode (so you don’t have use slide to make round belly because when they are it doesn’t make sense and look disproportionate) you can select all or one, to as many as you want depending on the types available e.g weight distribution mode types: chest gain, belly gain, butt gain, thigh gain, hip gain, love handles gain. So two bigger Sims will have different body type one a have a full pop belly when big while the other doesn’t
    • Vitiligo
    • Heterochromia eyes
    • Stretch marks
    • Prosthetic
    • Body hair
    • Belly button accessories slot
    • Bag accessories category
    • Coats/jackets separate from top overcoat category
    • Walking-stick / Cane in accessories
    • More compatibility options – scarves, visor, headphones, on head sunglasses
    • Instead of having a hot ? and cold ? category. Each category comes with a seasons ☀️ ❄️ ? ? (base game will still have hot and cold categories and the expansion moves hot and cold outfit into their respective seasons) which sims will change into depending on season automatically. Get same amount outfits for each category for each season e.g 5 summer outfits for everyday, 5 summer outfits party, 5 winter outfits for formal
    • Occasion button for every category e.g. everyday basic occasion button, everyday vacation occasion button, formal basic occasion button, formal wedding occasion button, formal funeral occasion button, formal school occasion button, formal work occasion button. So, sims will dress in specified attire when these occasions occur.
    • More relationships types in household relationships menu: grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, relative, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend, guardian (for adopting parents which makes their child’s kid still their grandchild) ( I don’t like the fact that adopted children have no relation between guardian parents)
    • In the custom gender settings, there should be a surrogacy option where you can pick if sim can’t give birth but can do it through surrogacy or though biology the baby isn’t you can be insemination. Option being insemination pregnancy, surrogacy pregnancy, neither
    • surrogacy inseminate 2nd tag will be added if they are a parent through being inseminated or through surrogacy.
    • Gender preference in the custom gender settings
    • Add story mode to pre-existing Sims
    • An optional condition section (not be include as a trait) which can include: Asthmatic, partially blind, blind, deaf, arthritis, absent limb, Weak mobility
    • More number amount of ‘traits’ and trait types
    • Traits needed: shy, naïve, nonchalant, bossy, pushover, blunt
    • Trait added for cats and dogs: pet lover, pet hater
    • phobias need a separate trait category (in gameplay be able to get over phobias)
    • Skin tone colour spectrum with warm, cool, neutral undertones slider. So skin-tones have two sliders (skin-tones need to be fix)
    • Create own pre-set face
    • All male & female noses, mouths, eyes unisex for both genders
    • Dimples slider
    • Pupil slider
    • Shoulder muscle traps slider
    • More hair swatches or hair colour wheel or colour slider
    • Ombré hair colour separate and for all hair (or colour wheel hair paint for hair)
    • Add more hair colours, then have sliders for brightness/darkness and saturation
    • Being able to have separate/different hair colour for every outfit category and every outfit
    • More hair colour swatches
    • Being able to change facial hair for different outfit categories
    • Baby hairs category (base game)
    • Mascara category
    • Shaved cut eyebrow option for eyebrows
    • Eyelash category
    • Contour subcategory in makeup
    • Hair accessories category
    • Tattoo layering
    • 3 posture types with each walk-style: good posture, normal posture, bad posture so when sim become elderly will depend walking stick/cane.
    • More realistic walk styles
    • Up to 10 Sims in a household and pets be separate number count.
    • (Preteens maybe?)
    • Column slider can have up to 5. At least 3
    • Colour swatches be in a separate column or spawn on of category column like with choosing hair colour
    • Have 2 types of CAS background mirror background and normal
    • Have different facial hair for different categories e.g., in hot category shaved beard in cold category long beard
    • Have the presets of facial feature match for all ages. E.g., toddler nose has a corresponding adult nose that matches.

    :) (IMHO)

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