Forum Discussion

AddamsFamily13's avatar
6 years ago

Disney magic expansion

I would love for them to make a Disney magic expansion. It would bring back magic and witches but you also can as your favorite villains With it you get a world called the Dark Kingdom.what do you think?

31 Replies

  • I'd love magic in general honestly, And I've actually already made Elsa, Anna, and Hans in my own game (I made Hans specifically to kick him out of the house and have him join a vampire cult elsewhere.. he will return for revenge later..) it would be nice to actually give Elsa her ice magic, and have Anna learn to use a sword.. honestly a lot of this would just be filed under "Fantasy Pack" which I'm honestly hoping for as much as some others are screaming for University (albeit in a less.. toxic.. way, looking at you youtube) though having the exact clothes and hairstyles would be admittedly amazing..

    Besides that.. a proper Star Wars pack with Force abilities, new clothes/costumes (Ahsoka especially please, her child version for kids and Rebels version for teens-adults.. or just.. new options for aliens so I can make her there) Lightsaber skills.. I've been brooding about that one ever since my character didn't bring back the lightsaber she got from Totally-Not-Yoda in a space mission..

    Coincidentally I literally just made these houses and was wishing for something exactly like this so I could fully make the characters, Darth Maul works great as a vampire surprisingly, but XD other characters.. not so much, and my orange human Ahsoka needs to look more herself.. I know a lot of people aren't big on packs like these and they should get what they want too but for me.. honestly I'm just waiting for more sci-fi and fantasy stuff, and more little storylines like Strangerville

    So basically.. fairytale/medieval outfits for guys and girls
    Magic, Fencing, Archery
    Possibly horses..
    Decorations to fit the theme are already pretty present, I've built a decent enough Arendelle castle for Elsa and Anna
    (took forever, used pictures from the movie and concept art, worth it) but more is always better

    They could introduce a medieval fantasy themed city for this
    And a future/sci-fi themed city if they ever do end up adding more star wars stuff in..