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LucyluSim's avatar
5 years ago

Do it as you go Challenge V2

Do it as you go Challenge V2

Hey there! This challenge was originally created by Emmyzrulz for the Sims 3 and then revamped for the Sims 4 by TechieSimmer. This challenge has not been updated since 2014. Since then there have been many updates and packs released. So, I bring you version 2 of the Do it as you go Challenge, a more updated version.

I do not know about you, but I tend to play my saves the same. So why not spice it up? This challenge will do exactly that.

This challenge is created for those that enjoy variety and the unexpected. Each week it is something new and you can not plan for any of it. Your goal? Simply play and enjoy the chaos or lack of.

Before you begin you will need to open this website in a sperate tab. It is a comma separated random generator. Copy and paste the text under the spoiler tab and hit Pick one!



  • Roll for an event twice a week (ie. Wednesday and Sundays) or weekly (ie. Sunday)
  • Roll for a perk every two events
  • You only have 2 rerolls for events EACH generation. So, use them wisely
  • You must always have one couple in the house
  • Once your heir becomes a young adult you must for the gender parameters
  • Have fun!

How to get Started

  • Begin with a new save
  • Create 2 sims. They are your founding couple
  • Roll the gender specific list 3 times per sim and make adjustments
  • OPTIONAL – Roll for an extra sim
  • Pick any world and lot that your household can afford

Male List
Blonde hair, Beard, Pink hair, Bald, Mustache, Black hair, Red hair, Blue hair, White hair, Wear a hat, Blue skin, Green skin, Large nose, Active trait, Gloomy trait, Romantic trait, Foodie trait, Hates children trait, Erratic trait, Geek trait, Evil trait, Glasses, Blue eyes, Muscular build, Slim build, Overweight, Ugliest clothing you can find, First name Bob, First name Baby, Extra 2 rolls, Lots of make up, Full name Santa Clause, First name Batman, Randomized traits, Create your Simself, Clown makeup, Name Sim the closet item to your right, Change nothing, Unibrow, Least favorite hairstyle, Purple hair, Full name Don Vito Corleone, Short hair, Long hair, Medium hair, Elder, Adult, Young Adult, Full name James Bond, Press the randomize sim button in your game. You can only change what the rolls tell you., Freckles, First name Romeo, Large Beard, Name him after your Father, Randomize face, Large chin, No shirt for everyday wear, Red clothing, Large hat, Wear a skirt, Mean trait, Acne, Braces, Yellow outfit, Long hair, Large eyes, Vegetarian, Make-up, Large feet, Large ears, Randomize outfit, Wear a dress as everyday wear, change name to Ralph, Last name Longbottom, Small feet, Brown hair, Grey hair, Updo, Goatee, Face paint, Eye liner, Piercing, No shoes for everyday wear, Choose a knowledge aspiration, Choose a deviance aspiration, Hot-Headed trait, Lazy trait, Facial scar, Dress for formal wear, Purple eyes, Tattoos, Only wear feminine clothing for all outfits, Paranoid trait, Choose the Purveyor of Potions aspiration, Large butt

Female List
Blonde hair, Pink hair, Bald, Black hair, Red hair, Blue hair, White hair, Blue skin, Wear a hat, Muscular build, Slim build, Overweight, Green skin, Large nose, Active trait, Gloomy trait, Romantic trait, Foodie trait, Hates Children trait, Erratic trait, Art Lover trait, Evil trait, Randomize traits, Loner trait, Glasses, Blue eyes, Brown eyes, Green eyes, Ugliest clothing you can find, Makeup, No make-up, First name Kitty, Full name Pudding Pop, Extra 2 rolls, Large butt, Full name Clementine Spooner, First name Princess, Pick your least favourite traits, Pick all your favorite traits, Create your Simself, Choose the Good Vampire aspiration, First name Sugar, Rename the sim the closet object to your left, Nothing, Unibrow, Make the sim look like a Disney character, Least favorite hairstyle, Favorite hairstyle, Oh no! (Delete sim and create an Alien), Full name Lara Croft, Short hair, Long hair, Medium hair, Elder, Adult, Young Adult, Updo, Name her after your mother, Large chin, Randomize all outfits, Large feet, Large nose, Nothing, Only wear skirts for all outfits, Wear a formal dress for everyday wear, Large hat, Wear gloves for everyday wear, Piercings, Green eyes, Large ears, Randomize face, Fortune aspiration, Paranoid trait, Acne, Braces, Facial scars, Yellow hair, Choose a deviance aspiration, Choose the World Famous Celebrity aspiration

OPTIONAL - Extra Sim/Sims
None, Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, None, Daughter, Toddler, Teenager, Sister, Brother, Child, None, Parents, Alone (Delete one Sim), Roommate, Cat, Dog, Vampire, 3 Children, None, Son and daughter, None, None, Alien, Mermaid, None, None, Witch/Wizard

Event List
Redecorate (Redecorate one room), Try for a baby (Try for a baby until you are successful), Move (Move to a different world), A travesty (Kill someone from your household), New job (Get a new job), Hair lice (everyone in your household gets short hair), Roommate (Find a roommate to move into the household), Shopping spree (spend all your money), Family time (Go to a community lot with your household), Child neglect (Ignore your child for 24 hours), Party (Throw a party and earn gold), We are over (Divorce/Break up with your partner), You won the lottery (cheat $1000000 into household funds), Sell your child (use edit town to transfer child into another household and cheat yourself $10000), Small lot (Move to the smallest lot available), Tiny living (Build a tiny home and live in it), Possessed (Move to Strangerville), Love child (Cheat on spouse/partner and have a child with another Sim), Nothing happens, Adoption (Adopt a baby), Fostering (Move a child/teenager from another household in your household), Sell your soul (Kill off 1 Sim and chest yourself $5000), Drafted (Join the Military/Astronaut career), Dual (Fight 3 sims), Picnic (Household trip to the park), Quarantine (Do not leave your house for 1 week), Inheritance (cheat yourself $50000), Off the grid (Live off the grid for 1 week), Hurricane (Delete half of the house walls included), Early Age-up Day (Age up 1 Sim early), Inspiration overload (Pick 1 mood and paint 6 paintings of it), Flu season (Everyone stays home for 3 days), You are fired (Have 1 Sim quit their job), Wannabe author (Write 3 books), Green thumb (Plant 10 plants), Insect invasion (delete entire garden due to insects eating plants), Baby daddy (Male sim impregnates another sim not in your household), I want a dog (Adopt a puppy), Let's get a cat (Adopt a cat), Love thy neighbor (Move in 1 neighbor), Tv show (Create a Sim from your favorite TV show and move them into your town and befriend them), You've been robbed (using the money cheat lower your household income to $0), Child protective services (Merge all babies to teenagers into another household. At the end of the week roll a 6 sided die 1-3 you can have the children back 4-6 you don't get them back), Smurf virus (Change 1 sims skin blue), Starting over (Choose 1 Sim, move them out and that's your new household to play. Make sure they get a new partner/spouse), Double the trouble (Roll for an event twice and do both events), Pandemic (Entire household must stay inside until next event roll), Red is the new black (Make 1 sim wear all red), House swap (Switch houses with another household), Switch (Play another household until you roll for another event), Job lost (Roll a 6 sided die 1-3 you keep your job 4-6 you lose your job), Lovers quarrel (Have your couple fight until next event roll), A night out with the boys (YA/A males where a lot of make-up until next event roll), Couches are for normal people (Delete all the furniture in one room and redecorate it as a different room in the house. Example: living room turns into bedroom), Build a new house (Move to a new lot and build a house), Divorce (Have couple get divorced and marry the first sim you see), Full needs (using testingcheats enabled and the mailbox to make household needs static until next event roll), Double death (Kill 2 sims. If you only have 2 sims reroll), Threes a company (Create 3 Sims from television/movies and move them into your household. After event is over move them into the town), Kiss Kiss fall in funds (During the event period try and kiss as many sims as you can. Earn $1000 for each sim kissed that is not in your household), Flash flood (delete all furniture and decorations from the household lot leaving the inside and outside of the house empty), Where's my house (Keep all the furniture on the lot but delete the house), Unsanitary (delete all tubs and showers. Leave 1 sink and 1 toilet), Too much pasta (Go into CAS and slide the body weight slider to maximum), Not enough pasta (Go into CAS and slide the body weight slider to the minimum), Deal or no deal (Receive $5000 or go to and randomize a number between 1-100. If it is between 90-100 you get $50000 and if it's lower you get $50), Learn a new skill (Reach level 3 in a new skill before you roll for a new event), Bad hospitality (Invite a neighbor over and lock them in a room with nothing but a bed and sink for 3 days. You can feed them or not), What just happened (delete all furniture on your lot and then reduce family funds to $0), Buy a gnomes (Put it on display), Medieval times (Sell electronics fridges stove lights and so on. You may have them back once you roll for a new event), Get out (Age up any teenagers into young adults), They grow up so quick (Age up children to the next life stage. Baby into a toddler. Toddler into a child and so on), Camping (Take the household camping), Triple the trouble (Roll for three events and complete all of them), Reroll CAS list (Roll a 6 sided die 1-3 reroll for female 4-6 reroll for male), Don't adult (Do not pay your bills for 1 week), Family vacation (Take a family trip for a minimum of 3 days), Double the adoption (Adopt 2 babies), Holy flamingo (Purchase 10 flamingos and display all in front of the house), James Bond (Dress in black with sunglasses and get a job in the Secret Spy career), Triple adoption (Adopt 3 children)

Perk List

9 Replies

  • This challenge is NO JOKE. I recently tried it and my Sims are living with 0 funds for the 2nd time, but now with no furniture. :D

    I wonder if this has been updated anywhere.
  • "Belalucina;c-18311701" wrote:
    This challenge is NO JOKE. I recently tried it and my Sims are living with 0 funds for the 2nd time, but now with no furniture. :D

    I wonder if this has been updated anywhere.

    OMG that’s intense! The challenge definitely throws some curveballs at you. I haven’t updated it yet but I will start doing that. With so many packs released, it definitely needs to be.
  • @Luclylu I thought of some ideas for some events. Maybe I'll send them to you and you can see what you think and we can put our ideas together for some updates.
  • Sharing my challenge so far, just for fun.
    My starting sim: Amber Valien
    My rolls for her were:
    Blue skin
    Natural hair color (though I did give her pink highlights...)
    Stereotype her (Rocker stereotype)
    And I rolled fat for her first event (I was going off the original events at the time, before I found this thread). The slider is most of the way up, but she doesn't really look overweight. I made her active so she'll have no problem losing the weight. I don't have a male sim because when I rolled for an extra sim I got:
    Alone (Delete one Sim)
    Her aspiration is soulmate so I can get her married quickly. She's active, ambitious, and an insider for her traits. And she lives in this cute, but haunted house:

    Starting out by jogging and swimming:

    This teen tried to flirt with her and she was like, "get out."

    She had a duel with Caleb, who won, and then helped her up.

    They spent some time together and then went on a date. Caleb ended up autonomously proposing on their first date. It must have been a good date.

    They went to Amber's house and tied the knot immediately.

    Unfortunately on their wedding night they were robbed and left with $0. This wasn't very pleasing to Caleb who is a materialistic sim. He rolled a want to move house, so they sold their furniture and house and moved into a much smaller house and actually ended up having some money left over.

    Things were going pretty well until the second event when...what just happened? In the middle of the night, while they were in bed, all the furniture and money disappeared. This led to a huge fight.

    Thankfully, they managed to patch things up, but Caleb had to get a job in the culinary career. (Amber's career is Athlete).

    She was not impressed with the Plasma Jane.

    Some extra pics:

    Caleb sang a solo for Amber.

    His first round of cooking didn't go so well.

    I'm not sure what is going on here.

    "Why am I burning? It's night time!" You can see the weight loss went well. Guess it helps that she doesn't have to eat anything and never gets tired.
  • @Luclylu This challenge sounds intense. I'm tempted to give it a try :)

    @Belalucina She's super cute :)
  • @flauschtrud thanks! The challenge is intense but it's fun so far :D I'd love to see pics if you try it.
  • @Luclylu I was just wondering: what does delete really mean? Should you cheat away the money afterwards? Otherwise it would be super easy to just restore everything after events like the hurricane for example.

    And it would be cool to add horses to extra Sims list and horse adoptions to the events :)

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