Forum Discussion
Generation 1: Chapter 2: That's Politics, Baby.
A few months after declaring that he'd get involved in Politics, Edward has awoken from a deep slumber and has vowed to make this the day he begins his long journey to being the most hated man in the world. Why did it take him several months after his declaration you might ask?
Well that apartment fire set him back a couple grand.
Faulty electricity meant he couldn't shower consistently and I mean are you really going to vote for a smelly guy? I know I wouldn't.
But today's the day, Edward spent all night on Wikipedia researching how to get your foot in the door of politics while simultaneously lurking on Twitter to find out what everyone has been complaining about recently. I'd say he's qualified.
You see, turns out all Edward needs to do is just run around and protest everywhere and eventually people will get his name in their mouths. But of course every wannabe politician needs a cause to support. Edward chose, of course, Simoleons for Everyone, because everyone likes money...He's my kind of guy already.
Oooooh, looks like Edward has his first person to shout that megaphone at.
"Ha ha, what a loser!" Nancy Landgraab heckled as she jogged past "You should get yourself a real job like someone who isn't a bum!"
That's when something clicked in Nancy's head, "Hey wait a minute." She paused "I love money!" and in that moment, Nancy Landgraab was now a very vocal supporter of Edward Baxter.
Didn't take too long for Edward to amass a pretty decently sized crowd. Guess he knows how to speak to the people.....yes, with promises of money.
After a long day of protesting, Edward finally headed home, only to be stopped by Miko Ojo who had been taking part in the protest with him.
Twenty minutes later, Edward found a new passion. Sleeping with as many women who practically throw themselves at him because he's literally the only politician worth throwing yourself at. Hey, he was going to get corrupted anyways. That's politics, baby!
"Dude, Politics rocks!" Edward said before continuing with his life.
So now that was Edward's life, going around and protesting wherever he doesn't get tossed out by the police, and soaking up whatever praise he can get.
"Aw yeah, Edward Baxter! Now THAT'S a politician I can back." Marcus Flex cheered.
Edward just smiled and waved to the adoring fan "Thanks bro, your applause is what gets me out of bed in the morning."
Later that night, Edward was in deep thought. Until he was joined by another supporter "And your support gets me into bed at night."
Of course in between the many protests, and many romantic rendezvous, Edward would head to the gym to pump his guns.
"I'm going to pretend you're that football player who gave me a wedgie in the 8th grade!" Edward shouted before slugging the boxing bag.......with a very weak punch...more like a tap.
In case you needed to know where Edward got his advice involving the ladies, here he is. Mr Don Lothario.
Edward kept this up for the next two years of his life. He'd show up to spread the good word of money for everyone.
Sleep with anyone who was willing.
Then go home and rinse repeat.
"You like Simoleons for Everyone too?" Katrina Caliente said to her old pal, Nancy.
"Of course I do, As long as I'm still richer than everyone else!" Nancy shouts at the rally.
Can't argue with that.
Boy this sure gave Edward an idea.
However it was in this moment that Edward realized something...........................................................He was pretty sleazy even by sleazy politician standards. He knew he couldn't use his power and influence this way, so Edward changed his ways right then and there to be the leader he's TRULY wanted to be.
"Nancy you leave, Katrina you stay." Edward said, embarking onto his new path of being a less sleazy politician.
However in a penthouse nearby, trouble was a brewing.
"Edward Baxter.....The only man standing in my way of world domination." Victor Feng said, looking down at one of Edward's rally's going on down there with a fury.
"There's only one way I'll ever become President of this forsaken country, and that's by being the only candidate!" Victor fumed as he made his way through his penthouse. "I'll have to make sure to stop him with any scummy low brow tactic I can think of to make sure my plan comes to fruition!"
Lily Feng just sighed as she sat on the couch "You know, I had to work up the courage to speak to the low class video rental clerk just to rent this movie. Now are we going to watch it or what?"
"Curses woman!" Victor shouts "Don't you see how this man could jeopardize our life's work?! Wait, is that Dwayne Johnson? Curses woman! How did you know that his movies are my one weakness?!" Victor continues to rant before he and the Mrs settle back to watch that movie...THEN he'll get back to scheming.
To be continued.
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