Forum Discussion

thesims1depot's avatar
Seasoned Ace
8 years ago

Fairy Tale EP/SP?

I was just wondering, what with Beauty and the Beast out now, how interested would anyone be in a fairy tale-themed EP or SP? I don't mean anything related to fairies. I mean something centered around classic fairy tales and fantasy stories like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, Jack and the Beanstalk, etc.? Or generic characters like the big, bad wolf, Prince Charming, etc.? I am imagining, say, either a fairy tale world that a sim could travel to or fairy tale characters just turning up in the sim world?

10 Replies

  • Do you mind if I put down some of my own ideas?-these are from the Sims 3 but it could also work for the Sims 4
  • "MadameLee;15646967" wrote:
    Do you mind if I put down some of my own ideas?-these are from the Sims 3 but it could also work for the Sims 4

    No, of course not! Post, by all means. That's why I started the thread, for everyone to brainstorm ideas! :)

  • I have a Storybook EP thread around which allows for cross-bending the story (ie Cinderfellow, a Handsome and the Beastess, Frog Princess, a female Aladdin, etc) and in the modern time instead of it being a coach that the pumpkin changes to it a car instead.

    glass or golden slippers .

    a pumpkin stage coach (for a FT like land)/car (modern day version)

    magic mirror-can be different types the traditional one which is actually *on* the wall. Or it could be a handheld mirror (kind of like the Beast's mirror)

    Fake death aka, sleep by either apple or spinning wheel (or it could go further and the 'potion' could be put on chocolate and oranges (and drinks!) too..your free to ask how to be included)

    crown for all ages and genders.

    long skirts for woman (when they aren't in ballgowns) and I mean ones that hide the ankles. Not being sexist it just up until like the 50s or so..showing even a little bit of ankle was scandalous.

    How about for special gown option ((coming from either 1)a NPC fairy godmother or 2) whoever "You" choose to be the godmother)) that turns bag into dirty work clothes at midnight-but they would need to fix the clock in the sims so there would be enough time for Cindy to get to the ball and dance with the prince (it could either be an NPC -or someone you choose-I rather it not be a NPC-since as soon as your female sim marries him he wouldn't be a prince unless they can change it that you move into his place instead

    and/or maybe an option so you could choose a) move Prince into your sim's place, b) move into the Prince's castle, or C)random.

    royal family bloodline, a bit like the vampire bloodline, but of course restricted to one or 2 families and not as much spawning, but then sims could have a LTW to marry prince charming; marry a member of the royal family.

    the fairy god mother thing should be like a profession, and magic is the new skill that it goes with..

    a glass coffin/altar bed

    two different kind of spinning wheels-one that is the sleep one mentioned above, and the other one can make straw into simloeans

    two different types of Red Riding Hood cloaks (the difference is if your sim is a werewolf or not) if s/he is a werewolf the 2nd cloak can 'keep the wolf away'.

    A sim life time wish to marry a prince or princess.

    Maybe as an 'evil' profession, a sim can choose to become a "Rumpelstiltskin/Sea Witch" kind of person. If you don't quite understand what I mean it means people who are desperate for anything would go and make deals with the Rumpelstiltskin/Ursala kind of witch.

    Mermaids vs. Sea witch. A sea witch could offer a mermaid different kind of potions for them to be able to spend time on land, if they have no other option too and for different lengths of period but the mermaid would have to give something up (like her voice-note, that's important in all TLM adoptions not just Disney's) but need to get something in return for the sea witch..

    Also *maybe* if they could get the right from Disney to have Disney related stuff they could have like..a warobe that could take you from the 'modern-day world' to the FTL or there could be a a 'dark curse' for the FTL to take them to the Sims' world. Or a magic hat or magic bean which could take you to Oz, Never, Never land.

    And also you don't have to stick with original story..Like for instance you could have a male Cinderella, or a Male Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. You could have like a female Aladdin.. Or you can have "Handsome and the Beast"
  • @MadameLee , I really like your ideas, especially regarding the fairy godmother profession. How about having a tooth fairy profession as well? Or at least an NPC tooth fairy?

    I was thinking how entertaining it would be if players could actually kiss some of the frogs they collect on the off chance of finding Prince Charming. The downside, though, is that if the frog they kiss is just a frog, they can develop a bad case of the warts!
  • "ts1depot;15647008" wrote:
    @MadameLee , I really like your ideas, especially regarding the fairy godmother profession. How about having a tooth fairy profession as well? Or at least an NPC tooth fairy?

    I was thinking how entertaining it would be if players could actually kiss some of the frogs they collect on the off chance of finding Prince Charming. The downside, though, is that if the frog they kiss is just a frog, they can develop a bad case of the warts!

    never thought of that..
  • Really? No one else besides the two of us have thought about this, especially what with fairy tales experiencing a comeback of sorts? I think it would be a totally charming addition to TS4 if done right.
  • "ts1depot;15647936" wrote:
    Really? No one else besides the two of us have thought about this, especially what with fairy tales experiencing a comeback of sorts? I think it would be a totally charming addition to TS4 if done right.

    and in my Storybooke EP could have a male Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, or a female princess as a frog story.. OR a female Aladdin *cough* wouldn't be too much would it..since "let's face it/ even though he might not look the same/he's the Disney Princess of his film in everything but name" *cough* or a gender flipped or Homosexual Beauty and the Beast story.. Heck true love doesn't even need to be romantic love as seen in the TV show Once Upon a Time AND in Frozen.. but family love.

    off-topic In my Swanson legacy I had this very ODD way of showing true love but didn't know that until ages later.. in Gen 2 Hannah the new heiress got injured in a duel and she need a blood transfusion but the only person who had a compatible blood type was her sister's kidnapper's son Jacob, who she would eventually married. It was Jacob she was defending from someone else in the duel and in order to help her back..Jacob volunteered to give his blood to save Hannah.

  • Okay, let me try to inject some fresh blood into this dying thread. Here are some more of ideas:

  • Your kids (or your adult sims) have a chance to go on a fairy tale adventure (maybe similar to the time machine in TS3 where they disappear for awhile and come back) -or- if it's possible, we get to go with them to this fairy tale land.
  • Your kids get visited by a mischievous Peter Pan-like character at night, who's similar to the imaginary friend in Sims 3. But it can be a totally new character that's part of Sim lore or something. (Pieter Sim?)
  • Like with aliens in GT, there are sims in town who are really fairy tale characters but maybe it's not so obvious this time around and it's up to your sims to figure out who is and isn't one.
  • The ability to catch fairies as pets (kind of like Tinkerbell)
  • NPC characters, like the Tooth Fairy, Fairy Godmother, etc.
  • A mini-game, like I said earlier, where you can try to find Prince Charming or a fairy tale princess by kissing frogs or doing some other task.
  • Fairy tale objects, decor and clothing.
  • Movotti's avatar
    New Spectator
    8 years ago
    I like the idea of a fairytale themed pack.

    A while back I thought one could work well as a supernatural pack, with a big bad werewolf, a vampire princess sleeping the day away, a witch with a batch of bad apples.

    "MadameLee;15646980" wrote:
    long skirts for woman (when they aren't in ballgowns) and I mean ones that hide the ankles. Not being sexist it just up until like the 50s or so..showing even a little bit of ankle was scandalous.

    Uh... I think you mean until the 1900's
    Even in the 1920's the only women wearing ankle length skirts were grannies or prudes.
    And go back to the 1700's, and skirts that showed the ankles, when milk-maid attire became all the rage... but the common folk had been doing it for years.
    And before that, in the 1500's german women hitched their skirts up to just below their knees.

    But yeah, the game needs more below the knee skirts/dress options.

    royal family bloodline, a bit like the vampire bloodline, but of course restricted to one or 2 families and not as much spawning, but then sims could have a LTW to marry prince charming; marry a member of the royal family.

    I like that idea.
    Especially having a couple of royal bloodlines.

  • Oh my gosh, I would absolutely adore a fairy-tale themed pack!

    Think about it, a magical new world; quirky NPCs straight out of classic stories; sweet princess fashion; a chance to build your own cottage or castles; the possibilities are endless!

    Someone out there, make it happen now!