3 years ago
Help and Ideas Appreciated!
Hi guys! So I'm currently trying to create a Not So Berry 2.0 because lilsimsie is my fave and I love the challenge she made! I'm trying to use packs and different skills as well as traits from all the newer packs. So far I have the full doctor career, the lawyer career from university, and creating a farm from cottage living. I'm definitely wanting to do paranormal and interior decorater and maybe the occult sims (spellcaster, mermaid, vampire, werewolf). I kind of also want to do the acting career. So many ideas so little time. Any ideas help and alternate generations in case people don't have the packs associated! I'll post as I go along. But here's Generation 1 to give you an idea of what I'm doing.
Generation One: Yellow
You are very ambitious! You have dreamed of being a doctor your whole life and strive to be healthy but we all have our guilty pleasures…
Must max mixology, baking and video gaming skills.
Max login skill and one other skill.
Max doctor career
Work your way from the cheapest apartment to the nicest mansion by the time you are an elder.
Marry or don't but have at least two kids super close in age. Older child is YA and younger is a teen when this starts.
Generation One: Yellow
You are very ambitious! You have dreamed of being a doctor your whole life and strive to be healthy but we all have our guilty pleasures…
Must max mixology, baking and video gaming skills.
Max login skill and one other skill.
Max doctor career
Work your way from the cheapest apartment to the nicest mansion by the time you are an elder.
Marry or don't but have at least two kids super close in age. Older child is YA and younger is a teen when this starts.