2 years agoRising Vanguard
Lone Traveler Legacy - A Wild West Challenge
This challenge is set in the Wild West era (1850s, give or take), and you will play the life and legacy of a solo traveler who moves around different worlds with their horse, never settling down and living off of ever-changing source of income.
Not all of the options I put in this challenge are strictly historically correct, but I did it for the sake of variety. Adjust the options as you prefer.
You can play it in different ways and different difficulties, and you are free to change some rules if you feel like it.
Be aware that this challenge was created for vanilla play, as I'm a console player and I have no access to mods. You are free to use them or add any CCs you feel necessary, but you might have to adjust certain rules to fit them.
This challenge relies heavily on randomized choices. It's recommended to use a number randomizer to make the choices.
You are gonna start the challenge by creating a household with:
Your sim can have whatever traits and aspiration you want, but if you are playing in an historical setting, remember to dress them in a fitting way.
You are allowed just one set of clothes for each outfit category (you may be allowed to add more by random events)
Your traveler sim will move from world to world, settling down in small camps (usually the smallest lot in that neighborhood, but choose the one you prefer). You can either live and travel in a wagon, or find shelter in different builds.
When moving, use the freerealestate cheat to afford moving to the new camp (sell the furniture when moving, so you will find them again when visiting again)
Don't use the cheat and gather enough funds to move if you want a higher level of difficulty
Additional Furniture: you might have to add extra furniture to your lot because of raising your heir, beacuse of your rolled source of income, or as a consequence of an event. When you move, you can decide to take them with you (put them in your household inventory) or leave them there for your next stay.
For both options, you should always put some sort of stable or shelter for your horse, with everything they could need. Since at some point you will play with 2 sims and 2 (or more) horses, I recommend always placing at least 2 horse beds.
Whenever you have to move, randomize:
- Your next stop
- The lenght of your stay
- Which lot traits and challenges the new camp will have (lots traits and challenges are optional, but recommended as they add a bit of spice to your stay).
- Your source of income.
Roll a number between 6 and 17. That is the duration of your stay in that camp before moving again.
Your stay can be cut short by certain events.
Since this is a legacy challenge, your traveler sim will have to generate an heir, who they will have to raise while traveling.
Your traveler is not supposed to have a spouse and more than one child, unless a random event ask you to.
Your traveler can have woohoo partners and romantic relationships if you want, but no marriage and try for a baby unless stated otherwise by a random event.
You will decide when to generate an heir by rolling a number between 1 and 6 as soon as your sim becomes a Young Adult. You will generate an heir when you have that number of days until aging up into an adult.
Example: I rolled a 2. I will generate an heir when the age counter in the sim panel says the traveler has 2 days until aging up into an adult.
When it's time to have an heir, I recommend choosing a sim who live in the same world you are currently staying in as the other parent, as if you met them during your stay.
This is not a strict rule, and you can choose whoever you want.
You are free to raise your heir the way you want.
I usually roll the kid's favorite color (and then dress them appropriately) and if they need glasses or not.
I have no restriction rules regarding the heir's traits or aspirations
You can consider your current generation complete either when your main sim dies, or when the heir becomes a young adult.
You can play as many generations as you want. I tend to play endless legacies, but you can set a limited number of generations if you want an ending point.
Your traveler is supposed to travel on horseback or with a wagon, so you must always have at least one horse.
Your traveler will usually outlive their horse, so when your horse die, you can either buy, adopt or breed a new one.
You are allowed to create it in CAS, but if you do that, remove from your funds the 2000$ the game gives you when adding a new member to your household. Then remove a reasonable amount of money as 'payment' for the horse.
When your heir turns into a child, get them a horse.
Other animals
You are free to get other animals, if you want.
Just remember that there are some random events that will add a dog/sheep/goat to your group.
A traveling life is not supposed to be a peaceful one: once a week (I usually do it on Monday, but you can choose whatever day you prefer), roll a random event from the stupidly long list I created.
These events are supposed to make your traveler's life a bit more difficult, mainly by making you lose money. The game feels more challenging when you are struggling for money, but you are free to ignore these events or cheat for money if you prefer a less difficult game.
Some events are more favorable, or will affect your traveler's life in a deeper way.
When you roll and event you can't fulfill because you don't meet one of the conditions, just roll another.
If you are not okay with one of my preset events, change them or add your own.
Event List
ONE-TIME TAX = Pay 500$ for each member of the family. If you don't have enough money, sell furniture or animals.
PNEUMONIA EPIDEMIC = Your family is hit by the pneumonia epidemic going around town.
You can't earn money for 3-5 days. (Randomize how many days)
BANDITS ASSAULT = You were assauted during the night.
Roll the outcome:
1 = You managed to drive the bandits away
2 = You fought and got a scar
3 = They attacked your kid and they got a scar
COWBOY PASSING BY = A traveling cowboy is passing by and ask to stay for 2-5 days. (Roll how many days and have them stay as guest)
BEAST ASSAULT = You or your kid got assaulted by a wolf/bear/puma and got wounded. (Roll who is attacked and by which animal)
SUGAR TAX Pay 1000$ to the Government.
A FAMILY IN NEED = One of the family in town is going through a rough time. They can't support all of their kids.
Take in one of their kids for 4-6 days (Roll how many days and have them stay as guest)
ROBBERY = Robbers broke into your camp while you were away. They took half of your money.
POLICE INVESTIGATION = You were suspected of being involved in illegal activities. You ended up not being persecuted, but you had to pay a 200-500$ fine. (Roll how much you have to pay)
ROUGH NIGHT = You were arrested for a brawl in a saloon. You spent the night in prison and you had to pay 100-450$ to get out. (Roll how much you have to pay)
DISTANT RELATIVE = A distant relative contacted you out of the blue. Roll the content of the message:
1 = You have inherited 50-200$.
2 = They need some financial help, so you send them 100-400$.
(Roll how much money you lose/get)
VISIT TO THE TAYLOR = You visit the taylor for some new clothes. Create a new set of clothes in each outfit category for each member of the family.
Pay 200$ for each Sim.
HORSE PREGNANCY (only if you have a female horse) = Your mare ran away for one night and came back pregnant. Breed her to a random horse and decide what to do with the foal (keep or sell)
STRAY DOG = A stray dog visited your camp. You decided to take them in (Create a dog in CAS. Subtract the extra money you were given by the game)
USEFUL PET = You had the chance to buy a goat or sheep at a good price. (Decide or roll which animal you get)
HASTLY DEPARTURE = You have to leave your actual camp earlier. Roll a new destination and move
ONE-NIGHT STAND (male traveler only) = You have a one-night stand with a friend and knocked her up. You don't take the kid in, but keep in contact with them. (You can have the kid come over for a chat and spend time with them)
KID VISIT = If you have a kid(s) who doesn't live with you, have them visit you and stay at your camp for 3-5 days (Roll how many days and have them stay as guest)
TRUE LOVE = You discover you have deep feelings for a sim you are close to. Marry them but they don't live with you.
If you don't have an heir, you will have it with them. You can have more children with your spouse, but they don't live with you (only the heir).
MARRIAGE TROUBLE = If you have a spouse, divorce them because they don't accept your traveling lifestyle.
ALONE AGAIN = If you have a spouse, they died while visiting you. (Invite them over and kill them with cheats. If you have kids who lives with your spouse, take them in until they turn teens, then move them out into their own household)
LOST FARM ANIMAL = A lost goat or sheep wandered into your camp. You decide they could be useful and keep them. (Roll which animal and buy one. You can refund the money spent to get them, if you want)
WOOHOO MISTAKE = If you have a spouse, invite them over for some spicy time. You end up generating another kid, but they stayed with your partner. (If your traveler is female, move the baby out to your spouse's household after birth)
A MERCY SAVE = You notice a farmer that is going to kill their dog/elder horse. You convince them to sell them to you for 250$ (Roll which animal is involved and use adopt feature to get them)
BOUNTY HUNTER = You get news of a bounty on a bandit and decide to go after it.
Sum all your actual skill level and check the outcome:
- Total is 30+, you successfully complete the bounty and get 50-100$
- Total is 20-30, the bounty escapes but you are unharmed
- Total is 15-20, the bandit escapes and they also robbed you of 200-400$
- Total is 15 or under, the bandit almost kills you and you get a scar
(If needed, roll the amount of money you get/lose)
POKER NIGHT = You play poker with some locals but lose half of your money or all of your money (Roll which outcome)
INSECT INFESTATION = The camp is suddenly infested by insects. (Add Creepy Crawlies to the lot)
HORSE COMPETITION = There's a horse competition this week. You decide to participate.
HORSE TAX = Pay 200$ for each horse you own
HORSE INJURY = One of your horses got injured while you were riding them. Pay 100$ for the vet and let them rest for 1-3 days.
TATTERED CLOTHES = Your everyday clothes became too tattered to be used again. Change them into a new outfit and pay 60$.
A NEW SET OF CLOTHES = You went into town and decided to buy some new everyday/hot weather/cold weather clothes for the family. Pay 70$ for each new set of clothes. (Roll or decide which category of clothes)
A DIFFICULT DECISION (Teen heir only) = Your teen kid decided to stop studying and get a job to help you out. Make them drop out of high school. From now on, roll a source of income for them too when moving to a new camp.
THE ORPHAN = Bandits kill off a family, leaving just an orphan behind. You take them in and raise them until they turn into teens. (Check all families living in the same world and roll the random kid that survives. Move them in and kill off or delete the rest of their family. Can be any ages. If no kid is available, adopt them from the agency)
SHARED CAMP = Some other travelers are staying at your same camp. Host them for 6 days. (Get a random family from the Gallery/create one and have them stay as guests)
CHANGE OF INCOME = Roll a different source of income for the rest of your stay.
EVENTFUL YEAR = Roll three events for this year. One now, one on Thursday and one on Saturday
HORSE BREEDING (male horse available) = You receive a studding request from another family with a mare. Have your stallion breed with the other horse and get paid the sum of all the horse skills x10
HORSE BREEDING (female horse available) = A friend is looking for a horse and ask to have a foal from your mare. Have your mare breed with a stallion (favor theirs if they have one) and then sell them the foal. If you have both a stallion and a mare, you can have them breed.
WISH FOR A FOAL = A family is looking to buy a horse. If you have a mare and a stallion, breed them together and then sell the foal (try to achieve temperament lv 6)
WILD HORSE = You managed to tame a wild horse that was hanging out near your camp. Keep them or sell them after 5-8 days of training. (Adopt a horse. If by the time you finish training it has 10 or more level in skills, you can change its trait to better ones if you want to keep them)
Not all of the options I put in this challenge are strictly historically correct, but I did it for the sake of variety. Adjust the options as you prefer.
You can play it in different ways and different difficulties, and you are free to change some rules if you feel like it.
Be aware that this challenge was created for vanilla play, as I'm a console player and I have no access to mods. You are free to use them or add any CCs you feel necessary, but you might have to adjust certain rules to fit them.
This challenge relies heavily on randomized choices. It's recommended to use a number randomizer to make the choices.
You are gonna start the challenge by creating a household with:
- 1 Young adult sim of any gender (if you want, you can start with a teen. But it will take you a bit longer before you can get an heir)
- 1 Horse of any breed and gender
Your sim can have whatever traits and aspiration you want, but if you are playing in an historical setting, remember to dress them in a fitting way.
You are allowed just one set of clothes for each outfit category (you may be allowed to add more by random events)
Your traveler sim will move from world to world, settling down in small camps (usually the smallest lot in that neighborhood, but choose the one you prefer). You can either live and travel in a wagon, or find shelter in different builds.
When moving, use the freerealestate cheat to afford moving to the new camp (sell the furniture when moving, so you will find them again when visiting again)
Don't use the cheat and gather enough funds to move if you want a higher level of difficulty
- Wagon Option: Build a small house with the bare minimum to live: a small kitchen (optional), a bathroom with shower(or bathtub) and a toilet, two beds (bunkbeds recommended), a small table (optional)
It's up to you to make it as big and confortable as you want, but remember it should mimic a wagon, so it's not supposed to be a luxury home.
Save the lot to your gallery. Every time you move and change world, put down this lot, as if your traveler had stopped the wagon in that place. The position of the wagon and other outdoor furnitures you might want to add to the lot should always be different, so to make every camp you visit different from the others. - Shelter Option: if you are an eager builder, create a different building for every camp in which your traveler finds shelter. It can be anything, from a run-down building, to an abandoned barn, to whatever you think fit the challenge. These buildings can be as big as you want, but always try to make them feel abandoned and lacking in luxury comfort.
For a higher level of difficulty, move into empty lots and use your funds to build your temporary shelter.
Additional Furniture: you might have to add extra furniture to your lot because of raising your heir, beacuse of your rolled source of income, or as a consequence of an event. When you move, you can decide to take them with you (put them in your household inventory) or leave them there for your next stay.
For both options, you should always put some sort of stable or shelter for your horse, with everything they could need. Since at some point you will play with 2 sims and 2 (or more) horses, I recommend always placing at least 2 horse beds.
Whenever you have to move, randomize:
- Your next stop
- The lenght of your stay
- Which lot traits and challenges the new camp will have (lots traits and challenges are optional, but recommended as they add a bit of spice to your stay).
- Your source of income.
These Worlds and Neighborhoods are the ones I selected as they felt right for the setting I had in mind. You are free to adjust the list to your liking and the packs you own.
1 Chestnut Ridge (Riders Glen)
2 Chestnut Ridge (Galloping Gulch)
3 Chestnut Ridge (New Appaloosa)
4 Henford on Bagley (Bramblewood)
5 Henford on Bagley (Old New Henford)
6 Moonwood Mill
7 Oasis Spring (Parched Prospect)
8 Strangerville (Strangerville Plaza)
9 Strangerville (Shady Acres)
10 Sulani (Mua Pelam)
11 Sulani (Lani St. Taz)
12 Tartosa (Terra Amorosa)
13 Windenburg (Windslar)
14 Windenburg (The Crumbling Isle)
15 Brindleton Bay (Cavalier Cove)
16 Copperdale (Plumbite Cove)
These Worlds and Neighborhoods are the ones I selected as they felt right for the setting I had in mind. You are free to adjust the list to your liking and the packs you own.
1 Chestnut Ridge (Riders Glen)
2 Chestnut Ridge (Galloping Gulch)
3 Chestnut Ridge (New Appaloosa)
4 Henford on Bagley (Bramblewood)
5 Henford on Bagley (Old New Henford)
6 Moonwood Mill
7 Oasis Spring (Parched Prospect)
8 Strangerville (Strangerville Plaza)
9 Strangerville (Shady Acres)
10 Sulani (Mua Pelam)
11 Sulani (Lani St. Taz)
12 Tartosa (Terra Amorosa)
13 Windenburg (Windslar)
14 Windenburg (The Crumbling Isle)
15 Brindleton Bay (Cavalier Cove)
16 Copperdale (Plumbite Cove)
Roll a number between 6 and 17. That is the duration of your stay in that camp before moving again.
Your stay can be cut short by certain events.
1 Great Soil
2 On Ley Line
3 Penny Pixies
4 Sunny Aspect
5 Great Acustic
6 Homey
7 Convivial
8 Bracing Breezes
9 Romantic Aura
10 On a dark Ley Line
11 Vampire Nexus
12 Cat Hangout
13 Dog Hangout
14 Island Spirits
1 Quake Zone
2 Cursed
3 Gordy
4 Gremlins
5 Filthy
6 Spooky
7 Creepy Crawlies
8 Volcanic Activities
You can customize these lists as you want.
Simple Living challenge:
I recommend having the Simple Living Challenge always active, as it add an additional level of difficulty. But if it's not your thing, you can disable it.
1 Great Soil
2 On Ley Line
3 Penny Pixies
4 Sunny Aspect
5 Great Acustic
6 Homey
7 Convivial
8 Bracing Breezes
9 Romantic Aura
10 On a dark Ley Line
11 Vampire Nexus
12 Cat Hangout
13 Dog Hangout
14 Island Spirits
1 Quake Zone
2 Cursed
3 Gordy
4 Gremlins
5 Filthy
6 Spooky
7 Creepy Crawlies
8 Volcanic Activities
You can customize these lists as you want.
Simple Living challenge:
I recommend having the Simple Living Challenge always active, as it add an additional level of difficulty. But if it's not your thing, you can disable it.
1 Fishing (3 fishes per day)
2 Gardening (buy just 1 packet of seed for the season you are in when you arrive. Plant 1 seed for each produce and sell them every day)
3 Horse Competitions (1 per day)
4 Odd Jobs (2 per day)
5 Part Time Jobs
6 Selling Items you Find
7 Community Jobs (1 per day)
8 Harvest Oversize Crops (1 type of oversize crop)
9 Playing Guitar (gain money with tips)
10 Woodworking (2 items per day)
11 Knitting (1 item per day)
12 Errands (only if staying in HoB; if not, roll a different source)
13 Training Horses (Breed or Adopt a horse when you arrive. You have as many days as your stay to train them and then sell them)
14 Meditation or Yoga lessons (1 session per day)
Your traveler is supposed to be quite poor and struggle for money, as it makes the challenge more interesting. You are free to adjust your source of income as you prefer.
1 Fishing (3 fishes per day)
2 Gardening (buy just 1 packet of seed for the season you are in when you arrive. Plant 1 seed for each produce and sell them every day)
3 Horse Competitions (1 per day)
4 Odd Jobs (2 per day)
5 Part Time Jobs
6 Selling Items you Find
7 Community Jobs (1 per day)
8 Harvest Oversize Crops (1 type of oversize crop)
9 Playing Guitar (gain money with tips)
10 Woodworking (2 items per day)
11 Knitting (1 item per day)
12 Errands (only if staying in HoB; if not, roll a different source)
13 Training Horses (Breed or Adopt a horse when you arrive. You have as many days as your stay to train them and then sell them)
14 Meditation or Yoga lessons (1 session per day)
Your traveler is supposed to be quite poor and struggle for money, as it makes the challenge more interesting. You are free to adjust your source of income as you prefer.
Since this is a legacy challenge, your traveler sim will have to generate an heir, who they will have to raise while traveling.
Your traveler is not supposed to have a spouse and more than one child, unless a random event ask you to.
Your traveler can have woohoo partners and romantic relationships if you want, but no marriage and try for a baby unless stated otherwise by a random event.
You will decide when to generate an heir by rolling a number between 1 and 6 as soon as your sim becomes a Young Adult. You will generate an heir when you have that number of days until aging up into an adult.
Example: I rolled a 2. I will generate an heir when the age counter in the sim panel says the traveler has 2 days until aging up into an adult.
When it's time to have an heir, I recommend choosing a sim who live in the same world you are currently staying in as the other parent, as if you met them during your stay.
This is not a strict rule, and you can choose whoever you want.
- If your traveler is male: when it's time, try for a baby with the sim you have chosen and make sure they are pregnant. Let the baby be born outside of your household and then move them in. You can move them in when they are still a baby or wait until they age into infant.
You are allowed to change their name. Edit the last name so it matches your traveler's. - If your traveler is female: when it's time, try for a baby with the sim you have chosen. Make sure to be pregnant.
You can choose the baby's name, but they will take their father's last name.
You are free to raise your heir the way you want.
I usually roll the kid's favorite color (and then dress them appropriately) and if they need glasses or not.
I have no restriction rules regarding the heir's traits or aspirations
You can consider your current generation complete either when your main sim dies, or when the heir becomes a young adult.
You can play as many generations as you want. I tend to play endless legacies, but you can set a limited number of generations if you want an ending point.
Your traveler is supposed to travel on horseback or with a wagon, so you must always have at least one horse.
Your traveler will usually outlive their horse, so when your horse die, you can either buy, adopt or breed a new one.
You are allowed to create it in CAS, but if you do that, remove from your funds the 2000$ the game gives you when adding a new member to your household. Then remove a reasonable amount of money as 'payment' for the horse.
When your heir turns into a child, get them a horse.
Other animals
You are free to get other animals, if you want.
Just remember that there are some random events that will add a dog/sheep/goat to your group.
A traveling life is not supposed to be a peaceful one: once a week (I usually do it on Monday, but you can choose whatever day you prefer), roll a random event from the stupidly long list I created.
These events are supposed to make your traveler's life a bit more difficult, mainly by making you lose money. The game feels more challenging when you are struggling for money, but you are free to ignore these events or cheat for money if you prefer a less difficult game.
Some events are more favorable, or will affect your traveler's life in a deeper way.
When you roll and event you can't fulfill because you don't meet one of the conditions, just roll another.
If you are not okay with one of my preset events, change them or add your own.
Event List
You can't earn money for 3-5 days. (Randomize how many days)
Roll the outcome:
1 = You managed to drive the bandits away
2 = You fought and got a scar
3 = They attacked your kid and they got a scar
Take in one of their kids for 4-6 days (Roll how many days and have them stay as guest)
1 = You have inherited 50-200$.
2 = They need some financial help, so you send them 100-400$.
(Roll how much money you lose/get)
Pay 200$ for each Sim.
If you don't have an heir, you will have it with them. You can have more children with your spouse, but they don't live with you (only the heir).
Sum all your actual skill level and check the outcome:
- Total is 30+, you successfully complete the bounty and get 50-100$
- Total is 20-30, the bounty escapes but you are unharmed
- Total is 15-20, the bandit escapes and they also robbed you of 200-400$
- Total is 15 or under, the bandit almost kills you and you get a scar
(If needed, roll the amount of money you get/lose)