Forum Discussion

PalmArrow's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
6 years ago

Morgan, shipwrecked in paradise

This is my response to the Off-the-grid challenge Island Living by @kitnkabootle .

Morgan Miner is a sailor who got shipwrecked and ended up on the Key Point lot in Sulani - the empty lot an a little island near the volcano island, with the "off the grid" lot trait. He starts the game with 0 simoleons, 0 skills and no satisfaction points or awards.
Morgan will earn money only by doing odd jobs (limited to one a day), fishing, beachcombing and collecting. He is only allowed to buy a house when he earns 10,000 (I took this to mean he is not allowed to build before he earns that amount, only to buy furniture and off-the-grid appliances.)
If I encounter a glitch that allows him to earn money unfairly quickly, I will not take advantage of it. (The reason I added this rule is that in my other game on Sulani, my sim keeps finding seashells that can be picked up and sold a multiple amount of times. A handy money cheat, but it would make this challenge very unchallenging!)
  • IllusoryThrall's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Still loving reading about Morgan's adventures. There are lucrative treasures to be found.. but I found most of my mermaid's treasures from exploring the cave, not diving.. Hope you have better luck next time!
  • "PalmArrow;c-17176521" wrote:
    @Tiarella , your comment sent me on an interesting train of thought about what it would be like to file bug-reports for real life. I think my town is spawning too much traffic while I'm on my way to work, for example. :smiley: Drunken guests touring a child's room late at night is definitely an unacceptable bug!

    Now there's an entertaining idea! I suppose the closest we can come to a bug-report is calling our various representatives and demanding they fixit (which I do!). Too bad our reps generally keep the tally of these real-life 'bug-reports' secret. ...Petitions might also be considered similar to bug-reports, & they're easy to me-too!

    Another amusing idea is to imagine our sims filing bug-reports for themselves. I'm quite certain that some of them would object to some of the things I make them do! :lol: :naughty: :innocent:

    (sorry my response is so late--I've been away from the forum. Nice to come back to your story!)
  • Hurrah for Morgan! (and you, of course. :wink: ) I really enjoyed your story. How's life going for him now?
  • PalmArrow's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Thank you, @Tiarella ! I actually haven't played Morgan's save since this last update, although I'm definitely planning to return to playing him. The reason is that I've started another save in Sulani in which I'm rotationally playing the whole town, and rotational play is something I've never tried before, so it now has my whole attention while I'm trying to gat the hang of it!
  • Hope you have a blast! Rotational's the only way I play. I've tried to stick to one sim, or one household, but I always branch out. TS4's the first time* I've added premades to my rotation, though. Typically I ignore or delete them, as I prefer playing my own sims & scenarios. TS4's also the first time I've made HHs not to nurture them them through life, but to #tortureyoursims! Not that I can keep that up forever. Poor things! Eventually I take pity on them. Even evil, mean, insensitive, etc. sims can change their ways!

    Have fun! :smiley:

    *terrible grammar but I trust you understand what I mean!