Forum Discussion
8 years ago
Money and Working and Interest on the Clone Drone
Your sim must pay whatever he or she has in her reserves for the ability to live in the jail so make a note of how much money your sim has in reserves before you start Challenge 2. Make sure to move the inmates out before your sim moves in. You can place them anywhere you like in Murkland or Nukecrest. Use the “freerealestate on” cheat to move your sim into the jail and choose “keep furniture”. Once there, your sim may sell anything they have in their inventories. Your sim may also keep $15,000 or so s/he made from doing the gym challenge. (add this money use the money X cheat)
If you decide to purchase a Clone Drone, you must pay Mad Mud $15,000 (you can use your secret gym challenge money if you wish). If you cannot pay within the first week, add $250 a week in interest for each week that goes by that you have not paid back the money. You may take out a loan from a friend to avoid the high interest rate from Mad Mud. You may choose not to have a clone drone in your challenge but you must decide this at the beginning of the game. You cannot add a clone drone later. Clone Drones have many maxed out skills: charisma, cooking, DJ mixing, gardening, handiness, herbalism and programming. The clone drone has additional traits too: webmaster, naturalist, hardly hungry, fresh chef, never weary, antiseptic, handy, steel bladder, quick learner and business savvy. You can decide if the clone drone works or stays home and cares for the family.
Since jobs are hard to come by, one adult per household can work at any one time. If your family partner came with a job and s/he is the one you choose to work, they must keep the job they have at the level they have it. You may also choose to have no adults work. If you choose the Clone Drone or your Challenge 1 Sim to get a job, then the job can be in any field you choose except the Criminal Track, but they must start at the bottom. If you choose your revolving family partner to be the working sim, you will have access to their salaries only while they live with you.
If your sim played the Library Challenge, then s/he can purchase the cheapest computer for home use at the start of the challenge. They may use that computer for whatever activities they choose including writing for extra money. If you did not do the library challenge, then your sim cannot own a computer until your sim reaches level 5 in Programming and they can never write for money. They can rent a computer for the purposes of adoption, and they can use one at one of the various builds around town for programming and play games.
Your sim will earn $30,000 from each move-in boyfriend or girlfriend (called a family partner) they have a child with. Mad Mud offers this reward to encourage community families in post-apocalyptic Murkland. It is part of Mad Mud Culture to re-partner after one child. Each time you re-partner, your household receives $30,000 as long as the partner moves in and they have a child together (through adoption, childbirth or alien abduction).
Ways to Make Money in the Mad Mud Faction:
• Fishing
• Collecting
• Harvesting (any plant on any lot)
• Gardening (your sim can plant anything put growfruit. Your sim is strongly encouraged to find the plants needed to splice deathflowers. Death flowers come in handy at Puffer Dome.)
• Baking/ Bake Sales
• Stealing – you are allowed to change one of your primary sim’s traits to kleptomaniac, if you wish
• Programming – Hacking, Making Plug-Ins or Viruses, Creating Video Games and Freelance Work
• Woodworking (yes, it is allowed in the Mad Mud Faction)
• Carving Pumpkins (Mad Mud LOVES carved pumpkins)
• Career Track (your primary sim may work in any field except criminal)
• Family Partnerships ($30,000 for each)
• Music – if your primary sim did the Gym Challenge
• Writing – if your primary sim did the Library Challenge
*Please note: You cannot make money from painting in the Mad Mud Faction as Mad Mud thinks it is frivolous to be a painter. He has been known to throw smashed pumpkins at colorful or cheerful paintings. *
Your Household
You will play only your simself/Challenge 1 self. You can have other adults in your household but you cannot play them. You can start with a Clone Drone and one partner for your simself/Challenge 1 self. You can only play your primary sim except to access the other members once a day for task assignments and other household activities like assigning beds, cleaning out the inventory, creating and joining clubs. etc. During the once a day task list, you may assign as many activities as you like until their queue is full, but if the sims do not follow your assignments, you cannot go back and re-assign until the following day.
Your Home
You cannot change the structure of your new home BUT you can add or subtract décor and furniture, as well as delete any plumbing you don’t need. You do not need to pay your bills every time but paying them gives you the advantage of using all the facilities. Anytime you pay the bills, you can have access to anything on your lot but may only take showers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You may purchase or make a bathtub for toddlers to use. Only toddlers may use a bathtub and they may only use it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There are bathtubs around town so your sim may use those for washing toddlers, as well. If you decide not to pay your bills, you will not have access to the bathrooms or kitchen but you can use the other facilities on the lot like the grill and the potty bush. You can use your previous camp as a secondary base by changing that lot to generic and visiting it as often as you like. However, you must move into the jail.
Grilled Cheese and Cowplant Culture Quest
Mad Mud loves grilled cheese. He uses organic, cowplant dairy cheese in his grilled cheese sandwiches but there aren’t many cowplants in Murkland. In fact, Murklanders think they are extinct. Mad Mud wants you to start a cowplant farm and learn how to make amazing cowplant cheese grilled sandwiches. He also wants you to bake the bread for the sandwiches. For this part of the challenge your sim must:
• Unlock and Complete the Hidden Grilled Cheese Aspiration
o Milestone 1: Gouda Greenhorn
Talk to 3 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
Eat 10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
o Milestone 2: Cheddar Connoisseur
Eat 10 Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Cook 3 Group Servings of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Talk to 5 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
o Milestone 3: Muenster Maniac
Eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space
Cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Talk to the Grim Reaper About Grilled Cheese
• Master Baking
• Fish or dig up 6 cow plant seeds (do not use grafting or the spaceship)
• Grow 6 cowplants and keep them alive. If one dies, you have only 24 hours to replace it. You must also pay a $100 fine for each cowplant that dies (pay that money to charity). Remember: You cannot have your first child until cowplant one is planted and you cannot have your second child until cowplant 2 is planted and so forth until you have a full house.
Sim Cheese and Milk – it’s People! Quest
• Mad Mud would like to make a special “sim cheese” cowplant dairy product from the essences of sims. Collect 6 Essences of Sim in any combination/kind and bake 6 Essence of Cowplant Pies.
• Sell your pies at different venues. You are allowed to travel to any other world to sell your pies. Your sim will be granted a one-day visa to travel to the world of their choice to sell pies. Your sim must sell at least one pie while on the visa. If they fail to sell a pie, they will not be able to go back to that particular world. You have the option of making over any world in a post-apocalyptic style, if you choose.
Mad Mud Society Quest
Mad Mud does not believe in marriage and has recently banned it from his faction. You can have a family partner and the partner can move in with you and you may have ONE child together (unless multiples occur) (a child may become yours through childbirth, alien abduction or adoption). When you would like another child, your partner must move out and you may choose another partner to move in with you. Your household receives $30,000 each time a family partner moves in and you have a child together by any process – childbirth, adoption or alien abduction (please note that moving the family partner in with your family is optional but if you decide not to move the partner in you will NOT receive $30,000). You may have ONE child with the new partner (unless multiples occur). When you want additional children, the same rule applies until the household is full. For this part of the challenge your sim:
• Cannot marry but may have multiple partners, moving in one at a time. Family partnerships are a couple and one child.
• Your sim and a current partner may have the child by any means --adoption, alien abduction or childbirth (with childbirth, you may have more than one child only if multiples occur)
• You must move the partner out if additional partners are to move in, and you want to collect the $30,000 for the next partnership cycle. So, family partners do not have to move in BUT if you want to collect the $30,000 for the union, the partner must move in AND there must be a child who completes that family unit.
• Do NOT have your first child until the first cowplant is planted and do not have your second child until the second 2 are planted and so forth until you have 6 cowplants.
• With sterile sims, you will adopt a child or hope for an alien abduction.
• Your sim can move in any sim as a family partner EXCEPT for Mad Mud or the Mayor. Your sim may decide to have off spring with those two sims, but those two cannot move in to your household.
• For same-sex couples, your sim must adopt a baby/toddler/child for each partnership. If your sim played the library challenge, s/he will have access to a computer at home from the beginning of the challenge. If your sim did not play the library challenge, then your sim may rent a computer for the sole purpose of adopting and then must sell it back or put it in the family inventory once the adoption is complete.
• Alien abduction – your household must keep the alien child. The alien child WILL count as the only child you and your current family partner may have. Alien abduction children are considered great blessings in the Mad Mud Culture. Your family will receive a special $20,000 award for each alien child conceived through an alien abduction. This is in addition to the $30,000 for a family partnership
• Your Mad Mud Faction children will go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays only (for Mad Mud Culture Training). On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, your children will be homeschooled in the ways of Murkland. You may purchase homework from the bookshelf.
• You must also complete the Serial Romantic Aspiration:
o Milestone I: Amore Amateur
Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Go on 2 Dates
o Milestone II: Up to Date
Achieve Level 4 Charisma Skill
Have had 3 First Kisses
o Milestone III: Romance Juggler
Achieve Level 6 Charisma Skill
Have a Strong Romantic Relationship with 3 Sims at Once
Kiss 10 Sims
o Milestone IV: Serial Romantic
Earn Gold on 3 Dates
Have had 8 Boyfriends or Girlfriends
Additional Mad Mud Quests
Mad Mud loves carved pumpkins and smashing carved pumpkins. It is a huge part of the Mad Mud Culture to share carved pumpkins and then to smash them together. Additionally, Mad Mud has heard from the librarian about a flower that can stop death. He would like you to learn how to graft this plant, giving him more power over the factions. He wants you to test it out at Puffer Dome by bringing along a family member who can present the death flower to Grim, should your sim should die by pufferfish. Lastly, Mad Mud wants you to hack into the mayor’s supercomputer. Your sim can hack from any computer in Murkland, except the ones at the fort. Your sim can purchase the cheapest computer once s/he was reached level 5 of Programming. (Please note: Your sim may start the challenge with the cheapest computer if s/e did the library challenge and then add a second cheap computer once s/he reaches Level 5 in Programming). For this part of the challenge:
• Carve 20 pumpkins
• Smash 10 carved pumpkins
• Sell 10 carved pumpkins
• Find the ingredients for splicing a death flower plant
• Evolve 3 death flower plants to perfect level
• Reach Level 10 in Programming
• Hack the Mayor’s Supercomputer
• Make at least one virus
• Continue to eat trashplants fruit(7 per week)
• Continue to only eat bonefish (unless you are at Granite Falls)
Puffer Dome and Puffer Culture
As part of the Mad Mud Faction, you must show support for the Mad Mud culture by going to Puffer Dome once a week on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday and eat 1 Puffer Fish Nigari on that visit (please save your game right before going to Puffer Dome so that if your sim dies you can go back to right before going to Puffer Dome to start you Zombie Challenge). You do NOT have to bring the whole family – just your simself/Challenge 1 sim. However, if your sim would like to have use of a death flower while at Puffer Dome, have your primary sim bring one family member along who has a death flower in their inventory. That sim may use the death flower to stop Grimm from taking your primary sim. If your sim dies while eating the Puffer Fish AND your sim does not have access to a death flower, Challenge 2 is suspended and you become a zombie (see the Zombie Challenge). For this part of Challenge 2, your sim must:
• Go to the Puffer Dome once a week on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
• Eat Puffer Fish once a week
• If the sim dies, continuing playing as an Infected Zombie (Zombie Challenge)
• Save up $140,000 in order to purchase the Puffer Dome from Mad Mud
• Purchase Puffer Dome
Important Gameplay Information
• You may ONLY play your simself/Challenge 1 sim BUT you are allowed to make a family club in order for your household to do certain tasks and you can clear out other household members’ inventories as needed as well as do a task assignment once per day.
• Your children will NOT attend school except on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Mad Mud Cultural Training.
• Home school all children. Homework may be purchased through the bookshelf. Children also learn from hands on experience.
• Ensure that toddlers and children and master at least 1 skill before transitioning to the next life stage and teens master either 1 skill or reach Level 5 of 3 skills. How long each is at this stage, is up to you as long as the skill requirements are met. Meet the requirement during the once a day task assignment or through club activities. Once a sim becomes a young adult, they will not age up and they can move out of the household, if you wish.
• Never play the other members of the household EXCEPT during once a day task assignments
• Do NOT have your first child until the first cowplant is planted and do not have your second child until the second 2 are planted and so forth until you have a full house and 6 cowplants.
• Toddlers are the only ones allowed to use a bathtub. You can have one bathtub for their bathing needs. If your water is shut off, you will need to find a bathtub at another location. Toddlers may bathe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
• Because aging is off, you will have to choose when to age up your child. Just make sure they have met the skill requirement.
The Challenge Ends Unsuccessfully If:
• If all your cowplants die and you cannot replace them within 24 hours.
• If one of your trashplants die.
• You become a zombie and do not return to finish up Challenge 2
The Challenge Ends Successfully If:
• Your sim has completed all the quests and collected $140, 000 simoleons
• Purchases the Puffer Dome (wait until Challenge 3 to run it)
Your sim must pay whatever he or she has in her reserves for the ability to live in the jail so make a note of how much money your sim has in reserves before you start Challenge 2. Make sure to move the inmates out before your sim moves in. You can place them anywhere you like in Murkland or Nukecrest. Use the “freerealestate on” cheat to move your sim into the jail and choose “keep furniture”. Once there, your sim may sell anything they have in their inventories. Your sim may also keep $15,000 or so s/he made from doing the gym challenge. (add this money use the money X cheat)
If you decide to purchase a Clone Drone, you must pay Mad Mud $15,000 (you can use your secret gym challenge money if you wish). If you cannot pay within the first week, add $250 a week in interest for each week that goes by that you have not paid back the money. You may take out a loan from a friend to avoid the high interest rate from Mad Mud. You may choose not to have a clone drone in your challenge but you must decide this at the beginning of the game. You cannot add a clone drone later. Clone Drones have many maxed out skills: charisma, cooking, DJ mixing, gardening, handiness, herbalism and programming. The clone drone has additional traits too: webmaster, naturalist, hardly hungry, fresh chef, never weary, antiseptic, handy, steel bladder, quick learner and business savvy. You can decide if the clone drone works or stays home and cares for the family.
Since jobs are hard to come by, one adult per household can work at any one time. If your family partner came with a job and s/he is the one you choose to work, they must keep the job they have at the level they have it. You may also choose to have no adults work. If you choose the Clone Drone or your Challenge 1 Sim to get a job, then the job can be in any field you choose except the Criminal Track, but they must start at the bottom. If you choose your revolving family partner to be the working sim, you will have access to their salaries only while they live with you.
If your sim played the Library Challenge, then s/he can purchase the cheapest computer for home use at the start of the challenge. They may use that computer for whatever activities they choose including writing for extra money. If you did not do the library challenge, then your sim cannot own a computer until your sim reaches level 5 in Programming and they can never write for money. They can rent a computer for the purposes of adoption, and they can use one at one of the various builds around town for programming and play games.
Your sim will earn $30,000 from each move-in boyfriend or girlfriend (called a family partner) they have a child with. Mad Mud offers this reward to encourage community families in post-apocalyptic Murkland. It is part of Mad Mud Culture to re-partner after one child. Each time you re-partner, your household receives $30,000 as long as the partner moves in and they have a child together (through adoption, childbirth or alien abduction).
Ways to Make Money in the Mad Mud Faction:
• Fishing
• Collecting
• Harvesting (any plant on any lot)
• Gardening (your sim can plant anything put growfruit. Your sim is strongly encouraged to find the plants needed to splice deathflowers. Death flowers come in handy at Puffer Dome.)
• Baking/ Bake Sales
• Stealing – you are allowed to change one of your primary sim’s traits to kleptomaniac, if you wish
• Programming – Hacking, Making Plug-Ins or Viruses, Creating Video Games and Freelance Work
• Woodworking (yes, it is allowed in the Mad Mud Faction)
• Carving Pumpkins (Mad Mud LOVES carved pumpkins)
• Career Track (your primary sim may work in any field except criminal)
• Family Partnerships ($30,000 for each)
• Music – if your primary sim did the Gym Challenge
• Writing – if your primary sim did the Library Challenge
*Please note: You cannot make money from painting in the Mad Mud Faction as Mad Mud thinks it is frivolous to be a painter. He has been known to throw smashed pumpkins at colorful or cheerful paintings. *
Your Household
You will play only your simself/Challenge 1 self. You can have other adults in your household but you cannot play them. You can start with a Clone Drone and one partner for your simself/Challenge 1 self. You can only play your primary sim except to access the other members once a day for task assignments and other household activities like assigning beds, cleaning out the inventory, creating and joining clubs. etc. During the once a day task list, you may assign as many activities as you like until their queue is full, but if the sims do not follow your assignments, you cannot go back and re-assign until the following day.
Your Home
You cannot change the structure of your new home BUT you can add or subtract décor and furniture, as well as delete any plumbing you don’t need. You do not need to pay your bills every time but paying them gives you the advantage of using all the facilities. Anytime you pay the bills, you can have access to anything on your lot but may only take showers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You may purchase or make a bathtub for toddlers to use. Only toddlers may use a bathtub and they may only use it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There are bathtubs around town so your sim may use those for washing toddlers, as well. If you decide not to pay your bills, you will not have access to the bathrooms or kitchen but you can use the other facilities on the lot like the grill and the potty bush. You can use your previous camp as a secondary base by changing that lot to generic and visiting it as often as you like. However, you must move into the jail.
Grilled Cheese and Cowplant Culture Quest
Mad Mud loves grilled cheese. He uses organic, cowplant dairy cheese in his grilled cheese sandwiches but there aren’t many cowplants in Murkland. In fact, Murklanders think they are extinct. Mad Mud wants you to start a cowplant farm and learn how to make amazing cowplant cheese grilled sandwiches. He also wants you to bake the bread for the sandwiches. For this part of the challenge your sim must:
• Unlock and Complete the Hidden Grilled Cheese Aspiration
o Milestone 1: Gouda Greenhorn
Talk to 3 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
Eat 10 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
o Milestone 2: Cheddar Connoisseur
Eat 10 Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Cook 3 Group Servings of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Talk to 5 Different Sims About Grilled Cheese
o Milestone 3: Muenster Maniac
Eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space
Cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Talk to the Grim Reaper About Grilled Cheese
• Master Baking
• Fish or dig up 6 cow plant seeds (do not use grafting or the spaceship)
• Grow 6 cowplants and keep them alive. If one dies, you have only 24 hours to replace it. You must also pay a $100 fine for each cowplant that dies (pay that money to charity). Remember: You cannot have your first child until cowplant one is planted and you cannot have your second child until cowplant 2 is planted and so forth until you have a full house.
Sim Cheese and Milk – it’s People! Quest
• Mad Mud would like to make a special “sim cheese” cowplant dairy product from the essences of sims. Collect 6 Essences of Sim in any combination/kind and bake 6 Essence of Cowplant Pies.
• Sell your pies at different venues. You are allowed to travel to any other world to sell your pies. Your sim will be granted a one-day visa to travel to the world of their choice to sell pies. Your sim must sell at least one pie while on the visa. If they fail to sell a pie, they will not be able to go back to that particular world. You have the option of making over any world in a post-apocalyptic style, if you choose.
Mad Mud Society Quest
Mad Mud does not believe in marriage and has recently banned it from his faction. You can have a family partner and the partner can move in with you and you may have ONE child together (unless multiples occur) (a child may become yours through childbirth, alien abduction or adoption). When you would like another child, your partner must move out and you may choose another partner to move in with you. Your household receives $30,000 each time a family partner moves in and you have a child together by any process – childbirth, adoption or alien abduction (please note that moving the family partner in with your family is optional but if you decide not to move the partner in you will NOT receive $30,000). You may have ONE child with the new partner (unless multiples occur). When you want additional children, the same rule applies until the household is full. For this part of the challenge your sim:
• Cannot marry but may have multiple partners, moving in one at a time. Family partnerships are a couple and one child.
• Your sim and a current partner may have the child by any means --adoption, alien abduction or childbirth (with childbirth, you may have more than one child only if multiples occur)
• You must move the partner out if additional partners are to move in, and you want to collect the $30,000 for the next partnership cycle. So, family partners do not have to move in BUT if you want to collect the $30,000 for the union, the partner must move in AND there must be a child who completes that family unit.
• Do NOT have your first child until the first cowplant is planted and do not have your second child until the second 2 are planted and so forth until you have 6 cowplants.
• With sterile sims, you will adopt a child or hope for an alien abduction.
• Your sim can move in any sim as a family partner EXCEPT for Mad Mud or the Mayor. Your sim may decide to have off spring with those two sims, but those two cannot move in to your household.
• For same-sex couples, your sim must adopt a baby/toddler/child for each partnership. If your sim played the library challenge, s/he will have access to a computer at home from the beginning of the challenge. If your sim did not play the library challenge, then your sim may rent a computer for the sole purpose of adopting and then must sell it back or put it in the family inventory once the adoption is complete.
• Alien abduction – your household must keep the alien child. The alien child WILL count as the only child you and your current family partner may have. Alien abduction children are considered great blessings in the Mad Mud Culture. Your family will receive a special $20,000 award for each alien child conceived through an alien abduction. This is in addition to the $30,000 for a family partnership
• Your Mad Mud Faction children will go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays only (for Mad Mud Culture Training). On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, your children will be homeschooled in the ways of Murkland. You may purchase homework from the bookshelf.
• You must also complete the Serial Romantic Aspiration:
o Milestone I: Amore Amateur
Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Go on 2 Dates
o Milestone II: Up to Date
Achieve Level 4 Charisma Skill
Have had 3 First Kisses
o Milestone III: Romance Juggler
Achieve Level 6 Charisma Skill
Have a Strong Romantic Relationship with 3 Sims at Once
Kiss 10 Sims
o Milestone IV: Serial Romantic
Earn Gold on 3 Dates
Have had 8 Boyfriends or Girlfriends
Additional Mad Mud Quests
Mad Mud loves carved pumpkins and smashing carved pumpkins. It is a huge part of the Mad Mud Culture to share carved pumpkins and then to smash them together. Additionally, Mad Mud has heard from the librarian about a flower that can stop death. He would like you to learn how to graft this plant, giving him more power over the factions. He wants you to test it out at Puffer Dome by bringing along a family member who can present the death flower to Grim, should your sim should die by pufferfish. Lastly, Mad Mud wants you to hack into the mayor’s supercomputer. Your sim can hack from any computer in Murkland, except the ones at the fort. Your sim can purchase the cheapest computer once s/he was reached level 5 of Programming. (Please note: Your sim may start the challenge with the cheapest computer if s/e did the library challenge and then add a second cheap computer once s/he reaches Level 5 in Programming). For this part of the challenge:
• Carve 20 pumpkins
• Smash 10 carved pumpkins
• Sell 10 carved pumpkins
• Find the ingredients for splicing a death flower plant
• Evolve 3 death flower plants to perfect level
• Reach Level 10 in Programming
• Hack the Mayor’s Supercomputer
• Make at least one virus
• Continue to eat trashplants fruit(7 per week)
• Continue to only eat bonefish (unless you are at Granite Falls)
Puffer Dome and Puffer Culture
As part of the Mad Mud Faction, you must show support for the Mad Mud culture by going to Puffer Dome once a week on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday and eat 1 Puffer Fish Nigari on that visit (please save your game right before going to Puffer Dome so that if your sim dies you can go back to right before going to Puffer Dome to start you Zombie Challenge). You do NOT have to bring the whole family – just your simself/Challenge 1 sim. However, if your sim would like to have use of a death flower while at Puffer Dome, have your primary sim bring one family member along who has a death flower in their inventory. That sim may use the death flower to stop Grimm from taking your primary sim. If your sim dies while eating the Puffer Fish AND your sim does not have access to a death flower, Challenge 2 is suspended and you become a zombie (see the Zombie Challenge). For this part of Challenge 2, your sim must:
• Go to the Puffer Dome once a week on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
• Eat Puffer Fish once a week
• If the sim dies, continuing playing as an Infected Zombie (Zombie Challenge)
• Save up $140,000 in order to purchase the Puffer Dome from Mad Mud
• Purchase Puffer Dome
Important Gameplay Information
• You may ONLY play your simself/Challenge 1 sim BUT you are allowed to make a family club in order for your household to do certain tasks and you can clear out other household members’ inventories as needed as well as do a task assignment once per day.
• Your children will NOT attend school except on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Mad Mud Cultural Training.
• Home school all children. Homework may be purchased through the bookshelf. Children also learn from hands on experience.
• Ensure that toddlers and children and master at least 1 skill before transitioning to the next life stage and teens master either 1 skill or reach Level 5 of 3 skills. How long each is at this stage, is up to you as long as the skill requirements are met. Meet the requirement during the once a day task assignment or through club activities. Once a sim becomes a young adult, they will not age up and they can move out of the household, if you wish.
• Never play the other members of the household EXCEPT during once a day task assignments
• Do NOT have your first child until the first cowplant is planted and do not have your second child until the second 2 are planted and so forth until you have a full house and 6 cowplants.
• Toddlers are the only ones allowed to use a bathtub. You can have one bathtub for their bathing needs. If your water is shut off, you will need to find a bathtub at another location. Toddlers may bathe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
• Because aging is off, you will have to choose when to age up your child. Just make sure they have met the skill requirement.
The Challenge Ends Unsuccessfully If:
• If all your cowplants die and you cannot replace them within 24 hours.
• If one of your trashplants die.
• You become a zombie and do not return to finish up Challenge 2
The Challenge Ends Successfully If:
• Your sim has completed all the quests and collected $140, 000 simoleons
• Purchases the Puffer Dome (wait until Challenge 3 to run it)
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