5 years ago
My random event wheel
Hi all. Thought I'd share my so called "wheel" ie a list of things that can happen that i must enforce. If you haven't seen one of these its just a long list of tasks / activities and every few days I use a random number generator to tell me what's happening. You've probably seen them on channels such as Lilsimsie's and XUrbanSimsX's youtube channels. I'm not sure if others have done this before them but this is where I found this idea. Anyway enjoy. Feel free to add more to the list. There's probably something very similar to this on this forum but i just wanted to share my own. Of course use this however you want. If you roll something you don't like just don't do it or roll again. (or if you roll something that requires a pack you don't have). Of course, not all situations are gonna fit in with your save game either so just either ignore something or play out an alternative scenario as to why this would happen to your sim.
1. Whilst coming home from work, you notice patches of your front lawn are completely dead. In the mailbox is a letter from your least favourite neighbour (the neighbour you have the lowest relationship with) saying; "Suck on that neighbour. This year I'll hold the title for the best lawn in the neighbourhood!" Completely ruin your front lawn with terrain paint and keep it this way for one sim week. You may fix it after two days if you pay a $650 simoleon. In addition, get into a fight / argument with your neighbour and find a way to get them back. (Some suggestions; paint their house yellow, set their house on fire, woohoo with their spouse) Be creative. Or devilish. However you want to play it. THIS WAS YOUR LAWN AFTER ALL.
2. Following an emergency incident at your work, it was evident that your sim did not comply with the proper Simsafe Work Standards, and the organisation has requested your position to be terminated. Have one sim (selected at random) in your household fired instantly. They may find new work in another career after two sim days, or wait a sim week to re-enter the same career, assuming they befriend two former co-workers. (If the game doesn't have any move some from the gallery in / create more co-workers and befriend them. They must be co-workers you haven't already befriended. Sims may participate in odd jobs if you desire while they're looking for work or trying to get back into their career.
3. One of your adult sims has found themselves in the heat of a midlife crisis. Give them new outfits to keep them feeling "young" and "hip". In addition, have them either; change careers, get plastic surgery (cas.fulleditmode), get a tattoo or go nightclubbing / partying for a whole sim week straight. (If you have get together you can have them join a club and have them befriend some young adults too and party with them. Have them subtract $1000 simoleons for each surgery they have (ie a nose job and lip injections will cost $2000 simoleons) and subtract $500 simoleons if you get a tattoo. Of course you could ignore these and do something else that you believe is appropriate for a midlife crisis.
4. After a wild night clubbing with friends, one of your sims wakes up with a drastic new hair cut. Keep this this new hairstyle for at least 2 days. If your sim already has really short hair (ie near shaved), dye it a fun colour or go completely bald.
5. Knock knock! Oh no its one of your family members come to visit you. Move in / create a family member to move in with you for 3 sims days. (Could be; the grandparents, a sibling, your cousin, in-laws, anyone you wish, and you may have more than one sim come stay with you)
6. Congratulations! A sim of your choice has just won an accommodation funded vacation for two, thanks to SouthSimAirlines after winning their annual charity raffle. This sim and a plus one of your choice (can be from or outside of household) are able to go on a two day vacation for free. (Make a residential lot a rental lot and add back the money it charges you for accommodation to the household funds)
7. After taking your youngest child to the optometrist after complaints of sore eyes and blurry vision, the doctor prescribed your child with glasses. Add glasses to all appropriate outfits in CAS. If your sim does not have children, guess what? The youngest sim in your household needs glasses. (refer to days till they age up).
8. Reverse welcome wagon. Move in a household to your neighbourhood, prepare some food, and then go an introduce yourself to them. They can be whoever / whatever you want. If your sim has the "good" or "outgoing" traits they must befriend the adults in the household. If they have the "mean" or "evil" traits they must become enemies with at least one sim from that household.
9. In the midst of a dark and stormy night, a young girl knocks at your door, asking for shelter. Add a child sim to your household and provide her with a bed and food for three sim days. If you become good friends with the child by the end of those three days you may chose to adopt her and have her be apart of your household. If your sim has the "hates children" or "snob" trait they must get into an argument with the child and become enemies. Proceed to then move her onto an empty lot in the world or neighbourhood. After the three days if you do not adopt her, move her into a family and have them adopt her.
10. It's not a phase mum! Change up the look and style of one of your teens and have them get into an argument with one of their parents. If you have "Get Together" have them join a club and perform appropriate activities with similar teens. Suggestions; geeky, theatre kid, jock, gothic, preppy, woohoo'ey, whatever you desire. Make sure to make their room fit the aesthetic too.
11. Oh no you've been burgled. Roll a 6 sided die and whatever number you roll is the amount of objects you must delete from your house. (No placing them in your household inventory). You then must wait 24 sim hours to replace what was stolen. If however you have retail lots which sell what you need to replace / upgrade / downgrade, you may go and purchase the item from there immediately. For example if your couch is stolen and you have a save with a furniture shop you may go and purchase a new couch right away.
12. Its time for a change. After careful consideration you decide that it's time for a fresh start. Move your household into a new home in another world. For extra fun (if you want), use a number generator to decide what world you move to.
13. Trigger Warning. Unlucky 13. After coming home from work you find one of your sims face down. Immediately kill off a sim at random (exclude children and/or teens if you wish). You may execute the death however you desire.
14. Whilst watching television an ad comes up that you can't get out of your head. "Calling all loving homes, we're approaching our busiest time of year and we need your help. Here at Quach's Animal Shelter we are overwhelmed with support. But we can't do it alone. We love all animals who come to visit, but we can't provide all of them with enough affection and love. Help us today and adopt a friend in need". Adopt a pet. You may chose one of the "My First Pet Stuff" pets too.
15. Your boss has put you in charge of this years New Years party. Throw a party for you, your co-workers and their families. In addition, your boss has given you $1000 simoleons for decorations and any venue costs. Any simoleons left over from that $1000 must be given back to your boss. If you go over budget, it will come out of your household funds. You must give back any of the budget not used. If you have seasons you may wait till New Years approaches on the calendar to throw the party. But don't forget! All that extra planning time better pay off!
16. Family Feud. Following a somewhat disappointing holiday dinner, and a few drinks, one of your sim's family members, decides to reveal your most embarrassing secrets. Have a sim from your household become enemies with a relative of theirs and fight them. (They may live in the same household). You may not try to mend this relationship, or make amends, until one sim week has passed. Pick the relative at random for more fun.
1. Whilst coming home from work, you notice patches of your front lawn are completely dead. In the mailbox is a letter from your least favourite neighbour (the neighbour you have the lowest relationship with) saying; "Suck on that neighbour. This year I'll hold the title for the best lawn in the neighbourhood!" Completely ruin your front lawn with terrain paint and keep it this way for one sim week. You may fix it after two days if you pay a $650 simoleon. In addition, get into a fight / argument with your neighbour and find a way to get them back. (Some suggestions; paint their house yellow, set their house on fire, woohoo with their spouse) Be creative. Or devilish. However you want to play it. THIS WAS YOUR LAWN AFTER ALL.
2. Following an emergency incident at your work, it was evident that your sim did not comply with the proper Simsafe Work Standards, and the organisation has requested your position to be terminated. Have one sim (selected at random) in your household fired instantly. They may find new work in another career after two sim days, or wait a sim week to re-enter the same career, assuming they befriend two former co-workers. (If the game doesn't have any move some from the gallery in / create more co-workers and befriend them. They must be co-workers you haven't already befriended. Sims may participate in odd jobs if you desire while they're looking for work or trying to get back into their career.
3. One of your adult sims has found themselves in the heat of a midlife crisis. Give them new outfits to keep them feeling "young" and "hip". In addition, have them either; change careers, get plastic surgery (cas.fulleditmode), get a tattoo or go nightclubbing / partying for a whole sim week straight. (If you have get together you can have them join a club and have them befriend some young adults too and party with them. Have them subtract $1000 simoleons for each surgery they have (ie a nose job and lip injections will cost $2000 simoleons) and subtract $500 simoleons if you get a tattoo. Of course you could ignore these and do something else that you believe is appropriate for a midlife crisis.
4. After a wild night clubbing with friends, one of your sims wakes up with a drastic new hair cut. Keep this this new hairstyle for at least 2 days. If your sim already has really short hair (ie near shaved), dye it a fun colour or go completely bald.
5. Knock knock! Oh no its one of your family members come to visit you. Move in / create a family member to move in with you for 3 sims days. (Could be; the grandparents, a sibling, your cousin, in-laws, anyone you wish, and you may have more than one sim come stay with you)
6. Congratulations! A sim of your choice has just won an accommodation funded vacation for two, thanks to SouthSimAirlines after winning their annual charity raffle. This sim and a plus one of your choice (can be from or outside of household) are able to go on a two day vacation for free. (Make a residential lot a rental lot and add back the money it charges you for accommodation to the household funds)
7. After taking your youngest child to the optometrist after complaints of sore eyes and blurry vision, the doctor prescribed your child with glasses. Add glasses to all appropriate outfits in CAS. If your sim does not have children, guess what? The youngest sim in your household needs glasses. (refer to days till they age up).
8. Reverse welcome wagon. Move in a household to your neighbourhood, prepare some food, and then go an introduce yourself to them. They can be whoever / whatever you want. If your sim has the "good" or "outgoing" traits they must befriend the adults in the household. If they have the "mean" or "evil" traits they must become enemies with at least one sim from that household.
9. In the midst of a dark and stormy night, a young girl knocks at your door, asking for shelter. Add a child sim to your household and provide her with a bed and food for three sim days. If you become good friends with the child by the end of those three days you may chose to adopt her and have her be apart of your household. If your sim has the "hates children" or "snob" trait they must get into an argument with the child and become enemies. Proceed to then move her onto an empty lot in the world or neighbourhood. After the three days if you do not adopt her, move her into a family and have them adopt her.
10. It's not a phase mum! Change up the look and style of one of your teens and have them get into an argument with one of their parents. If you have "Get Together" have them join a club and perform appropriate activities with similar teens. Suggestions; geeky, theatre kid, jock, gothic, preppy, woohoo'ey, whatever you desire. Make sure to make their room fit the aesthetic too.
11. Oh no you've been burgled. Roll a 6 sided die and whatever number you roll is the amount of objects you must delete from your house. (No placing them in your household inventory). You then must wait 24 sim hours to replace what was stolen. If however you have retail lots which sell what you need to replace / upgrade / downgrade, you may go and purchase the item from there immediately. For example if your couch is stolen and you have a save with a furniture shop you may go and purchase a new couch right away.
12. Its time for a change. After careful consideration you decide that it's time for a fresh start. Move your household into a new home in another world. For extra fun (if you want), use a number generator to decide what world you move to.
13. Trigger Warning. Unlucky 13. After coming home from work you find one of your sims face down. Immediately kill off a sim at random (exclude children and/or teens if you wish). You may execute the death however you desire.
14. Whilst watching television an ad comes up that you can't get out of your head. "Calling all loving homes, we're approaching our busiest time of year and we need your help. Here at Quach's Animal Shelter we are overwhelmed with support. But we can't do it alone. We love all animals who come to visit, but we can't provide all of them with enough affection and love. Help us today and adopt a friend in need". Adopt a pet. You may chose one of the "My First Pet Stuff" pets too.
15. Your boss has put you in charge of this years New Years party. Throw a party for you, your co-workers and their families. In addition, your boss has given you $1000 simoleons for decorations and any venue costs. Any simoleons left over from that $1000 must be given back to your boss. If you go over budget, it will come out of your household funds. You must give back any of the budget not used. If you have seasons you may wait till New Years approaches on the calendar to throw the party. But don't forget! All that extra planning time better pay off!
16. Family Feud. Following a somewhat disappointing holiday dinner, and a few drinks, one of your sim's family members, decides to reveal your most embarrassing secrets. Have a sim from your household become enemies with a relative of theirs and fight them. (They may live in the same household). You may not try to mend this relationship, or make amends, until one sim week has passed. Pick the relative at random for more fun.