Yes, please give us more full Go to Work careers!
First and second on my list is an official Go to School add on. As pupil and as a teacher. (And it seems this is a wanna have for many others too. See: and - sorry I can´t post real links, yet.)
Also I´d like to see the following carrers to come true:
Fashion designer career (this would be a great way to bring self designed (to be true self adjusted) clothing to the game)
Furniture design career (this would be a great way to bring self designed (to be true self adjusted) furniture to the game)
Interior design career (this would be a great way to bring self designed (to be true self adjusted) wallpapers, flooring and carpets to the game)
Ballett career (in which you start as a dancer and end as a famous coreographer owning the dance studio)
Musician career (either as a popstar career or as a career in classical music with a full Orchestra)
Diva career (either as a popstar or as an opera singer)
Zookeeper/vet carrer (fits right in with the speculated pet expansion)
Flower shop/Market Garden owner (I can see many fun things here - from doing arrangements, going to the flower market to get the most beautiful flowers at the best price, to winning the prize for the most beautiful orchid ...)
Hotelier career (it sure would be fun to work your way up from chaimbermaid to hotel chain CO)
Fireman career
Spa manager career (Spa day brought us all those great things, why not as an career option? One could make one with the stuff already included in the Gameplay-pack or add new stuff like painting fingernails, a solarium etc.)
And I could think of even more. ;)