I'm a sucker for part time jobs. I'd really like the ones available for teens to be unlocked for starters, with different times and such for adults.
Maybe bookstore & grocery store employee.
I'd like to see the stylist career return again, again as an active career. Maybe you could choose to have your sim focus on hair/makeup or clothing?? Hair cutting, makeup, and sewing skills possibly?? I'd love it. Maybe even the ability to do nails?? I'd love nails as a new CAS part.
I wouldn't mind tattoo artists making a return either, but I think they'd fit better in another pack.
Education career definitely.
Hoping for a vet career with pets, and maybe a part time pet caretaker job.
Self-Employment should definitely make a return.
Musician career, which could come in whatever pack bands are properly introduced!!
Event Planner
There's a lot more I'd like to see, but those are the main ones!!