Forum Discussion

lilycgreen1's avatar
10 years ago

New Challenge: The Barbie Challenge!

Hello fellow simmers! Let's jump right into it. This is my first challenge I have ever created, and I really hope some of you try/like it!

I named this challenge The Barbie Challenge because Barbie is all about perfection and the main goal of this challenge is to have a perfect sim with a perfect life.

Your sim of course does not have to LOOK like Barbie, however I am personally going to make my sim as Barbie-esque as I can. I would recommend making an attractive sim who is your definition of perfection, whatever that may be. Although this is not a requirement for the challenge, I personally think it is important for this challenge. I would say to make your sim as perfect looking/dressing as you can, of course by your own idea of perfection, not necessarily the stereotypical idea of the word.

As far as traits go, there are two rules.
1. One of your sims traits MUST be the perfectionist trait. You may pick the other two traits.
2. HOWEVER the other two traits you choose are not allowed to be traits that have anything to do with skill. For example green thumb, athletic, virtuoso etc.

*This is not a rule, but I highly suggest choosing all positive traits for your sim, just to go along with the theme.

As far as your sims lifetime aspiration, it can be anything you want however my recommendation would be for it to be something you think you will be able to accomplish easily after reading through how this challenge works, which there may be a few. Some of the aspirations are pretty much guaranteed to be completed considering how this challenge works.

You may name your sim whatever you want, but they must be the age of a young adult.

You may not create any other sims to live with this sim.

When you place your sim into the world, you are allowed to use any MONEY cheats you would like and I would even recommend you do so. Either move into or build your dream house, complete with whatever you would like. I am making my house as Barbie themed as possible, but you can do whatever you want. Also be sure to include many objects that can help you with different skills such as a treadmill, a computer, a guitar etc.

Put your sim's lifespan on long or disable your sim's aging up altogether.

*The reason you may use money cheats is because the goal of the challenge being what it is, you will not have time for a job unless you want this challenge to take forever to complete. The reason you can extend your main sim's life is so that you will have time to complete the challenge without your sim dying.

You've got the perfect looks, the perfect house, now time to become a perfect person. Barbie only cares about being perfect, and will not stop until she is as close to perfection as humanly (or simanly) possible.
In order to do so, Barbie needs to hone her skills. your sim MUST master the following skills:
Any instrument of your choosing
Gardening OR mixology
And lastly any other 2 skills of your choosing (video gaming, comedy, writing, fishing, etc).

Yes, that is ten skills in total. Yikes! I picked the skills above because in your "Barbie's" eyes those are the skills required to be, well, perfect (the perfect artist, friend, wife, mom, etc)!

The way the points work is you will earn 100 points for every skill that you master amongst the 8 skills I chose and 2 extras of your choosing. If you choose to master any skills in addition to these 10 (Which to be honest, why would you?) you will receive an extra 50 points for every extra skill you master.

Stage 1 of your life/this challenge should be focused on completing the above task. There are no real restrictions on your sim except you may not use ANY cheats aside from money cheats and you may not purchase any lifetime happiness rewards that will give you an advantage in the completion of these skills.

*It is completely acceptable and recommended that your sim leaves the house when you want and interacts with others. Every friend you make earns you 100 points.
*You do not HAVE to complete stage 1 of this challenge before moving onto the next 2 stages, however I recommend it as you may not have time to work on your skills past this point.

Now that you're virtually perfect, it's time to find a sim just as perfect as you are to start a family with. You may either meet this sim in the game or create him yourself, however if you decide to create him that will be -500 points. This sim must be, well, perfect. Meaning he must have all positive traits. If all of his traits are indeed positive and he moves in with you, you earn 100 points (unless you create him yourself). If he has only 1 bad trait, you get 50 points. More than one negative trait will result in a -500 points.

*Once this sim lives with you you will be in control of him, however your original sim character is still your main player and the only sim that can be applicable to this challenge. I recommend putting autonomy on for all but your selected sim so that you do not have to always control him, but that's just my own personal preference.

Once you and this sim live together and are boyfriend and girlfriend, you may propose to one another and get married. You should throw a wedding party and invite friends, +100 points if your party earns a gold reward.

*In addition, every party you throw that earns a gold reward will earn you 100 points. After all, Barbie loves friends and parties and wants to be the perfect host.

You've got it all; perfect life, perfect husband, what's next is the perfect kids! Family is very important for Barbie, and she wants a big family with lots of kids.

Throughout your lifetime, you must have at least 5 children (in wedlock). 100 points for each of these 5. 50 points for every child you have in addition to 5.

An essential part of Barbie's perfect children is their perfect grades. The point system for this is based off of the grading point system in the Wonder Child Challenge (not sure who the creator is). However many days it is before your child ages up that your child gets an A, add a zero onto the end of that and there are your points. For example, if your child has an A 6 days before they age up, you earn 60 points. However if your child does not maintain the A, you loose the points. The same goes for teens.

*You may not extend teen or children's lives or speed it up. The only sim who's life you may extend is your main "Barbie" sim.

The challenge essentially ends whenever you have completed all of the challenge completion requirements listed below.

Master at least the 10 skills listed
Be married
Have at least 5 children

If your sim did not accomplish the above, you failed the challenge. Count up all the points you earned over the course of the game and compare them to others in the comments below! Upload pictures as well :)

For an extra challenge, you can try to reach the top of any career path you choose EXCEPT for the villain career path. Every career you reach the top of will result in an extra 200 points. No cheats allowed.

So that's it! Like I said make sure to post your points and results in the comments and post picture of your sim and family. I hope you all enjoy this challenge, leave any questions or comments below! Happy simming ;)
  • Kelsey (single girl 100 baby challenge) is doing one like this! Only she is having her max out all careers too. Then Barbie's not just a housewife anymore.
  • mcrudd's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    @Lilylicious this sounds interesting. I am going to bed soon, but may give this a go tomorrow. I have never played point system challenges, so might have lots of questions ;)
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    "thefrostyslime;c-17205558" wrote:
    But... This just turned Barbie into a glorified housewife... Wasn't the whole point of the franchise to encourage young girls to follow their dreams? Barbie had a billion different careers (i.e. vet, doctor, chef, etc.)!

    @thefrostyslime This is revisionist history. For the first couple years Barbie was a teen fashion model. Her sole purpose was to look pretty. The different outfits you could buy for her didn't relate to different careers, just different pretty looks. Her first career outfit was for a flight attendant. This might sound like a step in the right direction but, in the early '60s, stated job requirements for flight attendants included things like "proportional figure", "no blemishes", "must weigh under 135 pounds." So it still ties back to the original theme. Her first proper job was as a nurse. Over time, Barbie's varied career choices have become a part of her legacy, but originally she was all about looking perfect.

    I agree with you that, at this stage, it doesn't make sense to have a barbie challenge without any career goals. If you have the lifespan set to long, I would guess you could finish nine or ten careers, although I haven't tested this. It also doesn't make sense to have children as a goal in a Barbie challenge since Barbie's never had them. The part about wanting a perfect wedding fits though. There've been any number of wedding Barbies.
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    "mcrudd;c-18313824" wrote:

    Stage 2.
    Find your Barbie a life partner, its all about love, so traits and sex does not matter. Get married, it does not have to be extravagant it can be a quick elope as well. Not all of us are able to host perfect weddings ;)

    I don't know. It doesn't seem like Barbie if she doesn't go all out for her wedding. She's had wedding dresses designed for her by major designers.
  • mcrudd's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    Oh wow @Babylove you are doing so well with your skill building, you will be going to stage 2 in no time ;) Love your Barbie she is beautiful <3 I am not going to play the point system, so I am not even aware of how many friends my Barbie has, but she is actively searching for Mr Right in my game LOL. Love your house, I see your Barbie is a cat lover, will she be getting a little kitty to keep her company? Anyways, loved your update you are doing so well <3