GROUP’S HISTORYAs a group you came from different realms to join forces in the undead incursion brought about by a vengeful magister until – united, the magister was vanquished and imprisoned in one of the many underworlds. You all forged a bond of friendship that has held you together even in more peaceful times. Joining IronHaven’s militia, you have fought many battles together but vary in your personalities and individual backgrounds.
Assignment 1 (mock)Choose a model in your chosen class. It will be first come, first serve, so get in quickly to grab the character that suits you. Add your Race and your preferred name (see below). There is lots of great medieval outfits on google (as in my introductory shot) that you can fit on your Sims, and some great CC can also be found as can some within the game, you just have to search.
I WILL USE THE PICTURE ON YOUR BACKGROUND HISTORY SHOT AS THE CHARACTER WALL.The Race of your character is up to you, but here are a few that I’m sure you’ve heard of before just in case you want to go all out and make an elf, dwarf or some other race or group.Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human of course. Each group has their advantages and disadvantages. If you have a preference for another race you can inform me.
Preferred Name: (that you want to be called not your character)
Character Class:
Character Race:
Name of Character:
Body Shot of your character on your history background: Assignment 1 & Application – History of your Character ClassChoose the class you want to be. It will be a matter of first come-first serve. This will be your application. Please choose different classes for this competition. There are only 7 to choose from. Once they are filled we will begin our adventure. You need to introduce your character and create their past history in the application and base it loosely on the traits discussed above. I don’t want to put anyone in a “box”, so you can create your background history for yourself. 2 - Arriving in Wolfwater***There is no need to change outfits, unless you want to, just find a background Use other Sims in the shot if you choose, that is completely your choice, but it's the writing that counts.*** the Introduction below well please. Just click on it to enlarge if needed for Assignment 2* One full body, 1/2 or 3/4 shot of your character on a medieval village background
(I have several. If you need them just ask)* expand on my introduction and your specific sentences - what happened on the way to the village? What happened when you got there? What sort of welcome did you get? What did you do there? Ask yourself questions like these and it will help with your write up.
* Use punctuation, left justify please, paragraphs and grammar including quotations/speech marks, if dialogue is included.
Cleric– suspects Gnaabak is not telling them everything about Murbil and her family. Sorcerer– senses an ambient mystical energy surrounding the town.Rogue – rummages through the cottage and finds some artefacts and gold coin including a necklace trampled in the dirt on the floor, with its leather cord snapped. It is a pendant formed from strands of volcanic glass set around what looks like a mummified eye.Barbarian – throws things around until he finds food and sits down to eat, mumbling how he’d like to knock Gnaabak’s head off. While throwing things around he knocks a shelf and a tome falls down. Mage – checks the old tome Teagan knocked down. It’s from Merbil’s personal library and he recognises some rune symbols on the artefact the rogue found, that are also in the history books he/she has studied in the past. In it there is a description about A Providence Eye similar to what Beargrim talked about.Ranger – finds tracks and evidence around the outside of the cottage that Murbil and her family didn’t leave of their own accord.Druid – has a friendly encounter with an animal friend that somehow communicates that there is a cave somewhere in the distance adding to the group’s findings.Assignment 3 - Searching for Murbil Kilmir
Requirements for Assignment 3* One full body, 1/2 or 3/4 shot of your character
* expand on my introduction and your specific stimulus sentences - What happened once the villagers realised you didn't leave? Are the villagers hostile toward you? Are the villagers more willing to talk with you now Gnaabak is gone? How did you spot Gnaabak leaving? Did you find out more information about this "Lord of the Providence Eye, Belashyra"? You may want to lead into the trip to the cave. (we haven't arrived there as yet, that is next assignment)
* Use punctuation, left justify please, paragraphs and grammar including quotations/speech marks, if dialogue is included.
STIMULUS SENTENCESThe Barbarian – Going outside to relieve himself, hears the discussion and picks up the orc by the scruff of his neck to try and intimidate more information out of him. The old orc acts as if he has forgotten the past few moments and does not speak to them again. No amount of cajoling or intimidation will sway him.
The Rogue – In Murbil’s cottage, the rogue gives the necklace to the cleric. He leaves the cottage earlier than everyone else to investigate the figures he saw hidden amongst the trees.
The Cleric – The volcanic glass set around the mummified eye has a subtle gold glow emanating from it. She recognises the pendant as a holy symbol of one of the Cults of the Dragon worshippers, one of the many powers that lurk within the underworld of Mhybor.
Mage – The runes around the pendant match with the illustrations in the book found in Murbil’s personal library and establishes that the warning from the old orc has something to do with the alignment of moons, darkness and the “Harvest” where innocent souls are stolen or trapped to become bound to the dragon cult and branded with the living eyes of Belashyra, the Lord of the Providence Eye.
The Sorcerer – After the sorcerer recognised the powerful concentration of arcane energy surrounding the village, with a second check, the sorcerer notes its general direction, which seems to be in the same direction where the cave was spotted by the druid’s animal friend.
The Ranger – Whilst following the general direction to the cave, she finds a blood trail leading to a hidden path at the far side of the village.
The Druid – calls upon an animal that can either direct the party to the caves or track the blood trail. Discuss the encounter with the animal, embellish about what it has seen.
Assignment 4 - First Encounter
***We are all in our armour before we set out. Use other Sims in the shot if you choose, but it's the writing that counts.*** Read the Introduction below well please. Click to enlarge to get full impact. Timer for Assignment 4 - DUE 30th DECEMBER with extensionRequirements for Assignment 4 - questions to ask yourself for your writing* One full body, 1/2 or 3/4 shot of your character
* There must be some dialogue in this assignment (the planning part).
* expand on my introduction and your specific stimulus sentences - What sort of planning goes on between the characters? Are there any disagreements in the planning part? Once the attack begins how will you deal with the wolves? What spells did you use and how? Describe the surrounding area. Describe the wolves?
* Use punctuation, left justify please, paragraphs and grammar including quotations/speech marks as dialogue in this assignment is required.
* The two specified (the druid and Mage) take some damage and our ranger and the cleric need to heal you. You must write about this encounter from your character’s perspective, using spells you are allowed, and the weapons you have been allocated.
The bolded italics are consequences for you all from this encounter once the attack begins. The planning part occurs first. There will be other consequences like these in future encounters. These need to be included in your write up.
STIMULUS SENTENCESThe Ranger – On the way through the woods to the cave, she spies droppings and footprints of a creature that appears to be canine, but he/she does not recognise what type, and warns the group to be alert. Says they are being watched but does not believe they are the cultists the Cleric talks about. Once the dire wolf encounter starts…
Tries to control the dire wolf attack in your own way from your character’s perspective. Helps with healing and bandages after the battle has ceased.
The Barbarian – Offers a few ideas in the approach to the cave, but becomes impatient. Later, he brandishes his weapons, goes into a rage and wields his great axe shouting a war cry, and saying he will cut down anything that threatens his companions on their way into the cave. In the process he catches a small tree, severing it at its trunk disturbing a group of 5 or 6 dire wolves that had been stalking the group since they set foot in the forest.
You turn to fight the wolves, making an impact with your warrior prowess. Write about the attack from your character’s perspective. You do most of the damage being the stronger party member.The Druid – Calls on one of his animal friends to follow the blood trail. Once the dire wolf encounter starts, he quickly shape-shifts into….
control the attack in your own way (Check the spells you are allowed) at the level your character is at the moment and write from your character’s perspective. You were injured after helping the sorcerer, by a dire wolf but the rogue saved you from further injury by disposing of the wolf about to devour you.The Sorcerer – Write about the attack from your character’s perspective. Use and discuss which spells you intend to use to fight the wolves. Once the battle starts,
you put up a good fight controlling the elements and help with healing spells once the attack is over. (Check the spells you are allowed) at the level your character is at the moment and write from your character’s perspective.The Cleric – As part of your group's planning, the cleric informs the group that these Cult of the Dragons called eye-blades, are not to be toyed with, being sharp-shooting archers and that they will need to be taken out first once we arrive at the cave entrance. He calls on his/her divine power to strengthen the groups’ constitution and imbue an aura that allows them to distinguish the eye-blades in shadow in case they attack by surprise before arriving at the cave enntrance.
Once the wolves attack, write about the attack from your character’s perspective. Afterwards you help with bandaging and healing the two injured party members as much as you can.The Rogue – returns from scouting around the area and informs the others there indeed are several figures hiding amongst the trees agreeing that they are the eyeblades, the cult of the dragon worshippers that were discussed back at the cottage. But that something has called them together and they had moved off in the same direction as the cave is located. Once the wolf attack begins...
write about it from your character’s perspective. You save the life of the druid from a dire wolf about to devour her, through a shadow attack after she collapses.Mage – Write about the attack from your character’s perspective. (Check the spells) you are allowed at the level of experience you are. Fortunately before the attack you managed to imbue you and your companions’ weapons with an enchantment making them more powerful.
You are injured by one of the dire wolves during the fight.There are several great PNG’s of dire wolves that you can find in google ready to place if you would like to use them in your picture. Also spell effects, such as fire, lightning etc. that are already on transparent can be add to your picture if you choose. This will be the one you can work on whilst I'm away. I'm back on the 25th so hopefully they will all be in by then. That will be the due date. @sawdust just put up your writing, as I won't be here to do it and I'll get the picture done once I'm home. I probably won't get time to do my part in this assignment, if I do, well and good, but the pictures will have to wait until I get home.
Assignment 5 - Cavern Entrance
After the close scrape with the wolves, the companions decide to rest before they confront the orcs and eyeblades at the cave entrance. As they watch from a distance, the party members continue their plan of approach. This assignment can go two ways, combat or bluffing the guards, you choose how to present your story. It doesn't have to fit in with the others necessarily as some may choose not to confront the orcs and eye-blades others may want to. It's your choice.
The druid’s concern about the orcs having a secret weapon is found to be true. One of the orc wardens possesses a wormtongue that he uses when bloodied. This cord of muscle is a symbiont and lashes out from his mouth to strike an opponent and poison them for a time. This should likely catch you by surprise, as you realise the guards are not the simple farmers they appear to be. It does not receive any bonuses from the victim’s feats, abilities, or powers. For example, a rogue cannot use a sneak attack to do damage to a wormtongue. However, if the players have combat advantage against a target, (as the barbarian) the symbiont does as well. However, this symbiont must be fully exposed in order for its powers to be used, but their alien and disturbing nature sometimes makes this difficult. These symbiont-type weapons are shaped from muscle and bone, which bond to the flesh and whisper strange words in the back of the bearer’s mind.Timer, Due: 25th JanuaryRead below thoroughly please SENTENCES FOR EACH CHARACTERThe Rogue – Scouts ahead to find the 2 bulky orcs and 2 more eyeblades with double daggers or short swords, and bow and arrows. They float around the entrance to the cave. He informs the group that there may be others hiding in the woodlands, up trees so to be on the alert, and to watch above them as well.
Plan your approach with the other party members about what tactics to use on the orcs and eyeblades or attempt to slip past them to enter the cave, or find another way in, or attack from behind if an encounter becomes imminent. Your ability to fade into shadows could be detected by the eyeblades however as they can do the same. The Barbarian – – The barbarian wields his weapons and wants to attack the orc guards immediately full on, and anything else that stands in their way. Fortunately his ravings are not heard by the orcs at the distance they are from the cave and can be talked out of this at first.
How will you approach the orcs? Even if the orcs are rendered unconscious, you may choose to dispose of them anyway. The eyeblades could present a problem even to a strong barbarian, however. The Druid – The druid is very concerned that the orcs may be hiding a secret weapon of sorts being of the reptilian race of orcs. She is right. Read about the “wormtongue” above. Plans her form of approach, and tells the others to use distance weapons where possible and animal companions allowed at your level of experience to prevent the risk of a wormtongue attack at close range if a confrontation becomes imminent.
Explain how you detect the wormtongue and decide on the spells you feel would be needed for your encounter (if there is one) with the orcs and eyeblades. The Cleric - The cleric agrees with the sorcerer and explains that she may be able to help with the undead wraiths and discusses how. Believes the guards will be vulnerable if they can somehow be relieved of their pendants. She suggests that we plan to keep the orcs busy in order to take out the eye-blades first if we cannot render both groups powerless.
Decide on the spells needed for this encounter (if there is one) with the orcs and eyeblades.Mage – Warns them that the pendant the orcs are wearing protects them against normal weapons and if taken from them could be used in an attempt to pass themselves off as foreign cultists who have come for the Harvest. However, your weapons may be still under your spell, from the wolf attack, you decide.
Plan spells to render the orcs and/or eyeblades powerless or unconscious, and explain how you could remove the pendants from the orcs with help or strengthen the players with a spell.The Sorcerer –Her fears are confirmed as the eyeblades are wraiths and partly ethereal. Agrees with the mage to try and acquire the pendants from each of them.
Plans to use some spells that will render the orcs and the eyeblades, powerless but not to kill them, in order to acquire the pendants. They are likely under the same influence as the unfortunate victims of the cultists as well. Chooses to use a suitable spell for this.The Ranger – Plan your attack, how you will approach the orcs and eyeblades, what weapons, powers to be used that you think would be useful, if a confrontation becomes imminent, or find another way into the cave.
What spells, animal companions or whatever is in your reach and level of experience you have that can defeat them or render them unconscious. The wormtongue could pose a problem, however if combat occurs.