A playthrough of the No skills, no problem scenario Technicalities: [ Spoiler ] Sim name: Fred Collins Occult Type: Animal Empath with song-based magic (currently dormant) Traits: Animal En...
Fred was on parental leave, but his co-workers were still the people he spent the most time with. Rika, Hank and the private investigators also helped Fred with his gardening, to the point where he could take advantage of the lilies’ favorite season by planting some outside the all-season shelter. Those growing in the sun yielded double the results (four instead of two flowers), pushing Fred even closer towards to his financial goal.
Parental leave = I bought Professional Slacker for Fred to better focus on uni. Next term he will take three courses.
Hank: “How are your studies going?”
Fred: “I got an A this term, and am averaging B+. I’m doing well, but the hoped for effect didn’t occur. Skills still don’t stick.”
Hank: “But you might get a degree?”
Fred: “Yes, most likely.”
Hank: “And what then? You’re going to quit the force, aren’t you?”
Fred: “You’re a detective, Hank. Please ask productive questions, not ones there is no answer to.”
The job Fred loved and that was important for the community or one that was merely “nice to have” for both the young man and the people of this city, but that was paying better. It was a decision nobody should have been forced to make, Hank thought.
Halfway point in terms of money, but also a sad occasion: Fred’s first rabbit friend has passed away.
One day two adventurous half-grown rabbits peeked out of the stump and started exploring their surroundings. Had the first one always been a bit shy, moving away from his home as far as into the enclosed chicken coop at best, these were all over the neighborhood!
Despite quickly agreeing to help with the gardening, in practice they did as little work as their parent had done, though.
Gavin: “Behold – the residence of a Neat Freak!”
Fred: “This is for an uni project. I need to experience maximum fun while being in a desolate space.”
Ironically Neat Fred cannot complete the Pristine Home aspiration, because it requires upgrading a hoover, what he cannot do without Handyness. Gavin and Daniel sometimes repair things around Fred’s house, but they cannot upgrade things autonomously. But, joy, Fred can tackle the Fabulously Filthy aspiration just fine, despite being Neat. (Joy for me, not for him.)
Meanwhile in the background Connor is fawning over the dust bunnies, feeding and cuddling them whenever he gets the chance. This is pretty consistent for this sim across all my saves, by the way. He’s not a fan of country life, but he sure likes his dust bunnies.
Fall Year 3
“An impressive and powerful golden rooster, Aurelius nevertheless got struck by age related ailments early, and had to get fed health treats on regular intervals to combat those issues. I was so happy that he was still strong enough to accompany me to Finchwick to the chicken fair. If anybody has deserved to win a prize here, then Aurelius! Also because he was my very first hatchling.”
Rika: “Anything on your mind? You aren’t as happy as you should be.”
Fred: “I was thinking of Michael.”
Rika: “Don’t worry! Shawn and Eloise take good care of him back home. By the time they have to give him back to us, they may want to register for a Science Baby of their own, haha!”
Fred: “I trust our friends. What made me sad was Mike missing out on today’s festival and how he will also miss out on Christmas from still being tied to the crib.”
Rika: “I see! The father is more impatient than the actual baby! Just you wait, we will look back at those calm days with yearning soon.”
Despite tending to the chickens, gardening, walking to uni every day and eating healthy to the point of having developed the Health Nut lifestyle, Fred was putting on weight that year. He simply didn’t have time to exercise.
On second thought, his “healthy” diet consists solely of raw tomatoes and mushrooms eaten from the inventory and hummus wraps made from mushrooms and nothing else. No veggies, nuts or fruit, no meat or fish - that sure sounds lopsided. Hopefully in the end it’ll all have been worth it!
And now let’s address the elephant in the room, namely Fred having finished this term with all A+s. He handed in outstanding term papers and an equally outstanding presentation, always took notes in class, never missed class, always went in good mood (not necessarily focused, often just energized or inspired), but also never did some extra learning. Putting in that level of effort seems to be all that is required for uni, no skills needed whatsoever.
I cannot 100% rule out mods to play a part in this, but the only uni related mods in my game are one that cuts down the number of required credits to eight and another one that makes all electives available every time (Fred didn't take any electives). Nothing that should effect work/school performance.
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