9 years ago
Post-Apocalyptic Murkland: The Starter Challenge
Murkland: The Starter Challenge
What was once Oasis Springs is now Murkland, a post-apocalyptic world where there is very little access to food or water. Most Murklanders grow trash plants to survive, or rummage through old trash cans looking for something edible.
There are zombies, and mutant raccoons and simmers living in tents, bunkers and abandoned buildings.
You are a simmer living in a tent...
Seasons Update:
You have 3 choices when it comes to Seasons.
You can turn off how weather effects your sims in the gameplay options (you will still get weather but no consequences).
Or, you can download my new Murklanders who are ice/heat proof and will night die when wearing the wrong clothes.
Or lastly, you can manage each sim encounter and ask the sim to change into the right attire for the temperature using the, "See Outfit" option. This last choice is a cumbersome but effective way to control Seasons.
When playing the Gym Challenge, it is recommended that you either use the new season-proof sims OR turn off how the weather affects sims because you will be staying at the gym for a long time.
The season-proof Murklanders will be listed below and in my gallery with (Seasons) in their titles.
Realm of Magic Update:
Glimmerbrook, now Murkwood, is a haven for Earth Witches and is protected from the simpocalypse by magic. Feel free to build up Murkwood with Earth Witches and their homes and commercial properties.
Here’s the Murkland Starter Challenge:
Clear all the lots in Oasis Springs.
Place the Murkland Starter at Nookstone.
Rules for the Lots:
For both lots in Acquisition Faction: your sim must have a Level 7 in gardening and a Level 8 in Charisma to visit these two lots. They may become friends with either household if they meet these sims around town but they cannot visit those sims at their homes until the appropriate skills have been met.
Overgrown Library Rules: the Murkland library is open 10am to 6pm. The computers are off limits to those playing Challenge 1 but are available in Challenge 2. Becoming best friends with the librarian allows your sim the use of the librarian’s tent and the ability to spend the night, or visit when the library is closed. To improve the economy, the librarian insists that your sim pay for a barista each visit.
Murkland Mercantile Co Rules: The Salamanders household owns the property and have marked the price up 100 percent. The clone drones run the business. Facilities are for paying customers only. Lock the kitchen for employees only. If you wish the store workers to look like clone drones, you will need to hire the employees. Have them open the store and wait for the employees to arrive. Create a uniform for the store that looks like a clone drone costume. When the employees arrive, assign the uniform to each worker.
Oasis of Portals Rules: To keep the park pristine the mayor requires visitors (except for children) to have mastered wellness. Teleportation is necessary to access the hidden cavern.
The Remains of CDC Rules:To visit this lot, the mayor insists that you hire two food stall vendors each visit, in order to keep the economy from crashing.
Add either Dusty Boots to the starter or your own post-apocalyptic sim (simself is preferred). If you decide not to use Dusty Boots, she will become your neighbor. If you are using your own sim, remember that the Burner Faction of which you are a part is a colorful group who love to dance, have desert parties and who want to be friends with the world even though times are tough.
If you make your own sim -- in order for you sim to rummage for food, they will need the glutton trait. They can have any other traits except klepto or vegetarian. Their aspiration is, “Friend of the World.”
Aging is either turned off or on long life for this challenge. You may not use any potions from the aspiration reward store.
You may do an alternative aging gameplay --- with a regular life span. You must obtain the Potion of Youth if you do this. It's the only potion you are able to use.
Use the Money X cheat to get your household down to zero.
Your main task is to grow 16 trash plants from scratch using your own trash to start them. You must grow them all from scratch -- from piles of trash.
You must then evolve all 16 trash plants to the perfect level.
Collect, fish and rummage for food and items to sell. You may also sell trash fruit which you grow, but your sim must eat trash fruit at least once a day since it is a Murkland staple.
The fish of Murkland are not edible except for the bonefish. You may fish the waters and sell the fish you catch, but you can ONLY eat the bonefish purchased from the Murkland Mercantile Company though the special fish bowl you have on your lot. You can grill or roast the bonefish.
You can collect any wild plant and sell it or eat it but you can only grow trash plants.
You can grill anything on the outdoor grill (grilled fish must be bonefish), roast anything at the campfire (roasted fish must be bonefish), rummage for food in any trashcan, and you can eat anything from the coolers around town that are restocked by the Murkland Mercantile Company. If you decide not to pay your bills, the Murkland Mercantile Company will not restock your cooler at home (so please remove it from the lot).
You can use deodorizing cream for your hygiene needs and you’ve been given one bottle. Your sim must travel to Granite Falls to learn the herbalism skill and to acquire the ingredients for the deodorizing cream. Your sim can collect any and all herbalism ingredients but may only make deodorizing cream and they cannot sell it. All homemade deodorizing cream is for self-use.
When you sim is in Granite Falls, they cannot bring anything with them. They must sleep on the log benches. They can grill, roast and use the coolers for food. Or they can rummage in trashcans.
When in Granite Falls, your sim may use the public bathrooms but only use the shower option on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (your sim may use the bathroom option at any time). Your sim is not allowed to stay the night or use the facilities at the hermit’s house. Your sim may befriend the hermit.
If your sim catches a shower while fishing, they may use that shower at home on the designated shower days instead of going to the hot springs BUT they can only use brisk shower option. And, if they use the shower that day, they cannot go to the hot springs.
Your sim may not travel to any other worlds except to Granite Falls. If you want to customize Murkland more, you can build out Newcrest (now called Nukecrest) as you like with households and builds. Please don't use things like perfect plants in such builds to give you an advantage in the challenge. If you decide to build out Nukecrest, this is the only world besides GF that you can go to.
When in Murkland, you sim may wash up at the Murkland Hot Springs but due to limited fresh water sources they may only use the springs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In addition to getting to a level two in herbalism (to make the deodorizing cream), your sim must max out skills in dancing and gardening and complete the Friend of the World Aspiration. Please do not play other aspirations at the same time as they might be important for later challenges.
Your sim is allowed to eat at any restaurants or food stalls that may exist in Murkland.
Your sim may purchase anything for fun that does not require power so they may buy such things as the acoustic guitar or violin. But they cannot make money on paintings or wood carvings.
They may use the vendor’s table for selling items around town.
They may visit any lot with anyone that they have already met but they are not allowed to use the cell phone to call or text. They can use the travel together option for sims they already know to go to a particular lot together. They must grow relationships face to face. You can only use the cell phone to get to Granite Falls.
Use of facilities -- you may only use bushes around town. You may not use the bathrooms at individual residences because these are for the residents only with the exception of bushes. All bushes are ok to use.
Your sim may not use any potions in the Rewards Store AND they cannot buy the Carefree Trait. All other items are available to purchase at this time.
Your sim must live alone during Challenge 1. They may date other sims but they cannot move in with another sim, have a sim move in with them, or marry a sim.
The only love children allowed at this time are ones made by alien abduction. If your sim gets pregnant from such an abduction, you may purchase a bed or chair for them to sleep in, as well as, a potty and one toy. Toddlers will eat trash fruit. Toddlers will get very dirty but this is Murkland after all.
Finally, your sim must save at least $15,000 from the above activities.
When you have finished this challenge, the next challenge will depend on if you paid your bills every time or decided not to pay your bills at all.
Link to Paid the Bills Challenge 2:
Link to Did Not Pay the Bills Challenge 2:
Link to the Zombie Challenge:
Here is your starter home.
Here is Dusty Boots:
Dusty if you are playing her: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/BD66A36599C111E881CCDB1CF1193EF4
Dusty as a neighbor: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/EB6F8BCE99C111E88251DB1CF1193EF4
Here is the Murkland Map:
Links to all Households and Lots (thank you @EuphorialQueen)
Dusty Boots
Dusty if you are playing her: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/BD66A36599C111E881CCDB1CF1193EF4
Dusty as a neighbor: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/EB6F8BCE99C111E88251DB1CF1193EF4
Burner Campers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/DB7DFD8399B011E8842BDB1CF1193EF4
The Freegans
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/85847B809AAA11E88C5DD8E8C921040E
The Vardo Brothers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/8E70E90899CF11E885B9DB1CF1193EF4
Mad Mud
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/10617F80991611E88E64D8E8C921040E
The Mad Mudders
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/0BDAA116992011E885DBD8E8C921040E
The Turbo Pumpkins
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/D98CE5EE992911E88BF0D8E8C921040E
The Engine Family
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/9905ED03993111E88A8CD8E8C921040E
Murkland Inmates
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/49F462399AB711E88739D8E8C921040E
Mutant Raccoons
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/D782153198C611E88235F7E5EC7F408A
The Infected (Zombies)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/06F72EF198D011E88825F7E5EC7F408A
The Cliff Dwellers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/65588931991011E8811CD8E8C921040E
The Salamanders
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/CC1A85D398E311E88788F7E5EC7F408A
Pookey of the Apocalypse (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/58FB93099B1611E881A7F7E5EC7F408A
Dr. George Wonder (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/E6E8172A9B3411E88642F7E5EC7F408A
Rabid Ghosts (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/84A17D1C9B4211E88B8AF7E5EC7F408A
Thunder Gloom Clone Drone (Challenge 2)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/0F2EC3089B2411E8828EF7E5EC7F408A
Cliff City
Fire and Music Festival
Fort Murkland
Mad Mudder Encampment
Mad Mud's Abode
Murkland Hot Springs
Murkland Mercantile Co
Murkland Starter
Mutant Raccoon Hideout
Overgrown Library
Puffer Dome
The Engine Family Bunker
The Forgotten Gas Station
The Freegan Camp
The Old FEMA Camp
What's Left of the Gym
What’s Left of the Gym Side Step Challenge
You have decided to take your sim on the road in a secret mission to help Murklanders feel less murky (you don’t have permission from the mayor so you’re going set up at What’s Left of the Gym and do so underground). Your sim will be living at the gym for an extended stay and traveling to and from Granite Falls on a regular basis. Your sim will collect seeds and then grow the plants needed to make the Deodorizing Cream and the Energizer Infusion (under the gym there are rooms in which strange sun lanterns exists). You will need to collect the insects as well and stock them up underground. You may not stay at home until the challenge is complete. If you decide to play this side step challenge, you are to play it after Challenge 1 but before Challenge 2. For this optional side step challenge, your sim must:
• Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
• Master herbalism (part of the aspiration)
• Master fitness (I mean you are living at the gym)
• Sell deodorizing cream and energizer infusion at the gym (you may only sell these two types of herbal remedies and you may only sell them at the gym)
• Evolve from normal level to perfect level at least 1 plant for each of the ingredients needed for both remedies (so 1 plant of Elderberry, Strawberry, Parsley, Muckleberry, and Poison Fireleaf)
• Your sim may not live at the home lot until the challenge is complete
• Make $15,000 from selling the two herbal remedies, and from playing for tips. Do not sell your harvestables or collectables. Keep them. You may want them for Challenge 2.
• You may make other remedies BUT you cannot sell them (you can use them though)
• For fun, you may play the violin or guitar. Don’t forget to bring an instrument with you if you have one. If you don’t have one you may purchase one at the store.
• Don’t’ forget to bring your vending table with you.
• You may play for tips to throw the mayor off your trail (otherwise he might wonder why you are spending so much time at the gym) but you may only do so twice a week
• Pay Bills/Do Not Pay Bills – do exactly what you did in Challenge 1
• The same rules apply for visiting Granite Falls
• Grow only what you need for making the two remedies. Nothing else may be grown
• You must make both types of remedies but the amount of each is up to you
• Avoid fishing during this challenge.
• If your game is lagging due to too many items in your inventory you can purchase the trunks that can hold inventory. Your sim may quickly go to the home lot to fill the trunk
• Your sim may visit the home lot to pay bills or your sim can use the cell phone for the sole purpose of paying bills
Overgrown Library Side Challenge
The Murkland Library is in desperate need of books! If you decide to play this optional challenge:
• Have your sim master the writing skill using only the computers at the library AND following all the rules of the library.
• The rules of the library are as follows: The Murkland Library is open 10am to 6pm. The computers are off limits to those playing Challenge 1 but are available in Challenge 2 (and are available for specific side challenges). Becoming best friends with the librarian allows your sim the use of the librarian’s tent and the ability to spend the night, or visit when the library is closed. To improve the economy, the librarian insists that your sim pay for a barista each visit.
• If both computers break down, OR your sim gets writer’s block and cannot write, your sim must leave the library and not return for at least 24 hours.
• Add a basement to the library. The basement does not need to be accessible because this will just be a place to store the books that you write.
• Write 10 Bestsellers and add them to your basement. Do NOT have your sim put them away in a bookshelf because books inside of bookshelves will not transfer when uploading/downloading.
• Stock your basement with 10 Bestsellers with unique titles and descriptions that you think fit the Murkland theme.
• You CAN upload additional excellent quality books, but the challenge is not complete until you have 10 bestsellers to upload AND your sim has mastered writing.
• Upload the basement room with your stocked books under the room category, “study”. Books might NOT show up in the in-game screenshot, but they should be there when another Murklander downloads your room.
• Hashtag the room #BooksforMurkland so Murklanders can find your room easily and add them to their own games. Additionally, title the room, “Books for Murkland.”
• Books may be any genre and any combination of genres.
• You cannot make any upgrades to the computers at the library.
Links to Murkland Challenge Stories (thank you @Shizu9no1)
Makin’ It in Murkland by @Shizu9no1 https://oshizublog.wordpress.com/makin-it-in-murkland/
Murkland by @Soulgal7: https://soulgal7.blogspot.com/2017/03/murkland-sunday-chapter-1.html
Murkland by @lisabee2: https://lisabeesims.wordpress.com/murkland-coming
Post-Apocalyptic Murkland by Rainydayz179: https://rainygamez.wordpress.com/post-apocalyptic-murkland
A murky story in Nukecrest by @tammyjo329: https://tammy329.wordpress.com/
A Murky Intro by @meggles: https://meggsims.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/a-murky-intro
Lee in Murkland by @TheAmazingLee: https://leemurkland.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/first-blog-post/?frame-nonce=def1ab0bc9
Murkland Challenge by @aureliaromae: https://llamawhat.blogspot.com/p/murkland-challenge.html
Valeda Gets Murky by @EuphorialQueen : http://ts3cc.canadian-forum.com/t2120-valeda-gets-murky
Buttons in Murkland by @BUTTONSGINGER : http://ts3cc.canadian-forum.com/t2121-buttons-in-murkland#70844
Murkland Memories by @Pallypoo http://pallysscribbles.freeforums.net/board/3/murkland-memories
Links to Murky Bloggers (thank you @Shizu9no1)
Post-Apocalyptic Murkland Challenge by @Asaoyoru : https://stardustdropletstories.wordpress.com/2017/04/14/first-blog-post/
Miss Fit's Post-Apocalyptic Adventures in Murkland by @misfit091376 : https://misfitsims1.wordpress.com/murkland-starter/
Links to Murky Youtubers (thank you @Shizu9no1)
@anchesenamon (Anchesenamon Sims):
@solvorsh (sunny simming):
@Spacey72659 (Spacey Sims):
What was once Oasis Springs is now Murkland, a post-apocalyptic world where there is very little access to food or water. Most Murklanders grow trash plants to survive, or rummage through old trash cans looking for something edible.
There are zombies, and mutant raccoons and simmers living in tents, bunkers and abandoned buildings.
You are a simmer living in a tent...
Seasons Update:
You have 3 choices when it comes to Seasons.
You can turn off how weather effects your sims in the gameplay options (you will still get weather but no consequences).
Or, you can download my new Murklanders who are ice/heat proof and will night die when wearing the wrong clothes.
Or lastly, you can manage each sim encounter and ask the sim to change into the right attire for the temperature using the, "See Outfit" option. This last choice is a cumbersome but effective way to control Seasons.
When playing the Gym Challenge, it is recommended that you either use the new season-proof sims OR turn off how the weather affects sims because you will be staying at the gym for a long time.
The season-proof Murklanders will be listed below and in my gallery with (Seasons) in their titles.
Realm of Magic Update:
Glimmerbrook, now Murkwood, is a haven for Earth Witches and is protected from the simpocalypse by magic. Feel free to build up Murkwood with Earth Witches and their homes and commercial properties.
Here’s the Murkland Starter Challenge:
Clear all the lots in Oasis Springs.
Place the Murkland Starter at Nookstone.
Rules for the Lots:
For both lots in Acquisition Faction: your sim must have a Level 7 in gardening and a Level 8 in Charisma to visit these two lots. They may become friends with either household if they meet these sims around town but they cannot visit those sims at their homes until the appropriate skills have been met.
Overgrown Library Rules: the Murkland library is open 10am to 6pm. The computers are off limits to those playing Challenge 1 but are available in Challenge 2. Becoming best friends with the librarian allows your sim the use of the librarian’s tent and the ability to spend the night, or visit when the library is closed. To improve the economy, the librarian insists that your sim pay for a barista each visit.
Murkland Mercantile Co Rules: The Salamanders household owns the property and have marked the price up 100 percent. The clone drones run the business. Facilities are for paying customers only. Lock the kitchen for employees only. If you wish the store workers to look like clone drones, you will need to hire the employees. Have them open the store and wait for the employees to arrive. Create a uniform for the store that looks like a clone drone costume. When the employees arrive, assign the uniform to each worker.
Oasis of Portals Rules: To keep the park pristine the mayor requires visitors (except for children) to have mastered wellness. Teleportation is necessary to access the hidden cavern.
The Remains of CDC Rules:To visit this lot, the mayor insists that you hire two food stall vendors each visit, in order to keep the economy from crashing.
Add either Dusty Boots to the starter or your own post-apocalyptic sim (simself is preferred). If you decide not to use Dusty Boots, she will become your neighbor. If you are using your own sim, remember that the Burner Faction of which you are a part is a colorful group who love to dance, have desert parties and who want to be friends with the world even though times are tough.
If you make your own sim -- in order for you sim to rummage for food, they will need the glutton trait. They can have any other traits except klepto or vegetarian. Their aspiration is, “Friend of the World.”
Aging is either turned off or on long life for this challenge. You may not use any potions from the aspiration reward store.
You may do an alternative aging gameplay --- with a regular life span. You must obtain the Potion of Youth if you do this. It's the only potion you are able to use.
Use the Money X cheat to get your household down to zero.
Your main task is to grow 16 trash plants from scratch using your own trash to start them. You must grow them all from scratch -- from piles of trash.
You must then evolve all 16 trash plants to the perfect level.
Collect, fish and rummage for food and items to sell. You may also sell trash fruit which you grow, but your sim must eat trash fruit at least once a day since it is a Murkland staple.
The fish of Murkland are not edible except for the bonefish. You may fish the waters and sell the fish you catch, but you can ONLY eat the bonefish purchased from the Murkland Mercantile Company though the special fish bowl you have on your lot. You can grill or roast the bonefish.
You can collect any wild plant and sell it or eat it but you can only grow trash plants.
You can grill anything on the outdoor grill (grilled fish must be bonefish), roast anything at the campfire (roasted fish must be bonefish), rummage for food in any trashcan, and you can eat anything from the coolers around town that are restocked by the Murkland Mercantile Company. If you decide not to pay your bills, the Murkland Mercantile Company will not restock your cooler at home (so please remove it from the lot).
You can use deodorizing cream for your hygiene needs and you’ve been given one bottle. Your sim must travel to Granite Falls to learn the herbalism skill and to acquire the ingredients for the deodorizing cream. Your sim can collect any and all herbalism ingredients but may only make deodorizing cream and they cannot sell it. All homemade deodorizing cream is for self-use.
When you sim is in Granite Falls, they cannot bring anything with them. They must sleep on the log benches. They can grill, roast and use the coolers for food. Or they can rummage in trashcans.
When in Granite Falls, your sim may use the public bathrooms but only use the shower option on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (your sim may use the bathroom option at any time). Your sim is not allowed to stay the night or use the facilities at the hermit’s house. Your sim may befriend the hermit.
If your sim catches a shower while fishing, they may use that shower at home on the designated shower days instead of going to the hot springs BUT they can only use brisk shower option. And, if they use the shower that day, they cannot go to the hot springs.
Your sim may not travel to any other worlds except to Granite Falls. If you want to customize Murkland more, you can build out Newcrest (now called Nukecrest) as you like with households and builds. Please don't use things like perfect plants in such builds to give you an advantage in the challenge. If you decide to build out Nukecrest, this is the only world besides GF that you can go to.
When in Murkland, you sim may wash up at the Murkland Hot Springs but due to limited fresh water sources they may only use the springs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In addition to getting to a level two in herbalism (to make the deodorizing cream), your sim must max out skills in dancing and gardening and complete the Friend of the World Aspiration. Please do not play other aspirations at the same time as they might be important for later challenges.
Your sim is allowed to eat at any restaurants or food stalls that may exist in Murkland.
Your sim may purchase anything for fun that does not require power so they may buy such things as the acoustic guitar or violin. But they cannot make money on paintings or wood carvings.
They may use the vendor’s table for selling items around town.
They may visit any lot with anyone that they have already met but they are not allowed to use the cell phone to call or text. They can use the travel together option for sims they already know to go to a particular lot together. They must grow relationships face to face. You can only use the cell phone to get to Granite Falls.
Use of facilities -- you may only use bushes around town. You may not use the bathrooms at individual residences because these are for the residents only with the exception of bushes. All bushes are ok to use.
Your sim may not use any potions in the Rewards Store AND they cannot buy the Carefree Trait. All other items are available to purchase at this time.
Your sim must live alone during Challenge 1. They may date other sims but they cannot move in with another sim, have a sim move in with them, or marry a sim.
The only love children allowed at this time are ones made by alien abduction. If your sim gets pregnant from such an abduction, you may purchase a bed or chair for them to sleep in, as well as, a potty and one toy. Toddlers will eat trash fruit. Toddlers will get very dirty but this is Murkland after all.
Finally, your sim must save at least $15,000 from the above activities.
When you have finished this challenge, the next challenge will depend on if you paid your bills every time or decided not to pay your bills at all.
Link to Paid the Bills Challenge 2:
Link to Did Not Pay the Bills Challenge 2:
Link to the Zombie Challenge:
Here is your starter home.
Here is Dusty Boots:
Dusty if you are playing her: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/BD66A36599C111E881CCDB1CF1193EF4
Dusty as a neighbor: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/EB6F8BCE99C111E88251DB1CF1193EF4
Here is the Murkland Map:
Links to all Households and Lots (thank you @EuphorialQueen)
Dusty Boots
Dusty if you are playing her: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/BD66A36599C111E881CCDB1CF1193EF4
Dusty as a neighbor: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/EB6F8BCE99C111E88251DB1CF1193EF4
Burner Campers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/DB7DFD8399B011E8842BDB1CF1193EF4
The Freegans
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/85847B809AAA11E88C5DD8E8C921040E
The Vardo Brothers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/8E70E90899CF11E885B9DB1CF1193EF4
Mad Mud
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/10617F80991611E88E64D8E8C921040E
The Mad Mudders
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/0BDAA116992011E885DBD8E8C921040E
The Turbo Pumpkins
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/D98CE5EE992911E88BF0D8E8C921040E
The Engine Family
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/9905ED03993111E88A8CD8E8C921040E
Murkland Inmates
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/49F462399AB711E88739D8E8C921040E
Mutant Raccoons
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/D782153198C611E88235F7E5EC7F408A
The Infected (Zombies)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/06F72EF198D011E88825F7E5EC7F408A
The Cliff Dwellers
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/65588931991011E8811CD8E8C921040E
The Salamanders
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/CC1A85D398E311E88788F7E5EC7F408A
Pookey of the Apocalypse (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/58FB93099B1611E881A7F7E5EC7F408A
Dr. George Wonder (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/E6E8172A9B3411E88642F7E5EC7F408A
Rabid Ghosts (Murkland Extra)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/84A17D1C9B4211E88B8AF7E5EC7F408A
Thunder Gloom Clone Drone (Challenge 2)
Seasons: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/0F2EC3089B2411E8828EF7E5EC7F408A
Cliff City
Fire and Music Festival
Fort Murkland
Mad Mudder Encampment
Mad Mud's Abode
Murkland Hot Springs
Murkland Mercantile Co
Murkland Starter
Mutant Raccoon Hideout
Overgrown Library
Puffer Dome
The Engine Family Bunker
The Forgotten Gas Station
The Freegan Camp
The Old FEMA Camp
What's Left of the Gym
What’s Left of the Gym Side Step Challenge
You have decided to take your sim on the road in a secret mission to help Murklanders feel less murky (you don’t have permission from the mayor so you’re going set up at What’s Left of the Gym and do so underground). Your sim will be living at the gym for an extended stay and traveling to and from Granite Falls on a regular basis. Your sim will collect seeds and then grow the plants needed to make the Deodorizing Cream and the Energizer Infusion (under the gym there are rooms in which strange sun lanterns exists). You will need to collect the insects as well and stock them up underground. You may not stay at home until the challenge is complete. If you decide to play this side step challenge, you are to play it after Challenge 1 but before Challenge 2. For this optional side step challenge, your sim must:
• Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
• Master herbalism (part of the aspiration)
• Master fitness (I mean you are living at the gym)
• Sell deodorizing cream and energizer infusion at the gym (you may only sell these two types of herbal remedies and you may only sell them at the gym)
• Evolve from normal level to perfect level at least 1 plant for each of the ingredients needed for both remedies (so 1 plant of Elderberry, Strawberry, Parsley, Muckleberry, and Poison Fireleaf)
• Your sim may not live at the home lot until the challenge is complete
• Make $15,000 from selling the two herbal remedies, and from playing for tips. Do not sell your harvestables or collectables. Keep them. You may want them for Challenge 2.
• You may make other remedies BUT you cannot sell them (you can use them though)
• For fun, you may play the violin or guitar. Don’t forget to bring an instrument with you if you have one. If you don’t have one you may purchase one at the store.
• Don’t’ forget to bring your vending table with you.
• You may play for tips to throw the mayor off your trail (otherwise he might wonder why you are spending so much time at the gym) but you may only do so twice a week
• Pay Bills/Do Not Pay Bills – do exactly what you did in Challenge 1
• The same rules apply for visiting Granite Falls
• Grow only what you need for making the two remedies. Nothing else may be grown
• You must make both types of remedies but the amount of each is up to you
• Avoid fishing during this challenge.
• If your game is lagging due to too many items in your inventory you can purchase the trunks that can hold inventory. Your sim may quickly go to the home lot to fill the trunk
• Your sim may visit the home lot to pay bills or your sim can use the cell phone for the sole purpose of paying bills
Overgrown Library Side Challenge
The Murkland Library is in desperate need of books! If you decide to play this optional challenge:
• Have your sim master the writing skill using only the computers at the library AND following all the rules of the library.
• The rules of the library are as follows: The Murkland Library is open 10am to 6pm. The computers are off limits to those playing Challenge 1 but are available in Challenge 2 (and are available for specific side challenges). Becoming best friends with the librarian allows your sim the use of the librarian’s tent and the ability to spend the night, or visit when the library is closed. To improve the economy, the librarian insists that your sim pay for a barista each visit.
• If both computers break down, OR your sim gets writer’s block and cannot write, your sim must leave the library and not return for at least 24 hours.
• Add a basement to the library. The basement does not need to be accessible because this will just be a place to store the books that you write.
• Write 10 Bestsellers and add them to your basement. Do NOT have your sim put them away in a bookshelf because books inside of bookshelves will not transfer when uploading/downloading.
• Stock your basement with 10 Bestsellers with unique titles and descriptions that you think fit the Murkland theme.
• You CAN upload additional excellent quality books, but the challenge is not complete until you have 10 bestsellers to upload AND your sim has mastered writing.
• Upload the basement room with your stocked books under the room category, “study”. Books might NOT show up in the in-game screenshot, but they should be there when another Murklander downloads your room.
• Hashtag the room #BooksforMurkland so Murklanders can find your room easily and add them to their own games. Additionally, title the room, “Books for Murkland.”
• Books may be any genre and any combination of genres.
• You cannot make any upgrades to the computers at the library.
Links to Murkland Challenge Stories (thank you @Shizu9no1)
Makin’ It in Murkland by @Shizu9no1 https://oshizublog.wordpress.com/makin-it-in-murkland/
Murkland by @Soulgal7: https://soulgal7.blogspot.com/2017/03/murkland-sunday-chapter-1.html
Murkland by @lisabee2: https://lisabeesims.wordpress.com/murkland-coming
Post-Apocalyptic Murkland by Rainydayz179: https://rainygamez.wordpress.com/post-apocalyptic-murkland
A murky story in Nukecrest by @tammyjo329: https://tammy329.wordpress.com/
A Murky Intro by @meggles: https://meggsims.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/a-murky-intro
Lee in Murkland by @TheAmazingLee: https://leemurkland.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/first-blog-post/?frame-nonce=def1ab0bc9
Murkland Challenge by @aureliaromae: https://llamawhat.blogspot.com/p/murkland-challenge.html
Valeda Gets Murky by @EuphorialQueen : http://ts3cc.canadian-forum.com/t2120-valeda-gets-murky
Buttons in Murkland by @BUTTONSGINGER : http://ts3cc.canadian-forum.com/t2121-buttons-in-murkland#70844
Murkland Memories by @Pallypoo http://pallysscribbles.freeforums.net/board/3/murkland-memories
Links to Murky Bloggers (thank you @Shizu9no1)
Post-Apocalyptic Murkland Challenge by @Asaoyoru : https://stardustdropletstories.wordpress.com/2017/04/14/first-blog-post/
Miss Fit's Post-Apocalyptic Adventures in Murkland by @misfit091376 : https://misfitsims1.wordpress.com/murkland-starter/
Links to Murky Youtubers (thank you @Shizu9no1)
@anchesenamon (Anchesenamon Sims):
@solvorsh (sunny simming):
@Spacey72659 (Spacey Sims):