Forum Discussion

FabTiffSim's avatar
7 years ago

PreHistory Party Comp Results Page!

Here is where I post the results to Prehistory Party Challenges! We'll have all the judges comments and the banners posted here! It was just getting TOO NUTTY on the actual comp page! Hope you join us in some prehistory fun and friendship!

Let's try and keep the comments on the main page! But if some end up on this page too I ain't mad atcha!
  • Thanks so much @fabtiffsim!! What a lovely review!! You rock!! AND the next challenge sounds fun as all plum! Hoping to get some fantastic idea soon!!
  • "Ainsleyf;c-16485605" wrote:
    Thanks so much @fabtiffsim!! What a lovely review!! You rock!! AND the next challenge sounds fun as all plum! Hoping to get some fantastic idea soon!!

    haha can't wait to see what you build!! Fab work as usual ;)
    Prehistory Challenge #:30
    Origin ID: @FailureCloud
    Forum ID: @VagueNightmare
    Water Nymph Sanctuary
    Gallery Link
    Skill level: Expert
    Back story: Hidden far away from mortal eyes lies this sanctuary for water nymphs. Only few have found the beauty that lies within this sanctuary, and none ever leave for it is so mesmerizing and enchanting that one becomes obsessed with the Naiad(word for lake/spring nymph)
    Link to Pics
    Exterior 10/10
    You are correct about that waterfall. It looks great! (I didn't download the lot and see it in-game but I liked the way it looked in the pics!) It's peaceful and mysterious. You'll be lulled into walking into the sanctuary and then you'll disappear forever! Your flower-statue fountains are so creative! What a simple, yet stylish idea. Just like a good haircut.
    Interior 10/10
    I'm going to consider swimming inside the pools to be the interior haha for lack of any better idea.
    Actually, I think you're not supposed to be able to swim in the pools so now my "joke" looks even lamer.
    Creativity 10/10
    Is that a real name for river nymph or did you create it? It's wonderful either way. I really enjoyed the word! I really liked the feeling that this build evokes. In the right light it's almost scary or spooky. But in another light it's misty and green and beautiful. I think it's magic powers are working on me, I'm feeling very lulled in...
    Map 0/5
    I think you could have made me a map. You'll probably lose this round now ;) ;) ;) :P :P
    TOTAL 30/35
    AWARDED: Mysterious Powers
  • @fabtiffsim ah! I totally forgot about the map!! All the other build challenges I do don’t require maps so I toooooootallly forgot

    And yea Naiad is the word for river/spring nymph I even looked it up to be sure. Originally I was going to use Naias which is for like...a lake nymph I believe? Something else also water related haha I couldn’t believe how many variations of just water nymphs there are!
  • Prehistory Challenge #: 19
    Origin ID: @Haids1987
    Gallery Link (if applicable:) Star Wars Special
    Link to pics: PICS
    Exterior 10/10
    This looks fantastic! You did SUCH a good job replicating the example I gave! What fun curvy roofs! And the outside basement is really cool too, (hilarious with the launch pad!) but the roofs were what was really cool for me! And the outside was quite simple, which I think is exactly like the photo I posted, there wasn't a whole lot of outside decorations on the walls so I think you did a very accurate job!
    Interior /10
    The big open windows would have such a nice view of the neighborhood! Inside the nursery there are some wall decals and I think they look like ancient wall drawings, and I really liked that! Little sneaky alien crib in there for the ancient descendants, love it! And any technology you have, you've put it in a secret room, which I think is fine for our purposes! It's telling stories and having fun, which I think you did a wonderful job of!
    Creativity 10/10
    I actually REALLY enjoyed your twist about the ancients descending from the sky! Ancient Alien Theorist is actually what I identify as when asked about my religion hahaha so this is straight up my alley! I think you took that and ran with it, making the futuristic medieval work for you, and I really enjoyed your build! If you had a hard time with it (like you mentioned in your post) I couldn't tell because I found your build very inspired and spot on for what I was looking for!
    TOTAL: 30/30
    Origin Id: @Ainsleyf
    Exterior 10/10
    The ship is SO GOOD! It must have taken a long time, it's entered into the wrong round hahah!!! But awesome! The little dock, or village that it's next to, it looks really really good! Excellent job on the little shops and buildings!
    Interior 10/10
    The one lonely shot of inside the bar looks great! I love the barrel shelves! Since it's not an official entry I didn't steal any points from you! Just a fun build to look at! Extra points all around!
    Creativity 10/10
    I was going to dock you a point for being so uncreative (so much sarcasm) just kidding you knocked it out of the park! What a crazy/silly story you tell! Loved reading it, and thanks for sharing!!
    TOTAL: 30/30
  • "Bolonkafrauchen;c-16481718" wrote:
    Thank you so much for the critique. I only just learned to do topview, but I only found out how to label the ap yesterday night1 What a shame, I could have tied with the winner, but since everything else was 10/10, I am still proud of it.
    Congrats to @Ainsleyf for winning and everyone elses builds were amazing, too.

    You should 100% be proud of your build!! It was incredible and I had a lot of fun looking at your pics! Thanks for participating! I hope you had fun and consider sharing some more of your builds with us!
  • "VagueNightmare;c-16533557" wrote:
    @fabtiffsim ah! I totally forgot about the map!! All the other build challenges I do don’t require maps so I toooooootallly forgot

    And yea Naiad is the word for river/spring nymph I even looked it up to be sure. Originally I was going to use Naias which is for like...a lake nymph I believe? Something else also water related haha I couldn’t believe how many variations of just water nymphs there are!

    It's fun to look that stuff up! So many fun and interesting things to learn! And don't worry about the map, it was a close race but I think you won still :wink: hehe