@JordanNicoleJJ - Ahhhh! I love how you styled your founders! :heart: Iris' skirt with the jeans underneath is totally the look I went with in my game too. Plus her tattoo is so fitting. I'm seriously considering going back and adding some tats to my Iris :lol: Aiyden looks adorable too, and once again we we're on the same page with the boho-ish look. I'm loving the glasses on him. I hope your D&D group can forgive you lol your storytelling might be lacking for them tomorrow, but the backstories you've been coming up with for the worlds are perfect. The Del Sol Valley story fits perfectly! I haven't seen Strangerville yet, but I take your word for it being best suited to being a fixer upper world. Plus that makes it easier on us. It'll be a nice break to not have to build everything from scratch for a bit. I like your deceptive pic of your house :lol: I think it looks really good! You and @OJenn did a great job making the exterior look like the floorplan house. I'm super excited to see how you come along with floorplan B. I just finished decorating and landscaping in my game. I'm totally using money cheats, the place is suuuuper decked out lol I feel a bit guilty though knowing you and Jenn aren't motherloading to start off this gen. But if I had to rebuild and redecorate within a budget I'd lose my mind :lol: Oh and I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for the knitting pack release date. Resist the urge to buy it! I'll hook you up lol!
@OJenn - Oh no no, you didn't do anything wrong with the emptied world save! I'm sorry, I worded my last message about it badly. It was simsfile share that's giving me the problem. It says the file can't be found, or something along those lines. Your explanation of how to install it is very helpful though. I hope I'll be able to download it soon. I'm almost ready to begin!
@PeculiarPlumbob - Aw, yeah, the threads can look a bit overwhelming at first glance with so much information to be given, but it's really simple I promise! Trust me, if it weren't a simple challenge to play I wouldn't be playing it :lol: You're just gonna pick which world you wanna play in, delete all the lots (to be rebuilt by you later), and then pick which house you'd prefer to try building out of option A or B of the founder floorplans linked for the world you choose. Once you've built your house, download the founder couple and basically play with them like you would any other legacy family. The only real difference is when it comes time for your heir to marry each generation has 2 sims you can pick between for them to marry. Kinda like arranged marriage sim style :lol: I hope that didn't confuse you more. I'd love to have to join in and play with us! I love your signature btw :heart:
So here's Iris and Aiyden in some of their many many outfits :lol: I've never owned so many packs in a sims game before and it's awesome because there's so much great clothing and hair that I really have no need for CC now. Anyway, I love them, and completely agree with @JordanNicoleJJ that they're the perfect founders for Evergreen Harbor. You did an awesome job with them @OJenn
I've finished building and decorating their house and after bulldozing the world I'm ready to start! So be prepared for a huuuuge house tour. I went decorating crazy and plan to take pics of every inch of the house for the housetour :lol: Oh and one last question. Will deleting the community lots and not immediately replacing them with new builds of my own mess up anything with Eco Living? I really don't know anything about how the pack works yet.