STARTING OUT RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #7 - THE GAME'S AFOOT☆ Issabella14 ☆This is such a cool little build! The architecture looks fab and the exterior wall treatments you have chosen work incredibly well. Your landscaping looks awesome, you have made great use of the terrain painting tools and you have made some great choices with the plants. Your interior layout works really well and I love that sunken pool in there, what a great addition. Your palette works well throughout the home and really helps this build feel very well put together.I think it was a great idea to have the bedroom overlooking the rest of the house as well.
Suggestions: think carefully before creating a ‘valley’ in the centre of the roof, although it may look good, it wouldn’t really work ‘In Real Life’. Be very careful when placing things close to walls, I can see one of your plants sticking out of the side of the house ;)
Sim Challenge: Mr Wu looks fab and he is totally enjoying his new pad! How many lovely ladies is he entertaining?? It would have been nice to learn a bit more about him though, such as which traits you chose for him.
☆ pammiechick ☆Such a modern piece of architecture, your choices of wall treatments really help to sell that modern look. The open plan living area works really well and the layout does flow through the home. Your palette is great, it helps the build feel very cohesive and wow, that lovely wooden panelling in the master bedroom! You have made some great object choices that really help build that ‘eclectic’ style, but without overpowering the modernness of the build, really well done for that.
Suggestions: Your landscaping feels a little bland, I think it needed more greenery/flowers around the place to help lift the facade of the house, also, don’t forget about the terrain painting tools. Really think about what you are going to be placing in your rooms and size them appropriately, there seems to be lots of empty space around the place.
Sim Challenge: Your portrayal of Jesus is wonderful, I loved seeing him investigate and solve the crime. And great job on those traits, I thinks he’s a bit of a softie at heart….
☆ iampes23 ☆This place looks awesome! The architecture is simple yet elegant and the wall treatments you have chosen help to set the tone. You have made some good use of the terrain painting tools in the landscaping and also some good choices that reflect the style of the build when it comes to the plants. Your layout works well and it has a definite sense of flow to it. It is unusual to have the main living space on the top floor, but you have done so in such a unique way that it works really well. Your eclectic choice of objects helps to stop this place feeling too modern and more fitting to the brief, you have a good eye for object placement. the balconies are a great addition.
Suggestions: Your landscaping looks very ‘strict’ for such a modern build, don’t forget in Sims 3 camera man mode, holding down the ‘alt’ button allows you to rotate things by small degrees.
Sim Challenge: Jesus looks amazing, and the back story you have created is awesome! I am loving the traits you chose for him and think they suit him well.
The winner of the starting out #7 challenge is....
@iampes23 I know you are only just 'starting out' in TS4, but I think you would do well in the Established category hon ;)
The winner of the Sim Challenge is @pammiechick