Forum Discussion
I build a UFO and placed it on the Prowler's Patch lot. I know, it's a bit contradictory to set it up somewhere in the wildnerness, but it gaves me a kind of "Tommyknockers" vibe (maybe someone of you also read the 1987 Steven King novel, where Bobbi Anderson stumbled over an alien spacecraft in the woods).
- Simmingal8 months agoHero
Ufo in the woods is most appropriate use of space 😎
I just hope Greg doesn't eat it- Bonxie_MCCC8 months agoSeasoned Ace
It's a part of my "unusual" challenge:
- which is not medieval or georgian, victorian, edwardian, landgraabian, etc. style
- which is not rectangular
- which doesn't have a gable roof
- which is not grey, white or light brown on the outside
- which is floating above the ground
- Simmingal8 months agoHero
I love the term landgraabian 😂
personally I really struggle to define the landgraabian style because in my mind its so modern but then I look at their houses in past sims games and its actually rather traditional like my aunts dining room she never uses 🤨 puzzles me greatly it does
- rosemow8 months agoHero
Your UFO build is great!Bonxie_MCCC 🙂 Very creatively designed! The windows are great.
- Bonxie_MCCC8 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm glad you like it. There will be more, so please have mercy with me 😇
I'm still trying to adapt to the new forum.
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