The Barracks is a wonderfully simmified interpretation of build that pays tribute to our heroic soldier Sims. I am very impressed with the well-thought out assault course which for some reason makes me think of @Shaymantha screaming "Pinkev I will pin ? you!" as LilKev lamely trips into the water. The exterior—even the layout—would not be out of place in an IRL military camp. You had the character down to a tee. But the interiors shocked me a little NGL with how decorated and homely it turned out to be. But then again we need to cut our heroes some slack and they deserve some luxury. I am loving your mess hall. You did a great job of conveying what it is even without using the Discover University cafeteria station. The commons/game room looks like it'd be fun to laze around in (is that allowed?) and I find myself getting fond of blue things lately (same goes for your gym too). :)