I've really enjoyed the threads about Newcrest, Oasis Springs and Willow Creek. There has been so much inspiration and good advice and tips. I've even learnt things I didn't know before! So I think it...
@Simmingal That nightclub is going to be stunning! Fantastic idea of how to use a penthouse. I'm definitely going to be inspired by that.
In my save, my second build was the park. I visited it once, and OMG the original is so in need of some TLC. I was utterly inspired by the greenhouses in the pictures you showed @elanorbreton, got me thinking of botanical gardens and so I went looking and found this version by mlyssimblr: https://faerietalesims-ccfinds.tumblr.com/post/170813205186 and downloaded that.
Now since I don't have half the packs she does, it took some work to make it work for my game, but here is the result. Myshunos park and botanical gardens:
The botanical garden area: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiqRMC88ox7mNx74lCfHDSZXWlfqcsLUXZ0B6Oy5Q9sjJXVuJqYEQ0KKjfFD0iteBt-95TEVSBhAyD4hUFg0NcVH8neQqr7ondT_PsSlVlSRrVWSfoQlI9G1Iell2edxCnqc2mQbYe4ahJtYMw8OGAm5PetopFA04HgJZrmmy1d6HRcMyeT5zdqAUemjw=w640-h390
Relaxation and picknick area: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiWPUvodtfTIiVTStXoOZZfBfOD7dGW_yNpfWLtuUlk9dGAqJZf6iZ9foxlcXr91Dhn-IwcS7BNvoZyVooSbWpFkERiTDYyMbukzeA_3pqjju9pTdTYOSYXi2G62R9_ZZiJpFlmUWU4WNkShfbkJgmM4NDtLkevCTXzs8WWShTIgTB0DFsTfSf5m9AO1Q=w640-h364
Playground and food vendors: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEh2NhVpKx_sIB9Sh4ueUjzged43G6i2SkaJQ_MHJzQvFiYWqi6GVZ1KpfqdXRxObJUkIK71wNgkseX7ZEQLX7DdHfmIbJ3mKZSAfJu9hIzTR-uCtr2cKWNKxAPTojEegJ3Pb-ERoEp52ni4Y8hiGs79D9mwiBsG7ZoTJEviqP3HP1v-gZXKCjruuv_Vcw=w640-h360
Chess tables and fountain: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhU2gikMAHTpLl30QRKhi9SBRopL-joTaj1icbggNX62_c-cMY0pGLhC-mPaFrloP0q77RQr5FBetJzWysR0FFOSFM93iI_7S8XHWCntpLNBwLwC8yjov5Itc2K_M8XnyADn4EChz_1636nWfI3Mm1oZMWQ9Lucr5MHfCmMkYspySdDYpqWDvwBX6TqFA=w640-h378
In my head Kainalu is now the gardener here, and I can use his vacation days to go with him to work (as I have holidays enough in games to never use them anyway). I might add a podium for politicians to give speeches from as well. Not sure yet.
I don't have a wedding area either, but I figure that can be added when and if I want to use it.
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