Forum Discussion

BissenNess's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
3 years ago

"Sims Through the Years" Legacy Challenge Rules

I was watching Sydney Macoretta do a build challenge where each room was a different year in the Sims 4. It was entertaining and I thought I could use a similar concept for a legacy challenge. Basically, each generation is challenged to use content from one specific year of pack releases in the Sims 4, starting with 2014. This includes their CAS, their homes and their gameplay goals. I play this with an additional restriction that major game play features (weather effects, fame, clubs, Plopsy, etc.) can’t be used until their pack is unlocked, but I left that out of the official rules. The rules are pretty involved as it is. Read on for specifics.

Before You Start
Most of the generation goals have multiple options for achieving them. I did this so that people who don’t have the same combination of packs that I have can try this. You’ll still need certain content in order to play all the generations in this challenge.

  • Generation two requires either Get to Work OR Get Together.
  • Generation three requires City Living.
  • Generation four requires either Cats and Dogs OR Vampires.
  • Generation five requires Get Famous.
  • Generation six requires Island Living OR Realm of Magic OR Discover University.
  • Generation seven requires either Eco Lifestyle OR Snowy Escape.
  • Generation eight requires Cottage Living.
  • Generation nine requires High School Years AND at least one other (non-kit) pack from 2022.
  • Generation ten requires either Horse Ranch OR For Rent.

General Rules
Cheat codes and mods that help your sim financially are forbidden, but there are no rules or restrictions related to aging or using the reward store.

At the beginning of each generation, all packs from a specific year are unlocked. Until a pack is unlocked, Sims can’t travel to the world(s) that came with the pack, they can’t select careers or aspirations from the pack, and they can’t use CAS or objects from the pack. Other types of pack content are usually okay to use. Skills are only locked if they require a locked object. For example, DU is unlocked at the start of Gen 6. Until that point, sims can't learn robotics because the skill books and robotics station are unavailable. On the other hand, sims can learn research and debate starting in Gen 1 because you can do that with a base game computer.

Household and Heirs: There are no rules about family structure, except that you have to raise at least two children to be the heirs. These children can be biological, adopted or step, as long as the current heir raises them for at least part of their youth. As for the two heirs, one will go on to be the Estate Heir who will inherit the Dream Home and take care of the previous generation in their old age. The other will be the Challenge Heir, who will strike out on their own with $20K after their parent completes all of their goals.

Starter Home: After leaving home, the Challenge Heir will move into an EA starter home in one of the worlds that was introduced in their year (e.g. Henford-on-Bagley for Gen 8). Once they move in, their generation has officially begun and the associated packs are unlocked.

CAS: Once the Challenge Heir has moved in, they need a makeover. You must change all of their outfits so that they only use CAS from the packs associated with their year. Yes, this is a CAS challenge. You may need to turn off the outfit type filter so that you have options (especially with swimwear). When someone new joins the household, including kids, you don’t have to be as strict. You can use any CAS that has been unlocked so far, including previous years, as well as CC.

Aspiration: The Challenge Heir must complete one of the aspirations from their year. Other members of the household, however, can select any aspiration that’s been unlocked so far. If the next heir ages up to a teen while their parent is still working on their own goals, you need to give the teen a placeholder aspiration, because their ultimate aspiration won’t be unlocked yet.

Career: The Challenge Heir must also master a career from their year.

  • Find-A-Job: If you select a career using the Find a Job tool, then they master it by reaching level 10.
  • Artisan Rules: If they are a self-employed Artisan (e.g. wood-working), mastery means reaching level 10 in the job skill and selling or licensing 10 excellent quality items.
  • Performer Rules: if they are a self-employed Performer (e.g. singer), mastery means reaching level 10 of your job skill and performing at community venues on 10 different days.

Other household members can make money using any career that has been unlocked so far.

Dream Home: To complete their generation, the Challenge Heir must buy their dream home. If possible, this home will only have assets from this generation’s packs. Yes, this is a build challenge. If you don’t like to build from scratch you can buy a ready-made house unfurnished and use it as a shell. If you’ve done everything you can with the assets from the packs, and you are still missing essential items, you can bring in substitutes just for those items. If you have a toddler, you can use any base game items under Kids>Toddlers. You can also use base game/CC substitutes if the assigned packs have nothing in one of the following categories: refrigerators, counters, items to satisfy bladder need, items to satisfy hygiene, items to cook with, items that you can sleep on/in (not just nap).

Part 1: The Base Game Generation-2014

This generation focuses on packs that were released in 2014: base game and the Holiday Celebration pack. Notice I said packs, not content. Since 2014 a lot of new content has been patched into base game and I can’t be bothered to sort that out. As long as the content is currently in base game or Holiday Celebration, it’s okay.

First create your founder as a teen or young adult. You need to style all of their outfits so that they only include content from base game and/or Holiday Celebration. Next, move your founder into one of the EA starter homes in either Willow Creek or Oasis Springs. Remember that, for the duration of this generation, active sims will only be able to travel to base game worlds (Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Newcrest).

In order to complete this generation, the founder will have to achieve four goals in no particular order:
1.Aspiration: They must complete one base game aspiration
2.Hobby: They must master one base game hobby. This means reaching level ten in one of the 10-level skills that come with base game. If you want, you can kill multiple birds with one stone by choosing a hobby that relates to their career or aspiration (e.g. a writing hobby for a style influencer), but you don’t have to.
3.Master a career using one of the follow options:

  • Reach level 10 of a “Find a Job” Career: astronaut, athlete, business, criminal, culinary, entertainment, freelancer, painter, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru or writer.
  • Follow the Artisan rules to master a career as a carpenter (woodworking), self-employed painter, self-employed mixologist, or self-employed writer.
  • Follow Performer rules to master a career as a guitarist, pianist, violinist or self-employed comedian.

4.Dream Home: They have to buy their dream home designed entirely from base game and Holiday Celebration assets. The Dream Home can be located in any of the three base game worlds. For this generation only, you can move into a ready-made, furnished EA mansion if you want.

The children will each have at least one trait from a 2015 pack (squeamish, high-maintenance, dance machine or insider).

Part 2: The Work Together Generation-2015
When the founder from the Base Game generation finishes their generation goals, this unlocks content from packs that were released in 2015: Outdoor Retreat, Get to Work, Luxury Part, Perfect Patio, Spa Day, Cool Kitchen, Spooky Stuff and Get Together.

Move the Work Together Heir into a starter home in Windenberg. If you don’t own Get Together, you can build a starter home in Magnolia Promenade, but it can only have Base Game and Get to Work content to start out with to make it equivalent (imagine you worked for EA and they told you to build a starter home to ship with Get to Work). Once moved in, give the heir a 2015 makeover.

The Work Together Heir must complete five goals to complete their generation:
1.Complete one aspiration from a 2015 pack: Outdoor Enthusiast, Leader of the Pack, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist or Zen Guru.
2.Master one hobby from a 2015 pack: herbalism, baking, wellness or DJ mixing.
3.Master a career using one of the follow options:

  • Reach level 10 of a “Find a Job” Career: Detective, Doctor, Scientist.
  • Follow the Artisan rules to master an herbalist career making and selling herbal remedies.
  • Follow the Performer rules to master a career as a DJ, Masseuse or Wellness instructor.
  • Earn 10 business perks in a career as a retail business owner.

4.Build their dream mansion using only assets from 2015 packs. You can build it in Windenberg or Magnolia Promenade.
5.Use at least one game play feature from each of the packs in 2015. Aspirations, hobbies and careers count as game play for the packs they come from. Using the hot tub from Perfect Patio counts as pack game play, even though that’s now a base game feature.

All of the children need to have the Unflirty trait (the only trait introduced in 2016).

Part 3: The City Living Generation-2016
Once the Work Together Heir has achieved all of their goals, content from 2016 is unlocked: Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Dine Out, Kids Room, Backyard Stuff, City Living and Vintage Glamor. The City Living Heir moves into a cheap starter apartment in San Myshuno. Give them a 2016 makeover.

The City Living Heir must complete 5 goals:
1.Complete the City Native Aspiration
2.Master singing.
3.Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Reach level 10 in the critic, politician or social media career.
  • Follow Performer rules to master a career as a singer.
  • Run a five-star restaurant.

4.Build their dream pent house using only assets from 2016 packs.
5.At some point in the generation use at least one gameplay feature from each of the packs in 2016.

All of the children in this generation will have at least one of the traits introduced in 2017: dog lover or cat lover (will this become a family controversy? You decide). If you don’t own Cats and Dogs, give them whatever traits you like.

Part 4: The Vampire Cats Generation-2017
Once the City Living Heir has achieved all of their goals, content from 2017 is unlocked: Vampires, Bowling Night, Parenthood, Fitness, Toddlers, Cats and Dogs. The Vampire Cats Heir moves into a starter home in either Forgotten Hollow or Brindleton Bay. You give them a 2017 makeover.

The Vampire Cats Heir must complete 5 goals:
1.Complete one of the aspirations introduced in 2017: Friend of the Animals, Vampire Family, Super Parent, Master Vampire or Good Vampire.
2.Master one of the 2017 hobbies: pipe organ or pet training.
3.Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Follow Performer rules for mastering a career as a pipe organist.
  • Run a 5 star veterinary clinic.

4.Build their dream mansion in either Brindleton Bay or Forgotten Hollow, using only assets from 2017 packs.
5.Use at least one game play feature from each of the 2017 packs at some point in this generation.

The children of this generation will all have the self-absorbed trait, the only trait introduced in 2018.

Part 5: The Get Famous Generation-2018
Once the Vampire Cats Heir has achieved their generation goals, content from 2018 is unlocked: Laundry Day, Jungle Adventure, My First Pet, Seasons and Get Famous. The Get Famous Heir moves into a starter home in Del Sol Valley and gets a 2018 makeover.
The Get Famous Heir must complete 5 goals:
1.Complete one of the aspirations introduced in 2018: Master Actor, Archeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer or World-Famous Celebrity.
2.Complete one of the hobbies introduced in 2018: Archeology, Flower Arranging, Acting.
3.Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Reach level 10 of the following “Find a Job” careers: Gardener or Actor.
  • Follow Artisan Rules for one of the following careers: Self-Employed Florist, Self-Employed Gardener, Archeologist.

4.Build their dream mansion using only assets from 2018 packs.
5.Use at least one gameplay feature from each of the 2018 packs at least once in this generation.

The children of this generation must have at least one trait introduced in 2019: paranoid, child of the islands or child of the ocean.

Part 6: The Island University Generation-2019
Once the Get Famous Heir has achieved their goals, the packs from 2019 are unlocked: Strangerville, Island Living, Moschino, Realm of Magic, Discover University. The Island University Heir moves into a starter home in Strangerville, Sulani, Glimmerbrook or Britechester. Give them a 2019 makeover.

The Island University Heir must complete 5 goals:
1.Complete one of the aspirations introduced in 2019: Strangerville Mystery, Spellcraft and Sorcery, Academic, Beach Life or Purveyor of Potions.
2.Master one of the hobbies introduced in Discover University: Research and Debate or Robotics. If you do not own Discover University, you can complete a collection instead: buried treasure, seashells or magical artifacts.
3.Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Reach level 10 in a “Find a Job” Career: Military, Conservationist, Freelance Photographer, Education, Engineer or Law.
  • Master the Alchemy career by learning and selling 20 different magic potions.

4.Build a mansion in Sulani, Strangerville or Glimmerbrook using only assets from 2019 packs.
5.Use at least one gameplay feature from each of the 2019 packs at least once in this generation.

The children of this generation must have at least one trait introduced in 2020: maker, adventurous, freegan, green friend, recycle disciple or proper.

Part 7: The Eco Escape Generation-2020
Once the Island University Heir completes their goals, the packs from 2020 are unlocked: Tiny Living, Eco Lifestyle, Nifty Knitting, Journey to Batuu and Snowy Escape. The Eco Escape Heir moves into a starter home in Mt. Komorebi or Evergreen Harbor. If you own Tiny Living, you can build them a starter home using Tiny Living and Base Game assets, instead of moving into an EA starter home. Give the heir a 2020 makeover.

The Eco Escape Heir must complete the following goals:
1.Complete one of the aspirations introduced in 2020: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Master Maker, Sacred Knitting Knowledge, Mt. Komorebi Sight Seer, Eco Innovator, Paragon of Hope, Enforcer of Order or Galactic Privateer (2020 was thematic whiplash).
2.Master one of the hobbies introduced in 2020: fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting, snowboarding, skiing or rock climbing.
3.Master a career using one of the following options.

  • Reach level 10 in a “Find a Job” career: civil designer, freelance crafter or salaryperson.
  • Follow Artisan Rules to master a career as a knitter, a self-employed fabricator, or a self-employed juice-fizzer.
  • Follow Performer Rules to master a career as a Ski Instructor.

4.Build a mansion Mt. Komorebi or Evergreen Harbor using only 2020 assets.
5.Use at least one gameplay feature from each 2020 pack at least once in the generation.

The children from this generation will have either the Animal Enthusiast or Lactose Intolerant traits (or both).

Part 8: The Cottage Living Generation-2021
Once the Eco Escape Heir completes their goals, content from 2021 is unlocked: Paranormal, Throwback Fit, Country Kitchen, Bust the Dust, Courtyard Oasis, Dream Home Decorator, Cottage Living, Industrial Loft, Fashion Street, Incheon Arrivals, Blooming Rooms, Modern Menswear. The Cottage Living Heir moves into a starter home in Henford-on-Bagley and gets a 2021 makeover.

The Cottage Living Heir must complete the following goals:
1.Complete a 2021 aspiration: Perfectly Pristine, Fabulously Filthy or Country Caretaker.
2.Win a ribbon at each of the village fairs, or learn 32 cross stitch patterns, or complete the haunted treasure collection (bizzare idol, wraith wax, specter sip, ectocake, clay hand, buddy jar, Dahlia doll, soul piece, candy jar).
3.Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Reach level 10 of the dream home decorator career or the freelance paranormal investigator career.
  • Follow Artisan rules to master a career as a farmer, selling farm products.
  • Master the cross stitcher career by making and selling 32 different cross stitched patterns.

4.Build a mansion in Henford-on-Bagley using only 2021 assets.
5.Use at least one gameplay feature from each pack during this generation, except for the CAS and BB kits.

Part 9: The High School Generation-2022
Once the Cottage Living Heir completes their goals, content from 2022 is unlocked: Carnival Streetwear, My Wedding Stories, Decor to the Max, Moonlight Chic, Little Campers, Werewolves, High School Years, First Fits, Desert Luxe, Everyday Clutter, Pastel Pop. The High School heir moves into a starter home in either Copperdale, Moonwood Mill or Tartosa and gets a 2022 makeover.

The High School Heir must complete the following goals:
1. Complete a 2022 aspiration: Emissary of the Collective, Wildfang Renegade, Lone Wolf, Cure Seeker, Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon. Note: if you pick a teen aspiration, you have to wait for the previous generation to finish all of their objectives before you can start. Timing is crucial.
2. Complete the Message in a Bottle or Moonwood Relic Collections.
3. Master a career as a Trendi seller by selling 10 Hot outfits.
4. Build a mansion in Copperdale, Moonwood Mill or Tartosa.
5. Use at least one gameplay feature from each pack during this generation, except for he CAS and BB kits.

The children from this generation will each have at least one of the following traits: Rancher, Horse Lover, Nosy, Generous, Cringe, Child of the Village.

Part 10: The Ranchlord Generation-2023
Once the High School Heir completes their goals, content from 2023 is unlocked: Growing Together, Horse Ranch, Home Chef Hustle, For Rent, Bathroom Clutter, Simtimates, Basement Treasures, Greenhouse Haven, Grunge Revival, Book Nook, Poolside Splash, Modern Luxe. The Ranchlord heir moves into a starter home in San Sequoia, Chestnut Ridge or Tomarang and gets a 2023 makeover.

The Ranchlord Heir must complete the following goals:
1. Complete a 2023 aspiration: Championship Rider, Expert Nectar Maker, Appliance Whiz, Market Magnate, Seeker of Secrets, Five-Star Property Owner, Fount of Tomarani Knowledge, Discerning Dweller.
2. Complete a 2023 hobby skill or collection: Horse Riding skill, Marbles collection, or Tassels collection.
3. Master a career using one of the following options:

  • Master the nectar-maker career by selling 10 excellent, finely aged bottles of nectar.
  • Master the horse rider career by reaching level 10 riding and winning prizes in 10 Master-level horse competitions.
  • Master the home chef career by reaching level 10 of the cooking skill and selling 10 excellent group meals.
  • Master the landlord career by owning 10 5-star apartments.

4. Build a mansion in San Sequoia, Chestnut Ridge or Tomarang.
5. Use at least one gameplay feature from each pack during this generation, except for he CAS and BB kits.

16 Replies

  • I’m willing to playtest Gen 8 of the challenge! It sounds like a good time. I already have grand designs: an interior decorator living in a haunted house in Henford-on-Bagley, maybe throwing in elements from the Spa Day refresh for some extra spice (High Maintenance trait, anyone?). Maybe a modern farmhouse with a boho twist? So many ideas!
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago
    @MossyMeow that definitely sounds like an fun combination. I hope you show pictures. I've updated the rules for Gen 8, so that you now have the option of a Paranormal hobby, collecting haunted treasure, if you like. Of course, if you prefer to do cross stitch or competitive farming, those are still options.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    2 years ago

    Part 2: The Work Together Generation-2015

    Dillon Gates left home as a teen with what was in his personal inventory. He had also received birthday gifts of an enigma dresser ($410), and a packet of starter seeds. He arrived in Windenburg with 0 simoleons in the Fall, and lived on the (bulldozed) Havisham House empty lot in the Olde Platz neighborhood. He has the Loves Outdoors and Dance Machine traits and Leader of the Pack for his Aspiration. As a child, he completed the Artistic Prodigy and Whiz Kid Aspirations. He likes video gaming, comedy and mischief, is a B student and will go to school alone. The Maxis premade sims from the Get Together trailer "Come to Windenburg", the Get to Work trailer, and the other packs for Gen. 2 have been downloaded into the world.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    It was fall, and almost as soon as he arrived, he planted the starter herb seeds that he had in his inventory (sage & basil) Luckily, they were in season. He sold his grade school homework book and had $1 simoleon to his name. After the first harvest, he bought a "Gift of Fire" ($95 simoleons), and formed a teen club called the Windenburg Hotties, made up of sims who lived in Windenburg. He also sold some old school projects and bought a cooler. The club sure helped when he had a project to do and he was soon an A student.

    The club frequented The Narwhal Arms, and Dillon sang for tips. He also continued to garden, fish and collect items around the neighborhood.

    With the funds he earned, Dillon bought a DJ booth ($575 simoleons), and joined the Spin Masters Club and started to DJ. He made quite a few tips DJ'ing at Discotheque Pan Europa and started building his home.

    It was now winter, and Dillon was getting popular and had crushes on 3 sims, Sofia Bjergsen, Luna Villareal and Morgan Fyres, who were all part of his club. He went on a date with each one to see who he would want to be his girlfriend. Well, it turned out that Morgan Fyres decided that Dillon was the one for her and wanted to bring things to the next level and asked him to be her boyfriend. On his YA birthday, he and Morgan tried for a baby in the downstairs closet at Discoteque Pan Europa, and she was suddenly expecting.

    Dillon and Morgan moved in together and didn't have a lot of simoleons. They rented a cabin in Granite Falls and wearing their prom clothes, eloped together. It was an exciting wedding as Morgan almost froze to death and they saw a bear!

    Soon afterwards, Morgan gave birth to twin girls, Brandi and Delilah Gates. And one night Dillon got abducted by aliens...and that is how their third child, a little alien girl was born. They named her Nova.

    Dillon continued his career as a Professional DJ, earning tips and creating and selling mix tapes. (Note: It takes 8 hours to create a mix tape & when you sell it, you get royalties. Only 1 can be sold per week). Morgan got a job in the Business career, and took up baking as a hobby. She enjoyed baking so much that she also started an at-home business selling baked goods to local bakeries. (Note: You can do this with the cupcake machine).

    Brandi, Delilah and Nova aged up... (Brandi has red hair, Delilah has dark hair).

    Nova had another birthday and was now a child. Her alien mother, Senior Pollination Technician # 3, sent her a gift.

    Brandi and Delilah aged up to teens the very next day. Brandi had received an internship from a high school in San Myshuno to work with elected representatives while learning more about government and politics. It was a very esteemed invitation, and after discussing it, Dillon and Morgan agreed and found a reasonably-priced apartment for Brandi to rent. Delilah and Nova stayed home.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Dillon Gates, Generation 2 Stats:

    Aspiration Completed: Leader of the Pack
    Hobby: Dancing - Level 5; DJ Mixing - Level 10.
    Career: Dillon became a Headliner DJ, and registered with the Ministry of Labor as a Professional DJ. He created dance mix tapes and licensed them and received royalties. He also earned lots of tips as the resident DJ at The Narwhal Arms.
    Dream Home: When Brandi and Delilah became teens, Dillon wanted a quieter life, and moved the family to Pier Palace on The Crumbling Isle in Windenburg. The island reminded him of his trip to Granite Falls. They renovated the house, and put in a hot tub and refurbished the master bathroom into a soothing spa oasis. They also placed some yoga mats on the front deck. They remodeled the kitchen, which included an ice cream bar and an area for Morgan's bakery business. The living room, was also remodeled to reflect a more rustic Granite Falls vibe. For those at-home parties, Dillon created a spooky party area with a buffet table, drink fountain, DJ booth and a light-up dance floor.

    Note: Their house on the Havisham House lot was too small for all the items needed from the various packs for the Dream Home, so they moved. Morgan's bakery business is technically not a "retail" business, as it would have to be on a separate lot, however, signage is used from the Get to Work pack.
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago
    Getting abducted by aliens counts as Get to Work game play, so you don't have to worry about checking that box. I love that he became a headlining DJ, that's a very different direction from the one I took with Gia. The Windenburg dream home sounds absolutely wild. Can't wait to follow Brandi's adventures.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    2 years ago

    Part 3: The City Living Generation-2016

    Brandi Gates left home as a teen with what was in her personal inventory, plus an enigma dresser ($410), and a packet of starter seeds. These gifts seem to be the trend for teens moving out. Brandi arrived in San Myshuno with 0 simoleons, and moved into the (empty) 1313-21 Chic Street apartment in the Fashion District of San Myshuno. Her rent is $300 simoleons per week.

    Brandi has the Unflirty and Cheerful traits and City Native is her Aspiration. As a child, she completed all four of the childhood aspirations. She likes kids radio music and comedy, is a B student and will go to school alone. The Maxis premade sims from the City Living trailer, Backyard Patio, and the other packs for Gen. 3 have been downloaded into the world. I don't have the Kids Room pack.

    Note on Apartment:

    To continue with the rags to riches playstyle, I gutted the apartment, and the only item in the apartment is a carpet at the entrance hiding the "chalk outline" of a previous tenant. I changed this to the "Warming Element" carpet from the City Living pack ($30 simoleons). I changed some floor and wall coverings (the bathroom has Crushed Metallic Paneling from Vintage Glamour). With the reno done, the lot value for the empty apartment (which includes the carpet) is $1,642 simoleons. The apartment has the TLC permanent lot trait, and I also added Off-The-Grid (for now).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    It was the fist day of Spring, and also New Skill Day. Brandi quickly sold her grade school homework, her drawings, and some old school projects which netted her $507 simoleons. With these funds, she bought some cheap garden pots and placed them in the kitchen and planted her seeds (tulips). She hung up some photos and hopefully she would get some furniture soon. She then explored the different neighborhoods, found snow globes in some dusty boxes in the Spice Market, and peeled off posters from electrical boxes in the Arts Quarter. These would certainly brighten up her apartment. And on her very first night, Brandi entered a karaoke contest at Planet Honey Pop! and came in first place winning $500 simoleons.

    On the weekends, Brandi visited Myshuno Meadows to play basketball on the basketball court, and it wasn't long before she maxed her fitness skill. (Note: If you "Dream Big" this is the fastest way to max fitness skill in a few hours. Just ignore the sprained ankle moodlet and keep going.) Myshuno Meadows was also a great spot for fishing and frog collecting, and she loved to use the telescope near the event space, and even got some cool space prints. She continued to sell things she had collected for simoleons and was even a street busker for awhile. (Note: She made 0 simoleons from this venture).

    One neighborhood that really intrigued her was Uptown. Outside Skye Fitness, there was a Civics Plaza and she would often hear sims giving speeches at the podium. This is where she went for her internship, and after listening to one inspiring speech, she realized that being a Politician and promoting a cause could help make a difference in the Simworld. It was who she wanted to be.

    Brandi loved San Myshuno and attended as many festivals as she could. She went to the Spice Festival and entered the Spicy Curry Challenge and won! Her tongue burned afterwards, but she did get a free t-shirt.

    Soon after her YA birthday, Brandi's love of karaoke resulted in her meeting her future partner, Akira Kibo. When Akira sang karaoke, it made her go all weak inside. One evening they sang a duet together, and that was the start of them as a couple. They moved in together and moved to another apartment in the Arts District, 122 Hakim House. (Note: The apartment has the Historical permanent lot trait).

    Life was good. They got engaged, and one thing led to another, and Brandi was soon expecting. With her political internship over, Brandi decided to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time politician...

    ...and Akira continued his career as a Tech Guru.

    And soon, Brandi gave birth to fraternal twins, Carly and Dawson Gates.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Brandi continued to rise in the ranks of the political career and decided to be a true Politician. She loved city life and enjoyed all the festivals...

    ...and, one night, in the heat of the moment at the Romance Festival, Akira and Brandi got married.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Brandi was well on her way to becoming President of San Myshuno. She was in the public parties, protesting for various causes and securing votes. She wasn't a bad mother, but with all her political duties, she didn't have much time to attend to her family. So, Carly and Dawson grew up and were mostly left to fend for themselves, making friends with their treasured stuffed animals. (Note: Carly has red hair, Dawson has dark hair).

    On the advice of a friend, Brandi decided to hire a butler and nanny to look after the children. This freed up a lot of Brandi's time to devote to political matters. She also had to spend time pacifying a jealous Akira...unfounded jealousy, of course, because Brandi was a rather unflirty sim. However, Brandi did love Akira and knew how to keep him happy...which resulted in another pregnancy. And so, Brandi and Akira welcomed Eliana into their lives.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The children grew up...wandering the streets of San Myshuno...making friends with the stray cats and dogs that hung out at the pier...

    ...and soon, Carly and Dawson were celebrating their teen birthdays.

    Their butler, Miriam Gonzalez, was originally from a place called Brindleton Bay. She knew how Carly and Dawson both loved animals, and she told them that the locals of Brindleton Bay and felines and canines lived in harmony with each other. In fact, the locals had even elected a cat as their mayor! The butler told them that the local vet had advertised for a high school internship program to help at his busy vet clinic, and Miriam thought that perhaps one of them would be interested, as they both loved pets so much.

    Dawson saw this as a wonderful opportunity to help animals, and maybe even own a pet of his own. He thought this would be the perfect place to move to. The vet said that accommodation for the internship would be at the vet clinic. Knowing that his mother had come to San Myshuno on a political internship, Dawson spoke to his parents, and they both agreed that Dawson should pursue his dreams and travel to Brindleton Bay. Carly and Eliana stayed at home.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Brandi Gates, Generation 3 Stats:

    Aspirations Completed: City Native; Friend of the World
    Collections Completed: City Poster Collection; Snow Globes Collection
    Hobby: Basketball (Fitness) - Level 10; Singing - Level 10; Charisma - Level 10
    Career: Street Busker; Political Career - Politician Branch - National Leader - Level 10
    Dream Home (Apartment): After Dawson moved away, Brandi, as the new Mayor of San Myshuno, decided they should move to the Fountainview Penthouse in the Arts District. It was a 4-level exclusive penthouse apartment with the best views of the city, and no noisy neighbors. It had an artsy-vibe and had previously been owned by a famous artist. The top level boasted an outdoor movie theatre to watch movies under the stars and a designated "tech guru" room outfitted with all the latest gamer technology for Akira. The next level down had a luxury vintage master bedroom and bath, and a separate bedroom for the live-in butler. The next floor down, held two separate bedrooms and bathrooms for the children, showcasing city posters and snow globes that they had found. And finally, the main level had an impressive "commercial-grade" kitchen with nectar cooler, opening up to a dining and living room area, complete with a karaoke machine, for the many parties that Brandi held. There was also a private office for Brandi's political duties. Outside was an outdoor backyard patio bar-b-q area and a rooftop romantic garden with marble statues and benches. There was also a rooftop pool and a small children's play area. (Note: I downloaded the reno done by Sakuraleon - Artists Abode Penthouse, and made further changes to add items from the various packs.)
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago
    I've updated the challenge to include a 2023 generation. If anyone wants to play test this generation, here are the rules:

    The Ranchlord heir moves into a starter home in San Sequoia, Chestnut Ridge or Tomarang and gets a 2023 makeover.

    The Ranchlord Heir must complete the following goals:
    1. Complete a 2023 aspiration: Championship Rider, Expert Nectar Maker, Appliance Whiz, Market Magnate, Seeker of Secrets, Five-Star Property Owner, Fount of Tomarani Knowledge or Discerning Dweller.
    2. Complete a 2023 hobby skill or collection: Horse Riding skill, Marbles collection, or Tassels collection.
    3. Master a career using one of the following options:

    Master the nectar-maker career by selling 10 excellent, finely aged bottles of nectar.
    Master the horse rider career by reaching level 10 riding and winning prizes in 10 Master-level horse competitions.
    Master the home chef career by reaching level 10 of the cooking skill and selling 10 excellent group meals.
    Master the landlord career by owning 10 5-star apartments.

    4. Build a mansion in San Sequoia, Chestnut Ridge or Tomarang.
    5. Use at least one gameplay feature from each pack during this generation, except for he CAS and BB kits.