Forum Discussion

PenguinFoop's avatar
2 years ago

Teen Drama; The Highschool Years

Vitalia Ramero is a teen one-star celebrity who is romantically involved with her childhood B. F. F. Jayden Price. But she has developed a crush on fellow cheerleader, Sidney Price, Jayden's big brother.

Sidney has been playing it coy with Vitalia, keeping his feelings toward her unknown. And he does not know about her relationship with his brother, Jayden. To be clear, Vitalia has never made a move toward Sidney or in any way made any overt actions toward him. But the secret crush is there.

Jayden has moved out on his own so he and Vitalia have not been able to share much time together. This has made the relationship a bit distant lately. But neither have shown any signs of dissatisfaction toward the other or the relationship.

Then today, out of nowhere, Sidney has asked Vitalia to the prom! So, does Vitalia accept the offer from her secret crush? This would test the bounds of Best Friends Forever with Jayden, hurt their budding-but-stagnant romance and betray his trust in her. Or, does she say no to Sidney, thus sentencing herself to a lifetime of "What Might Have Beenism." And how might that affect her relationship with Jayden? What will happen between Jayden and his big brother? Neither of them know about the other's interest in Vitalia.

If Vitalia says yes to Sidney, can she justify it to Jayden? If she says no to Sidney, will he even accept her explanation about Jayden? Would she be comfortable living under a rock somewhere hiding from the world and the drama?

The stakes are high because after almost a whole week of grueling eternal Highschool, Vitalia has just graduated early. This may be her first, last and only prom chance.

Such hard-core choices to make in the life of a teen...
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