Welcome to The Freezer Bunny Club! This reading circle is an open space for the members to share our stories and discuss them with each other. Each week, starting on Mondays, we will focus on reading/catching up on one of the stories. The author can post a list of discussion questions, and/or ask for advice, suggestions, or thoughts on certain aspects of their stories and writing in order to foster meaningful and constructive discussions. Though each of the stories will get the spotlight in a rotating fashion, general questions, happy sharing of screenshots, and cheering along of any of the stories in the circle at any time is also encouraged!
Our fifteenth week of discussion, from September 21st to 27th, is focused on Ridley Residence by @Skeilah!
Make sure to check the post below for detailed information about the stories and archived discussions. (The adorable freezer bunnies in the banner were made by SimLaughLove!)
I'm totally ready and it's exiting to get the honor of being the first one. I'm going to give you some general questions first and then some other questions going from Chapter 1.1 to Chapter 1.9 (currently the newest post). The next time I'm up, I'll ask questions about Chapter 1.10 to where I am by that time and so on.
General 1. What were your first impressions on Liz? 2. What do you think about the concept of my Legacy Challenge? It's not a normal Legacy Challenge but one related to the MySims Trophies. 3. What do you think about the way I write my chapters? 4. My Chapters are classified in Sim days. Do you (dis)like that?
Chapters 2. Which parts in the available chapters did you (dis)like? Why is that? 3. How do you like Ninja and Brent joining the Ridley family? What are your thoughts on these characters? 4. Does everything in the story make sense for you? 5. Is the story easy to follow? Do you need more information or less? 6. What are you expecting for next episodes? (they are already played and written but not yet published but I like to see your thoughts about this) 7. Any questions for me?
General 1. What were your first impressions on Liz? 2. What do you think about the concept of my Legacy Challenge? It's not a normal Legacy Challenge but one related to the MySims Trophies. 3. What do you think about the way I write my chapters? 4. My Chapters are classified in Sim days. Do you (dis)like that?
Chapters 2. Which parts in the available chapters did you (dis)like? Why is that? 3. How do you like Ninja and Brent joining the Ridley family? What are your thoughts on these characters? 4. Does everything in the story make sense for you? 5. Is the story easy to follow? Do you need more information or less? 6. What are you expecting for next episodes? (they are already played and written but not yet published but I like to see your thoughts about this) 7. Any questions for me?
General 1. I liked her! As you already know, it really impressed me that she was randomized, yet came out looking so well. I like the possibilities for drama with her Clumsy and Gloomy trait, too (which is right in line with the Chef Gino traits and description, hehe). 2. Overall, I like it! It’s very specific in its rules, and I love how it’s tied to the Mysims trophies. I used to love collecting those in my games. I don't think I've seen someone doing this particular challenge before.One thing I’m wondering – only kids of the opposite gender can become heirs, but what happens if Liz only has daughters? 3. I like how from chapter 1.3 and onward, you’ve started having Liz comment on the in-game events in your writing. It shows a little of her personality, and it helps relate to her a little (as far as that’s possible with sims being sims, haha). I think it’s important to make her personality shine through, as well as that of her heirs later on – otherwise it’ll become easy to see them as the same person in different “skins” as the generations go by. This isn’t purely on the writer, by the way – the sims in TS4 are not really… unique in their day-to-day actions, like the ones in TS3 and TS2 were. I’m totally blaming EA for that. But that does make it harder to differentiate them over a long legacy. You're actually doing a really good job at this with both Brent and Liz in chapter 1.9! 4. I think it’s fine! I do wonder what you’ll do if/when you hit a series of days where your sims are repeating the same tasks without changing much. Will you fast forward through those days, or write them as is?
Chapters 1. I’m not entirely sure where the question went in your post, so have a heart smiley <3 2. I like the – for lack of a better word – exciting parts: Liz getting Ninja, Liz kissing Brent, her asking him to marry her immediately after the dinner party, while you the player kept checking if he was over his divorce yet (made me chuckle xD), you the player shooing Brant away - moments like that. The parts with Liz doing mundane things are a little less interesting, but part of a gameplay-driven legacy, so don’t take that as a negative! ^^ My favourite moment I think was in chapter 1.9, where it started with you having lost Brent, finding him in the bathroom, and him being annoyed at you almost all day. :D 3. I love Ninja, but you already knew that =) You the player being dead-set on Brent made me laugh, since the game tries very hard to keep those two a gay couple, to the point of Brant still trying to come over after they divorced and he got together with Liz. He’s a very good-looking sim, and I bet their children will be adorable! 4. Yup! So far, so good. 5. So far, it’s very easy to follow. Your writing is clear and to-the-point, and I like the little comments you throw in here and there. I do think Liz could have a little more personality (you’re actually doing a great job at this in chapter 1.9, both with Liz and Brent)– but again, that’s on EA more than the player. Also, I love how you have Chef Gino in a little blurb to the side of your chapters ^^ 6. Since Liz seems about ready to pop, I’m expecting the next chapter or the one after that to come bearing baby news. I’m also curious who will stay home to look after the sprout when both of them need to get back to work – or are their scheduled matched up in a way that there’s always someone at home? 7. Okay, I have a few of them: - What made you decide to do a Mysims challenge, specifically? There’s a lot of non-standard legacy challenges out there. Was there something about this one that jumped out at you? - How does it play so far? It looks like you’re having fun writing the chapters, but how does the challenge itself play? - Also, 20 generations is a lot, so quite a challenge! What are your thoughts on reaching that high a number? - One thing I noticed – I can’t leave comments on individual chapters on your site. Is that on purpose?
Overall, I like your legacy so far! Liz and Brent are getting more personality with each chapter, and I'm very curious to see what their baby will look like in the future :)
General 2. The parents will keep on having new babies until there's one Sim of the opposite gender. If that's still not the case when the parents turn into elders (which I HIGHLY doubt but hey, you never know), then I'll just take someone who hasn't left the house yet :') I'm flexible.
3. Yeah, personality is a thing. I try my best to give everyone a personality, but sometimes that's quite difficult. I keep forgetting that Liz is actually gloomy but at some point she's way too addicted to food and stuff.
4. Sometimes I'll fast forward and in that case the chapters are quite short, but I try to make the days as changeable as I can make them. Positive side here: I can also focus on Brent and Ninja, and when the kids are born I can also focus on them.
Chapters 1. Woops, something went wrong there. Thanks!
5. Those blurbs on the side of my chapters are there for every generation ^^ Those should help me remember the identity of Liz, but I also just like it :P
6. I'm quite flexible in my Legacy rules and I don't have a rule that says 'one of the parents NEEDS to stay home to take care of the kids'. If they're both not home, the kids will be sent to daycare.
What made you decide to do a Mysims challenge, specifically? There’s a lot of non-standard legacy challenges out there. Was there something about this one that jumped out at you? I'm someone who likes to achieve little goals. That's exactly what this challenge could give me. I also like variety. With those 20 different generations and totally different people, I also get that. I don't think I'll get bored from this challenge because it has so much to offer. I also played the 100 Baby Challenge for a while but I'm constantly doing the same there, and that actually bored me out, so this is really interesting.
How does it play so far? It looks like you’re having fun writing the chapters, but how does the challenge itself play? Actually, sometimes I want to throw the game out of the window :') It's actually quite difficult while actually playing it, but I manage to hide that in my story :P Once I'm actually writing, I forget about the struggles I had in-game and before I know it I'm playing and struggling again. It's a circle.
Also, 20 generations is a lot, so quite a challenge! What are your thoughts on reaching that high a number? I look forward to it! I get hyped up when I'm closer to the next generation because I can update my family tree, my banner gets an extra person, ... It's a long challenge, but I look forward to every minute of it!
One thing I noticed – I can’t leave comments on individual chapters on your site. Is that on purpose? Yeah I don't know why I closed the comments, but I know I did that. Now you said that, I can easily open them again :P
Just out of curiosity, how long do we have to read and respond? I saw somewhere earlier in the thread that you were thinking discussion throughout a week, but I wanted to make sure. I'm excited to read but some weeks I may be busier than others.
@AdamsEve1231 Yeah, discussion throughout the week. I post quite a lot for my own story, so I feel like you guys will have a ton to read after 6 weeks so I don't know if a week is doable for everyone in that case, but I do think we should stay on one week and if someone doesn't make it, maybe extend?
@AdamsEve1231 Yes,15th to 21st if my memory serves me correctly. :smile:
I like pacing my readings and it looks like there's 9 posts so I'm doing 3 per day then answering the discussion questions on the fourth day so @Skeilah sorry, I'll be a little slow, but I like it this way so I can fully immerse myself in the journey. :smile:
@Duvelina I hear you on having many chapters. I'm writing the epilogue of mine so it's impossible for anyone to catch up in 7 days. When my week comes, I plan to ask you guys to read only a few chapters thinking (ch1 to 3 or 5 if ambitious) so it won't be overwhelming. I'll also prepare two questionaires: one for the few chapters and one for @_sims_Yimi and anyone who's all caught up at the end. Maybe you can try this. ?
@mercuryfoam Ah, sounds good. When my turn comes around, I'll see how far I am and how much would be okay to ask to read. My posts vary quite a bit in length, so what may be okay for me to read in a week may not be for someone else.
Anyway, if someone doesn't end up making it for some reason they should definitely not feel guilty and catch up in the following week if they are able to and let us know. It shouldn't be a problem. Everyone has times they are busier than others. ☺
"Duvelina;c-17541834" wrote: @AdamsEve1231 Yeah, discussion throughout the week. I post quite a lot for my own story, so I feel like you guys will have a ton to read after 6 weeks so I don't know if a week is doable for everyone in that case, but I do think we should stay on one week and if someone doesn't make it, maybe extend?
Haha yeah, I also write a lot. That's why I decided to post 3 times a week, but I'll just keep playing and writing. I already have all the spoiler material :P After six weeks my published story will be at Chapter 1.27 (=18 new chapters per turn). I think that's pretty doable since my chapters aren't that long.
"mercuryfoam;c-17541906" wrote: @AdamsEve1231 Yes,15th to 21st if my memory serves me correctly. :smile:
I like pacing my readings and it looks like there's 9 posts so I'm doing 3 per day then answering the discussion questions on the fourth day so @Skeilah sorry, I'll be a little slow, but I like it this way so I can fully immerse myself in the journey. :smile:
@Duvelina I hear you on having many chapters. I'm writing the epilogue of mine so it's impossible for anyone to catch up in 7 days. When my week comes, I plan to ask you guys to read only a few chapters thinking (ch1 to 3 or 5 if ambitious) so it won't be overwhelming. I'll also prepare two questionaires: one for the few chapters and one for @_sims_Yimi and anyone who's all caught up at the end. Maybe you can try this. ?
That's totally allright! You may read and answer the questions as you like it most. You can still do it that way when it's my next turn :P Read 3 every day and answer the questions on the last one, hahahaha!
EDIT: Chapter 1.10 came out today, but of course you don't need to read that chapter for the questions :) Chapter 1.10 and further are for the next ride.
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