@cecerose0208 As a reader I was left wanting to know more about Nivea and her backstory, but as a writer I wouldn't say its
necessary to have it. Nivea can certainly stand on her own. If you think something in her past can reveal something more about her character, or motives, or progress the story in some way, then those would be great reasons to add it in. A great example of this is actually the Carnegie Legacy. Gen 1, we learn just enough of the backstory to feel okay with it, but then it's not brought up all that frequently. The backstory is revisited when something big happens, or the lead is feeling nostalgic. If you're considering hashing out a past, I'd start by re-reading Carnegie Gen 1. Doing so might give you some ideas as to how you want to do it in you own story, or not do it at all. Maybe @jbestxoxo could weigh-in on your thoughts as well.
Another great idea comes from @ny275 and her entry for this month's short story contest "
The Face of Tension." She used it as an opportunity to add depth to a character. That would also be an option, so craft a short furthering Nivea's character.