Overtime, I'll add to this post to expand the Table of Contents and make it easier to access the chapters. Table of Contents Use the links in the Table of Contents to read the chapters in order...
The next morning, after the pod arrived in St. Taz, Kemps stopped Alex before he went for an early swim around the reef.
"Alex, we need to talk about last night," Kemps lectured. "What you did was incredibly dangerous."
"But nothing happened," the merboy defended.
"Humans are dangerous. How many times do I need to tell you this?" Kemps said. "As the next in line to be a Guardian of the Seas, you can't be taking risks like this."
Alex frowned. "You've told me a million times that humans are dangerous and can't be trusted. But, mom was a human before she joined dad in the sea. Not all humans can be that dangerous."
"Your mother is an exception, and she was more than just a mortal human too."
"Your mother was an Island Elemental. She chose to be a mermaid because merfolk like us can't live on land. That's not something you can trust a human to do."
Alex smiled and nodded. 'Why does Uncle Kemps always need to get on my case like this.'
"Alex, no matter how curious you get about the human world, it's important to remember that you can never actually be a part of that world. It's impossible. You are a merman and there is simply nothing that can change that."
"And most of all, I don't want you getting hurt looking for something that can never be," Kemps said.
Alex looked away from his uncle for a moment. "I've never gotten hurt, and I've never been seen by a human."
"That was lucky, but you're pushing your luck. The pod is moving to grottos that are closer to the human world. The shallow reefs are safer for your little brothers and cousins. That doesn't mean there aren't dangers the pod could face here. We need you to be more careful."
"I grew up around reefs far away from the islands. If humans are so bad, why move closer to them?"
"One merling was easy enough for five adult mer to look after. But, we have four merlings now. It's safer for them here. Besides, have you forgotten about what happened to your cousin Rylan."
Alex wasn't convinced, but Rylan's unfortunate passing shook the entire pod.
'If things are safer here for merlings, it can't be that dangerous this close to humans,' Alex thought.
"I wouldn't expose the pod to humans," the merboy said. "I'm always careful, and I care about my brothers' safety as much as you do."
"I know you care about your family," the merman said. "I know you would never put any of us at risk intentionally, but you have a responsibility to be more careful."
'I never take risks that would put my family in harm's way,' Alex thought.
"Alex, I just want the best for you. The same way I want the best for all my nephews."
"I know." Alex said, rolling his eyes.
"Trust me when I say that there's nothing you need from the human world. Your entire family is here in the sea. Even your dad understands that, and he shares your curiosity. I know it might be hard to accept now, but I'm asking you to try."
"I'll try," Alex said, hoping to get away from the lecture.
"Thank you," Kemps said. "You're so much like your father."
"And dad never thought about wanting to go on land?"
"Never. As curious as he is about the human world, he's never wanted to give up his life in the ocean. When he met your mother and you were born, he learned that what was most important to him was in the sea."
"Dad told me so many stories about the human world," Alex said "I thought he walked among them."
"How could he? As I've said many times before, that would be impossible," Kemps said. "He might've gotten close to humans ages ago, but he never left the ocean. None of us can walk on land."
"And why would you want to walk among humans anyways," Kemps asked.
"We could learn so much if we could."
"Alex, there's nothing we need from the human world, and there's no reason to seek something so far beyond what is possible."
"I've heard stories about merfolk that went to live on land. Is it really that impossible?"
Kemps frowned. "Alex, the price for doing the impossible is something no one should consider."
"So, there's a way, then."
"Alex," Kemps said, picking his words carefully. "The stories of merfolk going on land involve pursuing selfish desires and making a sacrifice that normally can't be undone. The merfolk you hear stories about often don't get what they truly want in the end."
"But the stories are more than stories. There are merfolk that walk among humans."
"Maybe half-merfolk," Kemps corrected. "But, the only half-mer in our pod is your mother, and she lives with us in the sea. Like I said, everything you need is all around you. There's simply no reason to pursue a life on land."
"What about the Sea Shifter's Charm?" Alex asked. "Mom can use that spell. Did dad ask her to use it?"
"Of course not, it's too dangerous."
"So dad was telling mom's stories then," Alex said. "Mom must've gone on land and shared what she learned with him."
"Alex, that's not what..."
"I always wondered how dad knew so much about humans and their world."
"I'll have to ask mom about humans and the human world," Alex continued. "I want to know what humans call that cool music. It was so much fun to listen to!"
"Alex, we have plenty of ways to make music..."
"I wonder if mom would use the Sea Shifter's Charm on me?" Alex said.
Kemps grew frustrated. A memory from his past surfaced when the merboy expressed the idea. He didn't want a repeat of that.
"That's enough Alex," Kemps said. "Do I need to remind you again?"
"Contact with humans and the human world is forbidden." Alex said, with a frown. "You've told me a million times."
"And that includes the Sea Shifter's Charm. I have good reason for the rules I expect my pod to live by," Kemps said. "As long as you swim with us, you will follow these rules like everyone else does."
Alex frowned. 'But, there's so much I want to learn.'
"Alex, I know this is going to be hard for you. As the Pod's Patriarch, it's my job to keep everyone in the pod safe. I only want what's best for you."
'But no talking about the human world or making contact with humans,' Alex thought. 'I have everything except what I want most.'
"I'll try my best," Alex said. "But, can I ask you something?"
"As long as it doesn't involve humans," Kemps said.
"How long until we get to the grotto? Feels like we've been waiting ages."
"I sent Reef to check out the cave ahead of the pod," Kemps said.
Just as Kemps finished speaking, Reef surfaced near his brother and nephew.
"I hope you aren't giving Alex too hard of a time," Reef said as he nudged his older brother.
Reef could always tell when Kemps was upset about something involving humans. He was also aware of the tension that created between him and Alex.
"I'm not giving him a hard time. I'm just looking out for him." Kemps defended.
"He was lecturing me about humans, actually," Alex said.
"Kemps, you're too hard on him. No harm's been done," Reef said. "Let him have his fun. We'll help him when he needs it."
"I don't know," Kemps said. "He got really close to humans last night, close enough to be seen."
"Nothing happened," Alex defended.
"See, no harm done," Reef said.
"And Alex, don't worry your uncle," Reef said. "You know what he's like when humans are involved."
"Gee, I thought you were on my side," Alex said.
"I'm still on your side, but I'm also on your uncle's side," Reef said.
"And, you probably won't like this Kemps," Reef added. "There are quite a few humans hanging near the sea cave. Things have changed since the pod left for the open ocean reef."
"You can't be serious," Kemps said.
"I'm afraid so," Reef continued. "The reef around the entrance to the grottos seems to be a popular place for humans now. I don't think they've found the sea caves though."
"We should hope that they don't," Kemps added. "I don't want to stir up trouble with humans, but I will protect this pod from them if I must. We'll have to wait until night and hope the humans aren't around then."
Sensing that his uncles would be busy discussing their arrival to the grottos, Alex turned and leapt out of the water. He was eager to go for a swim around island reefs.
"Reef, I'm worried that this will be too much temptation for Alex. He's just a merboy. He doesn't understand the danger." Kemps said.
"I know how you feel Kemps. Both me and Calum remember what happened before we left the island reefs."
"He was not happy about how things turned out, and I know he didn't leave the Islands," Kemps said.
After Alex was gone, Kemps continued.
"Worse yet, she still lives. I hoped that after thousands of years she would be gone, but she's still out there. I don't know how, but she is."
"Kemps, I don't know what to say." Reef closed his eyes and frowned. "Just don't push him to try and prove anything like you did with Calum."
"I'm trying, but I don't think he's listening to me."
"He's a merboy. A little rebellion is to be expected. We all were like him at some point, especially you."
When the sun began to set, the pod began their swim toward the grottos. Alex broke off from the pod. The merboy effortlessly turned through the water and glided toward the reefs on the other side of an atoll. He wanted some space.
'Uncle Kemps can be such a sea-slug, barnacle-brain sometimes.' Alex thought.
As Alex glided through the water, he was stopped by a dolphin.
"And what's a young merman like you doing this close to humans," the dolphin said.
Alex smiled.
"Fluke, you aren't gonna tell on me, are ya?" Alex grinned and lowered himself in the water.
"Reef was very clear about who I should be looking out for over here," Fluke said. "And he also told me what I should do if you were sneaking off again."
"But you aren't telling on me yet?"
"That depends," Fluke said. "Are you sneaking off to see humans?"
"We both know that I never sneak off to watch humans, explore sunken shipwrecks, or get close to humans and human things in any way." Alex chuckled.
"And why is that?" Fluke asked.
"Because we made a deal silly guppy." Alex petted the dolphin.
"I know," Fluke said. "I'll never forget how you helped me when I got stuck in a fishing net."
"I've done more than that!" Alex said. The merboy chuckled.
"I shall never admit to it!" Fluke pointed his snout upward.
"And that's why I still call you a silly guppy."
Fluke used his fins to splash at the merboy. The merboy ducked and dodged the dolphin.
"Fluke, I just want to listen to some music. I won't try to watch any humans or do anything crazy. Can ya keep this secret for me?"
"Reef won't like it if I keep a secret from him."
"What Reef doesn't know won't hurt him."
"A fair point, but you have to promise me you won't get yourself into trouble."
"I never get myself into trouble. I'm an expert at hiding from humans. No one will notice me."
"You say that, but I've seen your uncle get himself into all kinds of trouble. He says the same thing."
"Well, I'm not my Uncle Reef. It will just be a moment of listening to music, anyways."
"Well then, I'll pretend we never saw each other the next time I see him."
'Thank you, Fluke,' Alex thought as the dolphin dove underwater.
After a short swim, staying low in the water, Alex began treading water near the pier he heard the music from. The merboy took a moment to listen before swaying to the music resonating over the ocean. The fluke of his tail kicked up sand as he flicked his fins to the rhythm.
When the pod made it to another reef, Kemps did a head count.
"I bet he went close to the shore." Dylan said with a smile.
"I saw him swim that way." Zephyr said with a knowing glance toward his mom. "I'm surprised no one noticed."
"He is our son," Arihi said to Calum.
"And right after the conversation I had with him." Kemps looked up and rolled his eyes.
"Who's going to get him this time." Calum said rubbing his forehead.
Calum waved his hand to the side. "What can we do? He loves seeing the human world, even at a distance."
"I guess I'll have to go get him, again." Kemps said. "I think I know where he swam off to."
"Mom, why is Alex so interested in the human world?" Dylan asked.
"Mom, what's so interesting about the human world?" Zephyr added.
"Boys, you know we don't talk about that."
"Alex is so strange." Dylan said.
"I don't understand it either." Zephyr added.
"Uncle Kemps, we've been swimming for ages." Dylan said. The merling kept himself steady in the water holding onto his dad's arm. "Are we almost there yet?"
"We aren't far from our new home," Kemps said to Dylan.
"Mom, when are we going to get to our new home?" Zephyr asked. "I'm getting really tired from swimming."
"We'll be home soon." Arihi said to Zephyr.
Arihi turned to Calum. "The twins and our nephews will need a break at this rate."
"Well, if he's last to arrive at our new grotto, then me and Dyl get first pick for our grotto," Zephyr said.
"I thought we were going to have the twins in our grotto." Arihi said to Calum.
"Oh, I'm not letting these two have their own grotto yet." Calum added.
"Might not be a bad idea to keep the twins close for now," Kemps said.
"Before we started our move, I made our grotto the perfect grotto for the twins." Calum said with a grin. "I found the best shells for toys and built them what humans call a "doll house." I've confirmed that it's safe for the twins. I made a table for the twins to create art and carved them their first violins."
"I love the Violin!" Dylan said. "And singing and art and did I mention the Violin! I love it!"
Zephyr turned toward his dad. "Will there be books to read?"
"Only the best books I could find, and I got you a mermadic chess board." Calum answered. "Since we are settling down, I found the best of everything, and the grotto for Alex will be perfect too! I triple checked everything before we made our way here, ensured that the coral beds were ready, and I found a few extra surprises at a merfolk market! There's this place called the Magic Realm and a few half-merfolk sold things from there. An easy exchange of pearls and shells! Of course, I made sure that they wouldn't cause any harm to anyone, but I know everyone will love what I found!"
"As long as the human aspect of things is the bare minimum," Kemps said.
Dylan flicked his tail and pushed up using Kemps's Arm. "I can't wait to see our new grotto!"
Kemps turned and smiled at his nephew. Calum found the perfect words to energize the twins.
"I almost can't wait myself," Arihi said.
"Mom, I'm ready to swim the rest of the way." Zephyr said.
"We just need to retrieve Alex, and we can head home soon," Calum said.
"Mom, I challenge you to a game of mermadic chess when we get home!"
"Perhaps," Arihi said. "I hope you're up for the challenge."
"Dad, I want to explore the grottos and play the violin!"
"Creative as always," Calum said.
"Exploring the grottos will come after we settle down," Kemps said.
Kemps frowned. "It's getting pretty late. I'll go get Alex. That merboy sometimes..."
"Go easy on him Kemps," Calum said. "It's been a long swim for him too. Besides, I know he's gonna love the grotto I prepared for him!"
"I'm so excited now! I don't know if I can sleep tonight!" Dylan enthused.
"Just watch, I'm gonna beat you in a game of mermadic chess." Zephyr said to Arihi.
Kemps dove underwater and swam to the spot he found Alex the night before. When he surfaced, he found Alex listening to music.
"What did I tell you about swimming over here?!" Kemps said to the merboy. "The entire pod is waiting for you!"
"I'm sorry Kemps. I lost track of the time," Alex said.
"And after I told you to be more careful too. I'm gonna let this one go, but the next time you sneak off to something like this, you'll be beached for a week."
"I'm sorry."
"You would not believe it Calum," Kemps said. "Your son has been sneaking off to listen to music. He could have been seen by the humans on land!"
"I don't really understand the problem?" Calum said.
"Dylan, you won't believe it. Humans have such amazing music!" Alex said.
"I can't imagine anything better than the music under the sea."
"Wait, Dyl, where's Zeph? You two are always together." Alex continued.
"I got separated from him while we were waiting for you."
"I'm sorry Dyl."
"It's okay. We'll catch up with him."
Alex knew his little brother wasn't okay being separated from Zephyr, and he knew that he would never admit it. The merboy also knew that Zephyr would be worrying about Dylan.
"Well, of course, you don't see the problem." Kemps complained.
"He went to listen to music." Calum rubbed his forehead.
Alex wanted to help Dylan feel better and began telling him about what he saw and heard near the humans.
"There's a dock with spectacular sounds. It's the coolest music I've ever heard, Dyl," Alex said.
"Are we really gonna do this right now," Calum said. "It's already so late. We can't keep the merlings swimming all night."
"Calum, you need to talk to that boy. He's gonna get himself into trouble."
"You should have seen it too. There was this weird rock that was making the music." Alex continued.
Dylan wasn't too impressed. "Rocks aren't that great for making music. Now, tube coral and bubbles can make fun music."
"Kemps, it's been a long swim for all of us."
"I know. I know."
"Dyl, the rock had this mist coming from it and flashing lights, too!"
"Are you sure it wasn't just tube coral and a school of fish that glow in the dark?" Dylan said.
"I'm telling you that the rock made music, lit up, and was surrounded by mist."
"Well, if you could talk to him for me," Kemps said. "You told him those stories when he was a merling."
"I'll do what I can," Calum said.
"Dyl, the music didn't sound anything like tube coral, and there definitely weren't glow fish swimming around."
"What you're describing makes no sense. I know a lot of instruments, but nothing like that."
"I can trust you to say what needs to be said." Kemps said to Calum.
"Of course," Calum reassured his older brother.
"Dyl, it's not just a story. I really saw a rock that could make music."
"I still can't imagine a rock making music. Maybe if we clapped them together, but the sound isn't particularly good."
"Kemps, let's focus on settling down in the grottos. We've been away from the islands for over a thousand years. Whatever we experienced in the past is in the past. We have so much to look forward to."
"You're right, Calum. It's time to look to the future."
"Kemps, I made sure the grotto was perfect for the pod. When we get there, you'll see."
"I much prefer the sound of those brown fuzzy rocks that float in the sea. When I take two halves and clap them together, I can get a solid rhythm going. They're lighter and easier to use as an instrument."
"Dyl, rocks don't float. You're talking about coconuts, silly guppy."
"I could use a rest after the long swim."
"Dyl, we are getting way off topic. Maybe I should be talking to Zeph about how instruments work."
"Possibly," the merling said. "He's always good at understanding how things work. I wonder how he's doing?"
"I need a break," Kemps said. "But there's still so much to do."
"We can look after the pod while you get some rest." Calum said. "Me, Arihi, Reef, and Sarah. We can handle things."
"Kemps, you'll end up over doing it at this rate. You got the pod to the islands safely. You deserve a rest."
"Zeph would love to hear more about this," Dylan said. "He always knows the right questions to ask."
Alex sensed that his little brother was still worried about his twin.
"Dyl, the instrument I saw was unlike anything anyone has seen in the sea. I don't know anyone that knows music better than you."
"You're right," Kemps said.
Dylan splashed his brother. "That's right, I'm an expert when it comes to music, and there's no such thing as a musical rock!"
"But I did see one!" Alex shielded himself from the merling.
"Merlings and a Merboy is a lot for anyone to keep up with," Calum said with a smile. "But, sometimes, you just need to let them be themselves. Things will work themselves out along the way."
"I'm not gonna argue with you when it comes to parenting."
"Okay, okay Dyl," Alex pleaded. "I give up. Enough with the splashing."
Alex slid back in the water. When he saw Dylan's smile, he knew he was feeling better.
"Good," Dylan declared triumphantly. "I was about to use my super fin splash if you didn't. Remember, I know music better than Zeph!"
Calum laughed. "Kemps, a merling can easily surprise you, and the same is true for merboys and mergirls. Just have faith in them, and you'll see."
"You don't have to carry the weight of the ocean alone."
"Your super fin splash is nothing compared to my splashtastic attack." Alex said.
"Okay, I give, I give," Dylan said. "I can't beat that. I accept the musical rock is real!"
"I try not to." Kemps said to his brother.
"Calum, thank you," Kemps said.
"For what?" Calum asked.
"Alex, one day, you need to show me that musical rock. It does sound really cool."
"Dyl, you have no idea."
"You know exactly what I'm thanking you for," Kemps said. "Your compassion and love for your family. You're practically the glue holding us together."
"I don't know," Calum said. "I always thought Reef did the best job keeping everyone together."
"He does help, a lot."
"Alex, a musical rock is such an amazing idea, but you know what's more amazing?"
"An Octopus Symphony."
"Octopus have eight arms and can play multiple instruments at the same time. I don't know how they do it."
Alex laughed. "Yeah, an octopus band is always fun to watch."
"But, the best band is..." Dylan began to say.
"Inked." Alex said before laughing.
"When he's not getting himself into trouble," Calum said.
"Naturally," Kemps added.
"Let's head home before it gets much later," Kemps said.
"Home sounds good. It's been a long time." Calum said.
"Dyl, Inked is pretty good, but I think Eight Fins Deep is better."
"They make some pretty good music too." Dylan said.
"Let's get going. I'm sure everyone is ready to finally return to the grottos," Kemps said.
Alex finished telling Dylan about what he saw, and they exchanged a few more jokes.
"More than you know!" Calum said.
"Dad, are we finally going to the grottos?!" Dylan asked. "It's felt like ages without Zeph around."
"Home, that does sound nice." Alex thought. "We never had a place to settle down before."
"Took the four of you long enough," Sarah said. "Calum insisted that we had to wait outside until he checked all the grottos. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect."
"We won't be the only ones living in the grottos either," Reef added. "There's another pod and a couple other merfolk living there too. The other pod has triplet merlings and there are other families living there."
"It'll be a good chance for the merlings to make friends their own age," Sarah, continued.
"That's fintastic," Kemps said. "I bet the other pod is the Keahloha Pod."
"Mom, can we go see the grottos?" Lir asked.
"I'm ready to make some new friends," Kylen said.
"Dyl, I was super worried when you stayed behind." Zeph said.
"I wanted to follow, but when I fell behind, dad had me stay close to him."
"Don't do that again," Zeph advised.
"As it turns out, Makoa has been working hard to keep the Grottos in the Sea Cave a secret from humans. He never left the Islands, and he now has triplet merlings."
"Actually, Makoa has done more than keep the grottos safe for his triplets," Sarah added. "He protected the sea caves for other merlings that had nowhere else to go. He didn't adopt, but he kept the grottos safe."
"He did say a long time ago that the merfolk would return to Sulani one day," Kemps said. "I'm glad he was able to protect the Zalia Grottos."
"He wasn't alone," Reef added. "The Marus Pod also helped. The grottos were protected by at least two Guardians."
"Which ones?"
"I think the Marus and Mahi'Ai Guardians. Before you got here and Calum went to check on the grottos, Makoa swam over and told us about them. Rio and Anas's Sister partnered for life recently. Nalani became the Matriarch of their pod."
"Those two always did things differently," Kemps said. "But, I'm happy for them."
Shortly after, Calum surfaced and told Reef that his grotto was ready. Reef, Sarah, Kylen, and Lir swam over to the sea cave.
"Are you two ready to see your new home," Reef asked.
"I can't wait," Lir said. "Let's go already."
"Patience," Sarah said.
Dylan and Zephyr waved goodbye to their aunt, uncle, and cousins before they disappeared into the sea cave. Calum wanted to make sure everything was still perfect for his family. After some persuasion, Calum and Arihi swam into the grottos to check on things. They left the twins with their uncle and Brother.
It didn't take long for Arihi and Calum to surface and collect the twins.
"We'll see you at home," Zephyr said to Alex.
"I'll see you there," Alex said. "I'll wait for Uncle Kemps."
The twins waved goodbye to their brother and swam into the sea cave with their parents.
"Alex, I want this to be our new home," Kemps said.
"I'm looking forward to a chance to live in one place too," Alex said.
"I need to know that you won't return to that spot," Kemps said. "If something happened to you, I don't know what I would do."
"Uncle Kemps, I didn't mean..."
"Alex, there are many reasons to avoid the humans on land."
"I'm careful, and I've never been seen by humans."
"For now, I'm gonna let you be, but we need to have a serious conversation in the future. There's something I need to explain to you, especially you."
"Can we talk about it later."
"We can, but we will talk about it. We can't put it off forever."
"Sounds good to me."
"Your dad worked really hard to prepare the grottos for us," Kemps said. "I know you'll love this new home."
"Uncle Kemps, I appreciate you looking after us. I know it hasn't been easy."
"Truth be told, I get more worried when Reef goes missing. He's always finding new ways to get in trouble."
"Lately," Alex began to say. He decided against saying what's on his mind.
"I promise, I'll live up to your expectations," Alex said.
"I know you will. As the next Guardian, there's so much to learn, and I look forward to teaching you."
"I don't even know what it means to be a Guardian of the Seas," Alex admitted. "Even after you gave me the pendant, you've always been the one looking after us and protecting the pod."
"I just wanted you to grow up without the burden of being a Guardian," Kemps admitted. "Until you are a merman, I want you to continue to live without that burden."
"Are you sure?"
"Well, I'm ready to see the grotto Dad prepared for us."
"I'm a little worried about the things from the Magic Realm your dad bought from Half-Merfolk. He says they are safe, but I don't know."
"Knowing dad, I think we should check on him," Alex said. "I'm also looking forward to a good night's rest and a place to keep this pendant."
"It might be wise to put it somewhere safe for the time being," Kemps advised. "That pendant is one of six magic artifacts given to the original six Guardians of the Seas. The pendants are the Marks of the Guardians and others will know what you are if they see you wearing it."
"Why would it be a problem if others knew I was a guardian?"
"There are dangers in the sea and in the worlds beyond the sea," Kemps explained. "As a Guardian, you have a special power that others might want for themselves. If they don't know what you are, you might avoid certain dangers. I will explain more when we have our talk."
"I can't wait to learn more about what it means to be a Guardian. Am I going to learn any cool powers?"
"Let's swim a little at a time," Kemps advised. "You have a lot to learn before you're ready."
"But the enthusiasm is appreciated." Kemps smiled. "For now, let's head home."
"Finally, I'll have my own grotto." Alex grinned.
"Tired of sharing a grotto with the twins."
"The corals were never big enough for all of us," Alex said. "And we always stayed on the move. We were lucky to find any grottos to stay in."
With that, the merman and merboy swam home after a long swim to the islands.
When Alex and Kemps entered the grotto, Calum was busy swimming after one of the twins. Alex assumed Zeph was playing mermadic chess with their mom, and it was Dylan giving Calum a hard time. The merling was full of energy. While Calum was wrangling the merling, Kemps smiled and started preparing the meals for the next few days. Alex found a journal in his grotto and started writing about the day he had.
"I got'ch ya now." As Dylan swam over his dad, Calum reached up and grabbed the merling.
"Noooooo, Zeph help! The big bad sea monster got me." Dylan laughed.
Calum pulled Dylan down and spun. The merman looked in the little merlings eyes. "It's time for bed, young man."
"Noooo!" Dylan said, struggling to not laugh. "I want more stories."
"We've talked about this," Calum said. "One story a night."
Calum lifted the merling up. "As much as I love swimming after you, it's time for bed."
"I'm not tired," Dylan protested.
"Now, you're lying. How can you have this much energy after a long swim?"
"It's a gift," Dylan said.
"Well tired or not, it's time for bed," Calum said.
"Noooo!" Dylan squirmed in his dad's arms.
As Calum swam through the grotto, Dylan fell asleep in his arms. After a short swim, Calum laid Dylan on his coral bed and swam back down to the living grotto to retrieve Zephyr.
"Time for bed," Calum said, lifting Zephyr up.
Looking into the merlings eyes, Calum often tried to stay on the same level as the twins, he held Zephyr up. "You aren't gonna give me trouble like Dylan did, right?"
"Are you sure it was Dylan that gave you trouble?"
"Of course, Zephyr," Calum said. "I can always tell the two of you apart."
"It's Zeph!" Zephyr protested.
"Okay Zeph," Calum said. "But, it's still time for bed."
Calum made sure he had a good grip on the merling before he started swimming. Zephyr was quick to fall asleep in his dad's arms just like his twin brother. Zephyr curled his tail up and Calum swam with him to his grotto.
Calum laid Zephyr on a coral bed near his brother. While others might confuse the twins, Calum always could tell them apart. He loved Dylan's creativity and Zephyr's ingenuity. He prepared the grotto with the hopes that they would continue to grow into their own individuals. Across the grotto, Calum went to sleep on his own coral bed. Just like he did with Alex, he wanted to be there with the twins and watch them grow.
After Alex retired to his own grotto to sleep, Kemps swam up to the grotto he shared with his brother, sister-in-law, and the twins. He swam to each twin and kissed them on the forehead. He hoped he made the right choice, he prayed he made the right choice for them and the rest of the pod. He didn't want to ruin things for Alex, but he was also worried. The seas around Sulani looked beautiful, but they had some of the greatest dangers in the ocean. Dangers that existed long before humans proved they couldn't be trusted. He didn't think they would be a risk for most of the pod, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.
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