Forum Discussion

QueenOfMyshuno's avatar
6 years ago

What do you want more control over?

Out of the things that already exist in the game, which objects or aspects of the game would you like to have more control over, specifically what kind of control, and why?

Please list up to 3 things that already exist in the game that you would like more control over. If you have more than 3, please wait and give a couple of other people a chance to reply, and then list 3 more. (Just because I know there are a lot of things that could be improved, and people probably have tons of suggestions.)

This post isn't about new things you want added to the game; it's just for things that already exist in the game.



I want more control of occults. Specifically, I'd like to be able to toggle the different occults on and off for each save. Why? Because I want to play occults in some saves, and I don't want to play them in other saves; it can be annoying to have a vampire pop up in a world where vampires don't exist.


I want werewolves because they would totally fit into my occult world!

(While this is a valid request, werewolves don't currently exist in the game, so you can't have more control of something that's not there.)

66 Replies

  • - i want more control over seasons. I want to be able to set seasons with different lenght;
    - I want more control on occults. I want to be able to switch them off for a save that i don't want to use it;

    - and on the opposite side, i want less control on the sims themselves. I want them to act autonomously according to traits.
  • I'm with other folks who would like more control over the phone. It would be great if you could choose whether or not to exchange numbers (as you do in the romance interaction) and only those you have chosen to give your number can call you. All those ridiculous "heard you became friends..." calls are so annoying! I'd also love to just turn the phone option off completely.

    I'd like to have more control over clothes. I'd love to be able to blacklist clothing items in CAS so townies can't wear them. I also love to be able to save outfits (of separates--tops/shirts/pants/skirts/shoes) not in the immediate rotation to be worn, but in a separate closet in CAS so you can toggle that closet on for each season.

    I echo the folks who have said more control over inventory. It would be nice to be able to sort by different factors, including a most often used category.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 years ago
    I would like an option button for what relationship preference I want my sim to be.
  • Ahem...


    1. Situational outfits, one million times over. Everyone's already said it and it's a no-brainer but HELLO, whatever happened to "you rule"??? Plus, it is a MAJOR bother having to jump through hoops to edit them so the clothing options used for them don't show up when you upload a sim to the gallery! They should either be fully visible and editable, simply not exist, or not be saved to the sim (i.e. sims still change into their rain outfits, costume party outfits, etc. but those outfits aren't saved along with the sim's other outfits).

    2. Non-playable occupations: This will be a long one and I could probably break this into two different points but I'll cheat a lil and talk about all of them here, lol. I want more control over the business, vet and restaurant employees, including being able to hire other playable sims and household members who aren't already employed (or hiring them just gets rid of their other job). This extends to "role" sim jobs as well, I'd like to be able to choose librarians and bartenders instead of seeing Eliza Fricken Pancakes at every bar my sims go to, ever. This ESPECIALLY goes for librarians, even cheating a sim into the role is difficult and doesn't even work half of the time. I get that they have to have the bookworm and neat traits but even having those traits on a sim isn't a guarantee that giving them the job will work and it's just plain frustrating.

    3. Socializing and relationships: So, Sim A and Sim B just got into a fight and are now enemies... and for some reason are sitting in Sim A's living room and having a friendly chat while Sim B is still dazed from getting their face bashed in. This makes sense how, exactly??? A little consistency is all I'm asking here... Also (again, probably could break this into two points but just lemme have this), CAS relationships are in DESPERATE need of expansion, why can't I create relationships like grandkid-grandparent, cousins, fiancées, besties, aunt/uncle-niece/nephew, etc. without first needing to create a bunch of other sims or have the sims develop the relationship in game? I think this is a major oversight and should definitely be fleshed out more to allow greater control over the relationships and stories that we, the simmers, want to create. After all, "you rule", right?
  • Minai9295's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 years ago
    "aprilrose;c-17291326" wrote:
    1. Turn on/off occults and ghost - I prefer realism in my game.
    2. Club manager - easier way to create & manage clubs in world view, similar to the manage household menu
    3. Personal Inventory categories - to better organize items
