1. cow/llama shed in CoL there should be option thats just the door so we could build our own sheds of any shape
2. teleportation gates in RoM the times i have aspired to use them only to realize wall height/ space is not enough i need wall height 1 version of it *sighs*
3. games table I don't understand why games can't go in the middle of any dining table or at least any square dining table same goes for chess really
oh or imagine putting them on the low tables from snowy escape it be so nice
4. speaking of which single seat low table to use as a desk now the only configuration is middle of the room which sure works but wouldn't it be nice to have more options
5. the streaming table from get famous its such a pain trying to fit that in any regular house
okay bonus(6): bar obviously on community lots you need those full bars but at home???? can't we have like wine fridge or drink tray or something
I do use the globe one heck a ton but it seems strange all my sims own that item :lol: i don't even drink irl
you know what this is about to be top 10 now
7. Karaoke machine
i need one size of game console that you can put next to tv and then its karaoke tv that machine is too big for these apartments
8. arcade machine i need smaller version for one sim use
9. microscope cause i never use it unless my sim is on science career and in science lab
10. roller rink well more like version without those view blocking side protection thingies