This is silly, but my friend and I had this idea, guz we were brainstorming for fun-sies. And I am curious what others think about this, so I am opening the flood gates 😶
So hear me out. Stranded residential lots. Like the secret lots that come with the game, but livable. With several different types of stranded worlds like:
- Deserted islands (cast away islands)
- Space rocks
- Deserted planets (ice planets, mars, etc.)
- In the Wilderness (jungle, swamp, a mountain)
- Fantastical places (for the kids, like a magic tree house, scary dimention like where the boogy man lives)
so how would you get to these lots?
well... via away activities that are rabbit hole vacations so your sims will just be gone for a while.
Example: what if there's a rabbit hole for a Cruise ship vacation or a rocket ship trip. Once you send one or more sims on these rabbit hole adventures, you will get these chance cards where it is possible that your sims will end up stranded on a stranded lot! And the stranded sim(s) will then be taken away and added into a separate household (load household via switch household option or via the household panel)
Once on that stranded residential lot, the sims can just live there forever, or do tasks that will bring them back safely.
With lot traits or environmental effects like: heavy rains (islands), meteor showers (space), rockslides (mountains). hard to garden in space, easy on island etc. No walk by's!! but change cards for a random sim to get stranded along with you (controllable or roommate)
Your sim wil then just try and survive and certain task could lead to them being rescued or just make living there more comfortable. And those options then can have benefits or down sides like: being rescued without doing a certain task will make you unable to return back to this lot and if you do, your sim(s) will always be able to go back.
and for children is just a secret lot to visit and return from and like the Childish trait will let older sims go back tot those fantastical places but other traits won't.