@MunchieSim There are a lot of interesting native ingredients such as wattle seed and lemon myrtle. Finger Lime looks like a really interesting one as it looks like fruit caviar when used. I see a lot of use of Saltbush, which apparently goes well with lamb. Beetroot is used an lot, that's one I recognise lol but they have colours I've never seen like candy beetroot that has stripes. Kangaroo and venison make a lot of appearances but I couldn't eat a roo and I don't eat venison (or lamb). Fish and seafood is a whole new world though. Moreton Bay bugs terrify me lol, they're a kind of large shellfish that remind me of a giant woodlouse, but apparently they are amazing. The fish varieties alone are just amazing, kingfish, flathead and so many more.
There are so many vastly different states that would lend themselves to interesting gameplay. There's a really cool foodie scene in Melbourne with amazing street food and street art. There's Bondi with the surfing scene and healthy living and there's tougher terrain and mineral mining in somewhere like Mount Isa in Queensland but it contrasts with tropical North Queensland which looks full of greenery. I mean, it's just endless potential. I wouldn't be able to cope with the spiders though! I can't even look at them on TV I'm absolutely petrified of them lol.
I watch an Australian cooking show at least once a day for these reasons so I'd be absolutely over the moon to see an Aussie pack... even if they do keep beating us in sport lol. I'm obsessed with MasterChef Australia in particular.