Patches breaking more than they fix.
EA produces lots of video games. But it seems to me that the sims franchise is the only one that has so many issues, complaints, bugs, and needs constant patches. When EA releases patches to fix bugs and add content updates, they end up introducing new bugs. Then players have to wait for hotfixes and new patch updates. I mean, seriously, who wants to update their game when there is a looming possibility of it breaking after the patch? I've played games with bugs before. I mean, sometimes, depending on the bug. the player can take advantage of it during gameplay. Skyrim is an example of a game I've played, where people were making videos demonstrating how to use bugs to enhance gameplay.
But to my knowledge, no one has ever mentioned finding a bug in the sims 4 that players could use to their advantage. For example, being able to buy groceries from the vendor stalls in henford for free or university students doing poorly on a presentation, but getting a good grade anyway, or a player selling items from the sim's inventory, but the item remains in the sim's inventory, and they keep selling the same item and getting free simoleons.
Instead, there are lists and lists of bugs that break gameplay and then don't get fixed for years. Sometimes, modders release a fix (but not all players use mods) for bugs while players wait for EA to fix it. In the recent patch, EA fixed a bug introduced by discover university, where discovery quests were interrupting event progress. Discover university was released in 2019 and the bug is being fixed in 2024.
I mean, how does EA take up to 5 years to fix bugs while wanting players to continue buying DLCs and updating their game (which usually results in new bugs being introduced)?