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Twojsmiech's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 months ago

We Need Fairies

Why fairies are a must in The Sims 4

Introduction Fairies are a fantastic and versatile concept that could be perfectly integrated into The Sims 4. These magical creatures not only offer creative gameplay, but could also make dreams come true for many players who have always dreamed of a magical world full of magic and possibilities. Inspiration from childhood memories As a child, I grew up with iconic series like Winx Club and W.I.T.C.H. raised by Kandrakar. These shows created an unforgettable magical world that continues to delight many fans to this day. Unfortunately, there is currently no game that adequately represents fairies. The Sims 4 has the perfect platform to fill this gap and give us the opportunity to live as a fairy ourselves and experience magical adventures.

Why fairies are important in the game Fairies as playable creatures: – Fairies, like werewolves, vampires or mermaids, should have their own form that they can transform into and hide again. – Not only would this look great visually, but it would also offer new gameplay possibilities. Diversity and Representation: – There are hardly any games that depict male fairies. Male fairies in The Sims 4 would be a welcome addition and would expand the range of representation. Magical Abilities: Fairies could have unique powers like: – Minimize (make yourself or objects smaller). – Heal and give blessings to other Sims. – Nature magic to take care of the garden and make plants grow faster. – Fly and levitate objects, which could add a new dimension to the game. – Incredible powers such as shapeshifting, wish granting, protection spells, teleportation and invisibility that add variety to the gameplay. Interaction with other occults: – Fairies could have the ability to fight other occults such as vampires, werewolves or wizards. This would bring new dynamics and exciting challenges into play.

a magical world for fairies Remote fairy landscape: – The fairies could live in a medieval world far away from modern civilization. This world would be full of nature, magic and small villages. Secret fairy world: – As with wizards, there could be a secret fairy world integrated into heaven or another paradise. – This world could consist of floating islands accessible via magical portals. Unique architecture and surroundings: – The fairy world could be populated by beautiful, shimmering buildings, glowing plants and magical animals. It would bring a completely new atmosphere into the game. – Another great option would be for fairies to live on or in a large magical tree. Here they could take care of insects or small magical animals, which would make the game even more lively.

#WeWantFairies #Fairy #FairyPack #WeNeedFairies #Sims4Fairies #Fairies

26 Replies

  • K-bobster's avatar
    Rising Vanguard
    3 months ago

    Oh! That's a cool one! If you look down I made a comment on a whole supernatural pack that expands all the occults and make them more cross compatible.

  • K-bobster's avatar
    Rising Vanguard
    3 months ago

    I was just thinking of a supernatural expansion pack for Sims 4. It introduces elves and pixies (fairies). BUT it expands supernatural gameplay for all occults. More cross-compatibility. I was just saying how I want occults to fight each other with their abilities. When those dag-on werewolves start rampaging at the karaoke bar, I want my spellcaster sim to be able to knock him out with that sleepy spell. Or at least zip zap him. When vamps drink from spellcasters, mermaids, and fairies I want there to be a cool moodlet. Maybe they even get some of the powers, or something. 

    When you befriend or date an occult that's different from you, I want it to mean something. Something small like a sentiment that shows the Sims are aware they are getting over their differences and got close to a regular sim or different occult. 

    Obviously, they expand on aliens and mermaids. IDK what they would do. IDK what people want. I don't play with those.

    I want baby dragons to come back! From sims 3. And I want them to look just like Sims 3 baby dragons and not that dragon familiar from Sims 4. I want baby dragons to be able to be familiars to spellcasters. But they essentially work exactly how they did in Sims 3. You get the eggs. You take care of it, and you get a baby dragon. I know that was a different DLC. But I want it. And bring back the kilts while they're at it. Maybe you can sell dragon eggs, too. 

    There will be all those supernatural hangouts that you were talking about. Maybe some that are mixed-occult and others that are for specific occults. 

    Spellcasters can turn people into frogs and get cooler spells overall, again. 

    So, for elves and are their powers. I'm thinking elves can be fast and strong like vampires. Physically strong, meaning they are more likely to win fist fights and light saber fights if you play Journey to Batuu. But also they are tanks. Getting electrocuted or caught on fire doesn't hurt them as much. They can also see in the tunnels without light like werewolves. And they can have some magical ability like talk to animals and build relationships with the Baby Dragons easier than anyone else.

    Pixies on the hand(what most of y'all call fairies, but remember, fairy is an umbrella term that elves fall into in some cultures) have the same gifts they had in Sims 3. They heal flowers and heal other sims. From curses, spells, or just regular injuries that sims go through. They can also pull fairy pranks like break your plumbing or electricity. And they MUST bring back the arboretum and fairy house that multiple sims can go into at once and such. And the pixie dust that lets other sims fly. And of course both fairies have the same skill tree as the other occults. 

    Aliens are really good at science and often have negative moodlets towards spellcasters and fairies. They don't trust them. They can run experiments on sims and abduct them and figure out stuff about Sims in their little probing machine and if they have a high enough skill, they can change things about the Sims. Like make it pregnant or change its appearance. Or turn them into a doll or a seed. Sort of like Sims 3 transformation spell wizards could do. Lol, and if they fail, that sim will disappear. Maybe the Alien can have a whole alien career and that's why they do these things to sims. It's a live career that mixes the doctor and science career, but it takes place in the alien secret lab on a spaceship or something. So, when the alien is transported to work, it's not from outside, it's from like, a dock station where you can see the space sky from a window or something. Extra props if they give the lab a Corisant/Fifth Element vibe! That late 90s glowy vibe. IDK what to do with aliens, I really don't play with them. But y'all might like this for aliens

  • I greatly question the concept of the Sims 4 having the "perfect platform" for fairy representation, unless you (as the player) are very flexible and understand just how limited the Sims 4 really is.

    Truthfully, I believe one of the biggest problems the developers likely have in regards to bringing fairies to the game is the fact that a lot of the abilities they could or would develop have already been done... some things repeatedly. 

    I have no idea how easy or hard a task it would be for the team to make it so fairies can minimalize things, but I think if they did, the items would probably have to be very limited - like objects that are only decorative. The minimalizing of a Sim would also be very limited, considering all Sims of humanoid shape are required to be the same height for physical interactions to work smoothly. At best the Fairy Sim would probably be able to minimize themselves, but not really be playable. So if you are fine with your fairy Sim going poof and appear as a sparkly sphere of light to go into a specially object (dollhouse, cute garden sculpture, tiny "fairy house" - kind of like a bird house) to do a rabbit hole action (like sleep, eat, party, use the restroom...) I do not really see them being able to produce something better than that.

    Healing could be interesting, but by what means? Ghosts and Spellcasters have abilities that are like healing in terms of helping other Sims with needs, so that wouldn't really be unique or new... 

    Blessings sounds cool (and curses?) Those already exist in certain ways as well when it comes to Ghosts, Spellcasters, mystical wells and the treasure chests from Jungle Adventure.

    Nature magic sounds like a rehash of the Green Thumb reward trait, the Great Soil lot perk, the Micro Home perk from Tiny Living, the Spellcasters Floralial and Herbio spells, Patchy from Seasons, the extra help you can get from birds, rabbits and chickens in Cottage Living... and even with those perks your plants will still turn into dirt piles.

    Fly and levitate objects... Fairies being able to fly in the Sims 4 would likely be them levitating above the ground like Ghosts or Servos, turning into a smaller form and shooting up into the sky like Vampires. Levitating objects would likely only be a parlor trick that resembles an object being used for spectral whoo-hoo or slumber. "Flying" an object would likely be similar to teleporting, but the ability would be new to the game and could be useful depending on what can actually be moved.

    I doubt the Sims 4 would be able to grant a Fairy Sim that ability to shapeshift much of anything. On a Fairy Sim it would probably be like how Aliens, Vampires, Mermaids and Werewolves have two appearances or forms. On other Sims, it would probably be like a rehash of a Spellcaster using Morphiate or Strangeify. 

    Wish granting might be a new thing, but I just keep thinking of the Wishing Well from Romantic Garden Stuff... so how that would play out is questionable...

    Protection spells could be a new thing and be sort of opposite of the recent "Chased by Death" trait. Or they could be not much different from spending aspiration points from the Rewards Store.

    Teleportation wouldn't be unique or new. You can teleport your Sim in just Base Game. You can have your Sim level their wellness skill in Spa Day to teleport. Vampires use Mist Form. Spellcasters can Transportalate. Werewolves can dig tunnels.

    Invisibility would certainly be new... but kind of weird since Ghosts don't even go invisible... 

    So... I don't see a lot of unique in terms of powers... 🤔 and the presentation would likely be very similar to how previous packs have done them if not something as visually lackluster as a Spellcaster using Dedeathify on a Ghost Sim.

    Fairies being able to fight other occults would make them pretty OP, wouldn't it? Because none of the other occults can really fight other occults. They can only really fight their own kind due to a man-to-man sort of way. "Oh, you don't have this occult ability/power? I can only fight you on a human Sim level, then. Put up your dukes!" (But man, it would be pretty cool if an occult Sim could fight another occult Sim via their own unique and special abilities.)

    The world suggested... It sounds like it would either be as limited as Realm of Magic or at best like how Life & Death is. One world would be livable (your Sim can reside there) but also limited to a degree for the sake of lots and the other one would be limited in it not being a place your Sim can reside in and having very little of the actual world to interact with. The insects and animals would likely be as interactive as bees from Seasons, rodents from My First Pet Stuff, insects from Eco Lifestyle, mini sheep, mini goats, chickens, cows and llamas from Country Living and crows from Life & Death are.

    So, new and unique gameplay doesn't sound likely to me. New and beautiful world? Yeah. CAS that can make a Sim look like a Fairy? Yes. (Would their wings even flutter, though?) New build/buy that hopefully has a good take on the magical? Promising. New and unique gameplay? Err... maybe one or two new things?

    I feel fairly sure a Fairies pack will come out some day, but I'm not expecting anything particularly new or unique from it. A "perfect platform" for a game with fairies would have to start with the intention of various occults with truly unique and  different abilities as well as carefully planned out interactions for various statures, builds and abilities, and lore from the start. 

  • Yes, fairies are needed in the game. They can help with the garden, become familiar with witches and warlocks, bring good luck to any sims, and stop the Grim from killing someone.  They can communicate with bees so they will not sting. Fairy has at least five types: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, and Flower Power.  Their singing can calm a werewolf.  They can create different drinks made from honey to boost energy and moral. They can grant eternal beauty and eternal life.

  • I hope they can introduce this occult to the game someday.😔🙂👀

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