Forum Discussion

New Rookie
5 months ago

Would like to see more small pets...

I know that this has been brought up many, many times, so I'm sorry if I sound like an echo chamber. 

I won't even get into the fact that this should've been implemented a loooong time ago with the original Cats and Dogs pack. It should've just been a Pets pack period instead of an expansion + stuff pack, which combined, is STILL lacking options. And also I won't mention how openly and plainly EA prioritizes exploiting and taking advantage of gamers for every penny they could get, for things we don't ask for. But I'll give it to them, one thing that they definitely do a good job at is disregarding our wishes and setting expectations way too high. Every once in a  blue moon, they'll add something from the community wish list, but then they'll halfway get it right, with the other half leaving us wondering who approved this and who thought it was a good idea? That's not even counting the bugs and broken gameplay that comes with the territory, whether we want the new content or not.

But I digress, and with the philosophy of persistence beats resistance, I can't emphasize enough that I would really love to see TS4 expand on small pets. 

I love hamsters, but there is a huge lack of options! There were so many options for pets in TS3, it'll make your head spin, this is a HUGE contrast!! I believe it's over 30 breeds of just small pets alone. And I'm sorry, but why is a void critter as a pet a thing? It was probably just for laughs, but I don't understand why the critters were prioritized and added over more actual small pets. I could see if we had more variety already, to then add that in. But it's literally like (once again) they just threw it in there without any thought behind it. Not to mention the pack is like 95% BB/CAS, and 5% actual pets. 


  1. Different breeds of SNAKES, birds, turtles, ferrets, chinchillas, guinea pigs, spiders as additional minor pet options
  2. Small reptiles with a gameplay feature where you can find lizards in your backyard/outside and keep them as pets, with a higher success rate of catching them if you have the "Loves Outdoors" or "Animal Lover" trait 
  3. Ant-farms, different-sized, interactive insect/arachnids terrariums would be a nice feature in addition to the insect terrariums that we have already. I would love to see a large butterfly or ladybug terrarium. The ladybugs could be beneficial when they're added to gardens in-game. Insects like crickets and beetles could be used to feed minor pets, also can be used as fish bait for certain fish.
  4. More patterns, markings, or color swatches for the rodents we have currently
  5. More interactions/gameplay for all the small pets we have currently
  6. Better pet cages. Upgradable, more designs/colors/sizes, a compact travel version.
  7. I'm confused as to why the fish aren't considered as pets? They get no love in the game, they're just used as functional deco or food. I know that many people IRL use aquariums for decorative reasons, but there are also people that really care for and bond with pet fish, and for some it's a real hobby. I would like to be able to feed, interact with, name, and care for them. Fish care being an new hobby would be a nice touch. Also temperaments for certain ones- for example, you'd have to house a male betta fish by itself due to the potential of it being aggressive and fighting/killing other fish.
  8. 3D wall deco (rodent cage) tubing that are not stickers. Honestly, they could've just left that out.
  9. An option to "bury" deceased pets and mourn, and a pet cemetery (even if it's in the backyard). I've never had a pet that died where I wasn't sad or didn't grieve. For most of us, pets are our family members and deserve the same courtesy.


That's all off the top of my head, but feel free to add or expand on anything that I might be missing.

3 Replies

  • It would be great if we had geckos (different breeds too) and other lizards that the Sims could have as pets. I would even like to have fantasy small pets too (little dragons and big ones too)! But they would need to have interactions like Sims being able to take them out of their cages and take them on walks. I mean, how fun would it be to see a Sim walking their tortoise or lizard? Also, allow them to wander around the Sims' house/flat too.

    More furniture could be added for this as well, like different cage types, playpens you can have them in when you don't want them roaming around, treats and food, and heat lamps—all that good stuff. I also think fish are being treated unfairly in the current game and deserve to be treated as pets. Allow us to change their tank interiors and layouts. CAS could let us change their color/texture/eye color, etc., like it currently does with cats and dogs. Plus, think of all the cute outfits we could have for them.

    Honestly, there is a lot that can be done for small pets. The Sims team are missing a trick with this.

  • I would like new gameplay in the form of an animated car with a small pet sitting shotgun with the window rolled down for the little critter. ❤️

  • halisimmer's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 months ago

    I love small animals! The baby sheep and baby goats in Horse Ranch are honestly my favourite part of that pack.

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