3 months ago
Acting Career, So Many Bugs!
I came back to play Sims4 recently. I played the acting career before and loved it, so I thought I would play it again. Well, now, for whatever reason, there are so many bugs it is making this more o...
I am having a similar issue where my sim will audition for a role but the audition won't register as failed or passed. It just remains in the job menu as scheduled for like 9:00 am Friday and it's like 12:00pm friday. I've tried everything, removing my mods, repairing the game, removing conflicting packs, removing cache files. I have better exceptions downloaded and it can't even tell me whats wrong.
I'm assuming this means it is a bug that I will need to wait for a patch to fix, soooo frustrating, game is borderline unplayable with all the bugs.
If anyone has any suggestions on what to do I would really appreciate it, thanks.
This thread refers to your issuebejarooniexo
[GF] Actor: GUI for audition/gig not properly updating | EA Forums - 5009784