XaniMac I dled the lot and did some testing this afternoon. Tbh, I was surprised to find that the lot does for me what it is doing for you. Yet, my test build still doesn't do it at all. So, it has to be something about that specific lot causing it. It's definitely some type of lighting/shadow issue imo. Where it is coming from though, I couldn't find. I did get the shadow to change with some of things I tried, but didn't find a way to make it go away. Based on one thing I tried; I think it might be caused by something below but still not sure. One weird thing I found was the shadow didn't change when I deleted the candelabra, nor did the candelabra cast an upwards light. I did find a couple things though. When you placed the candelabra, you had MOO on and probably double clicked while placing it as there are two of them, one on top of the other. And when I deleted the room below, it deleted the foundation and there was a tile that showed a platform edge rather than a foundation edge. Since you're renovating a premade, it's probably something that the original builder did, given where it was. Changing it to a foundation made no difference though. Otherwise, I found nothing out of the ordinary.
So, the only things I can suggest are either living with it or a complete teardown and rebuild from scratch since I think it's something about the lot from when it was originally built, not anything you did in your renovation. Save the rooms you've already done and bulldoze the rest. Tbh, there is no guarantee that it won't happen again in a new build though. The only place you see it is with the walls up and it wouldn't be seen in normal play. And you'd probably see it if you took photos in that room. But with walls in drop down, it isn't visible unless you switch to first person or tab view with the camera down low inside the room. I'm going to have another go at it tomorrow just to make sure I didn't miss something. I'll post again if I find something but if you don't hear back from me, it'll mean I didn't. Sorry, I couldn't give you better news.
Hope this helps.