U cant cheat ur way out of being in a dirty environment (slob)
I have a snob sim who wants a pleasant room. So I put the most expensive walls, floors, decoration, everything. At first, I thought it was the entire lot at this point, so I went to another lot, created a whole new room with everything great inside and outside even layering the most expensive and gathering as much environment points I can get from it. But the best I ever get is "somewhat pleased," moodlet whatever it is called.
And the same thing with slobs. Except, this time, I cheated, Making the sims pee themselves, making them uncomfortable, and even cheating them to become extremely tense with how poorly decorated and filthy the area is. But the game erases it and makes him excited about how great the environment is??? The only thing that stays is him being "embaressed if his friends saw." And don't get me wrong, I threw baby dipers, dirty piles of laundry, broke every sink and poured water everywhere and filled the entire room with dirty plates and rotten cups and even fishes! It was so dirty it got my sim's hamster cage dirty! I kept trying to cheat the system, constantly removing any sense of excitement my sim got from being in a dirty environment only for it to erase my work of adding "unpleasant" moodlets and replacing it with the "pleased" environment moodlet.
AHHHH PLEASE EA FIX THIS OR CHANGE THE WANT BECAUSE WTF. I read so many forums and did everything they suggest and its not working!