Forum Discussion

Simmingal's avatar
4 years ago

πŸ• Who Should Patina Romance?

So as some have possibly seen I made thread where I play Patina Wainscot
and I have now come to conclusion there is 5 potential dates for her in my game

Candidates are following:

1. Raj Rasoya

Raj wants a big family, so does Patina, but can she take on this unflirty slob?
and what about his mothers hopes for him?

Pros though would be that as sim who hates cooking
she surely wouldn't have to cook ever again
as Raj is very passionate about his foods and desserts ;)

2.Salim Benali

Salim and Patina surely started on wrong foot,
but is it just a huge misunderstanding?
and can the two creatives still get together?
Perhaps not... or maybe yes?

3.Diego Lobo

Will Patinas art melt the heart of this harsh art critic?
and will their matching flower suits create the ultimate creative harmony?
Will Patina actually ever raise to the top and get to design that huge apartment?
who knows.

4.Penny Pizzazz

Or maybe it isn't about waiting for the prince charming to sweep you off your feet,
maybe its easier than that and maybe, the love exists right next door! even shares your interests!
maybe together you will set the trends for whole city!

5.Marcus Flex

Let's face it... some relationships aren't that serious..
and sometimes you see a nice guy at a party...
and also see a nice bush...
and one thing leads to another...


6. No one
Who needs romance?
Patina might want a family but that doesn't mean she needs a partner!
there is many kids out there who would surely love to get adopted to her family.

7. Someone else

Did mighty watcher ignore the perfect match?
was it all wrong choices and no right choice? fret not, this is the option for that

8. Results pls

does Patinas love life just not concern you and you want to state that?
well go ahead and tap this option