Forum Discussion

Cmehnt's avatar
5 years ago

👽 "My Face is Melting," a thread on the Alien face bug no one's fixing

This bug is still active as of September 2021. Any notable changes will be appended here.

This isn't the first topic on this issue, but I wanted more awareness on this actual, gamebreaking bug for those who play the Sims for the genetics/legacy play and especially for those who play with occults--namely aliens.

Alien faces are still broken.

Alien faces will distort when they age up or down, whether it be in CAS or in Live mode. Eyes would enlarge, the nose will shrink, and the chins will become pointy. These modified changes affect their children, both full alien and half-alien (on the premise they TFB post-distortion). Genetics is essentially broken for aliens.

Here are also some stills for comparison.

I'm hoping that if more people know about this issue, maybe there would be an actual possibility for EA to fix it after all these years. That's right; Years. This bug has been prevalent in-game after only a few months of the very first TS4 Expansion Pack, Get to Work was released in Late March 2015. In the following months of June, July, August, September and October of the same year, this bug has been reported. Going onto 2016, 2017, 2018 and now toward the end of this year, this bug is still not fixed despite other reports on the issue. My tests for this glitch in 2016 and 2017 are archived here, but I always test this issue with every patch with the same result of it not being fixed.

I am aware this face glitch is similar to the male face glitch posed from the early release of the game, where male sims would age up with small eyes and wide jaws; As it was fixed then, I am hoping the fix would be similar for aliens. As a note, I would like to include that this glitch is not as noticeable if the affected features (eyes, nose, chin) are not modified past the generic "alien face" standard. This means randomly generated alien townies that were not modified whatsoever will not be submitted to facial distortion unless you were to take that alien into CAS and change those specific features.

See below for an exaggerated example of facial distortion:

This bug has been tested with and without mods, and there is an AHQ thread.

I assume the low popularity of aliens in comparison to other occults is the reason for the neglect and notice of this issue. Still, even if you find the aliens in your game extremely annoying, please click Me Too on the AHQ thread so this glitch can be looked at and be fixed by the team. We should all strive to have a bug-free game 👽

Thank you for reading 💕