Forum Discussion

OldeSimsFan's avatar
Rising Rookie
6 years ago

A new 'chill pill' very much needed in regards to meeting celebrities

A while back experimented with GF. Some things are fine, but the interactions regarding celebrities need a major overhaul, and in many cases the title 'chill pill'. For example, my YA sim has encountered 2 celebs on different occasions. The options for starting a conversation were way too limited, and the 'attempt introduction' choice is ludicrous beyond description. No sense of reality in that situation at all. I have had the opportunity to meet and chat at some length with four of them (Hollywood actor, movie producer, US senator and presidential candidate, and advisor to the President), all well known in their respective fields and eras. In all cases the process of introduction and conversation was normal. True, there was inner nervousness, but still within the normal range of meeting someone for the first time. The celebs were all polite and ready to converse, no attitude of any sort. I suggest that 'attempt introduction' be replaced with 'respectful introduction' and that the animations be totally redone to be more in line with how normal people behave in social situations. The current one is totally off the wall unrealistic, especially for anyone teen and older, and probably anyone child and over. Kids would be awed, but not behave in such a manner. As far as conversation options go, most of the current ones will work, perhaps with some tailoring to what sort of celebrity is being spoken with. For example, a conversation with Linda Ronstadt would be much different than one with Prince William.
  • I thnk it would have been good if reactions were geared to traits, maybe add an Excitable trait where Sims would be more likely to faint or over-react to celebrity.
  • astera00's avatar
    New Spectator
    I think making some adaptations is a good idea. I just recently got Get Famous and like you, I find the "attempt introduction" too limiting. I think there should be a few different introduction types like you have with normal sims, but maybe they could be for celebrities only. Some realistic examples could be: "polite introduction", "nervous introduction" and "fanatical introduction".

    We could also have reward traits for sims, so they react differently to celebrities, like people do in real-life. In reality, some people react very emotionally, others are nervous and some are totally cool, don't care about the fame at all. They could be something like "easily starstruck" and "uniterested in celebrity/chilled by fame".

    I don't like seeing some of my sims fainting and swooning over celebrities when it isn't in their personality. It's ok when it fits their personality though, I just don't like it as a universal reaction. Other than that, I do like Get Famous and the CAS and build items that came with it were amazing!
  • Good suggestions. I wonder if the devs have forgotten or ignored that a celeb is simply a regular person that happened to 'make it' in a particular activity. They are just like us, with all the same stuff - good and bad, just well known. I remember a couple of decades ago chatting with a very tall fellow in a store for a while, all very normally about normal stuff. Cool guy, too. I'm not into basketball, so didn't know he was a star player on the Boston Celtics until folks started with the "Do you have any idea who that was?" routine. People are people. The game needs to chill.
  • @Oldeseadogge I agree with your post. A chill pill is much needed. Cause having sims cancel out their actions and goggle over celebs that walk by is very frustrating.
  • having four sims passed out on the ground/floor because of a celebrity is a bit much for me, though it is funny - at times. I think the introduction option that we have now should be saved for sims our aren't outgoing. But say sims who are social butterflies, or self assured, should be able to strike up a more realistic conversation with celebrities.

    Also the amount of fans that swam celebs. I have a sim who just made it to that level where everyone wants pics, autographs, etc. And she was at the gym, dude walks into the shower area and just stands there, watching her bathe.
  • Current 'attempt introduction' is especially not appropriate for non outgoing sims. Such a sim is going to be nervous, and very conscious of wanting to do it correctly and politely. Being of such a temperament in RL, I speak from experience. The interaction currently given speaks of an emotional maturity level that's a few cents short of a nickel.