Forum Discussion

RoMainPuppy's avatar
8 years ago

Alien Disguise in CAS

So, now that we can create our disguise while creating aliens in CAS is there a way you can copy the alien face directly onto the disguise (or vice versa) so the nose/eyes/lips/etc. match perfectly, or do you have still have to manually edit everything?

I know some people like to have the human disguise look nothing like their alien self, but I'd like them to match as closely as possible.

3 Replies

  • @LeGardePourpre Shoot, I was hoping there was a way but I just couldn't find it. Oh well, at least it's easier to edit them to match now. Thanks for the answer!
  • What if i want to copy the normal form onto alien form? is there anyway i could do that?
  • AineOfMay's avatar
    Seasoned Spectator
    8 years ago
    You can only copy the faces from human to alien form with MCCC. If you don't use mods there's no way sadly.